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RE: I Like to Blog at Night...

in #life6 years ago

For me, it's the morning hours. I'm a morning person to the core. There's something in my head that says, "It's 4:30! Time to get up and write!" So I write.

I even have a couple of warm up exercises, the gratitude list and the morning page, just to get the juice flowing. Writing is my morning coffee. I drink water when I write.

Once I'm warmed up, I crank out a blog, starting with a germ of an idea and then I keep writing until I'm empty or it's time to go to work.

Everyone has their time and space where they are best at what they love to do. For you, it's the evening hours and I can totally dig it.

So write on.


Nice to meet you, Scott! That "Gratitude List" sounds interesting, maybe even a future blog post for you.

I'm also a fellow Blogger alum and wrote about Apple there so no one would see my mistakes as I learned the craft. :) I love to read as well, and can usually be found inhaling multiple books at the same time. There's nothing better than filling in that empty space on the screen. We're sort of like "digital homesteaders" driving our stake in the ground of this new nation called Steemit.

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