Blood Sugar Testing

in #life7 years ago

I was first diagnosed as being diabetic 17 years ago. Since that time, doctors and nurses have encouraged or demanded that I test my blood sugar. I rebel against this simply supplies them with information and does absolutely nothing to help me improve. I test, record numbers, and live. There is seldom much change. drjohnthumb.JPG

Perhaps this is some kind of daily torture like dripping water that never ends intended to drive you insane! I want to scream! NO MORE!

The only defense for their position is the potential loss of limbs. These threats grow weak over time. Like the diabetic dietitians who suggest never eating white foods they simply add guilt to my life. Bread? Rice? Pasta? Potatoes? All of these are taboo.

Blah blah blah... Low carbs... High protein... Poke your finger... Repeat again tomorrow...

Many of you may suggest potential treatments. I think they are mostly fiction. Nothing has ever worked for me and I am weary of daily failure with my sugar.

But this rant is about my problems. Hopefully you will never share the torture of diabetic life.

Whatever our individual situation, we must press on. One day at a time.

Here is today's beauty.

two birds.jpg


Hey John - I was diagnosed with Diabetes around 7 months ago. I hear ya when you call it "torture". I'm sad to hear you are not doing so well... The only relief I found was by giving in to consuming THC. After juggling various meds, I found the right dosage to keep my blood sugar in the normal range. It doesn't work as great when I eat any fruit. Duh, heh. Anyway, in case you can get any ideas/relief from this, here is an article I wrote recently about some things that are working for me:

The doctors are on me for High Blood Pressure. About 50 years ago at a selective service physical I was told I had high blood pressure the bad part. The good part I did not have to go to that wonderful south east Asian war. But since then the Doctors have been on me to take Pills for this and get my blood work done. I took pill once for a couple of weeks but the effect on my body was terrible so I stopped and have not worried about my blood pressure to this day. At this time in my life I just enjoy every day as it comes. Have a healthy day.

My grandma was diagnosed probably about as long ago as you and she's 92 (I think) and still has all her limbs and doesn't test herself daily. All she does is limit (no eliminate) how much sugar she eats on a daily basis.

I know every scenario is different, but I don't see a point in living a life with no joy and gross healthy food all the time.

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