Almost near 200 followers! Read on for my STEEM give-a-way !!

in #life7 years ago

Heeeeeey Everybody


If you make it through this whole post, there's a give-a-way somewhere ;)
Sooo I am almost there, almost at the 200 follower mark, which wasn't really before but is now, huge! It's one of those things that reassures you that youre doing ok ya know?! Believe me, once you see progress, there is no turning back, same goes for the whole crypto world right now for me also!
Ok well, no way ever this soon did I once think, I could get here easily, it took work from the beginning! Now I got help along the line from lots of people, but I had to earn it! As you can tell from my profile, I'm just your everyday guy, no special crypto or computer training, just a hard working fella is all. And if I can do this, anyone can :D
THANK YOU to everybody that took the time to read any of my posts or blogs! Steemit is an absolute hidden gem of a platform and with all the new things that havnt even been decided or thought of yet, I cant imagine whats next.
!!!Oh yeeeeeah, give-a-way info at the end of the post, so may as well finish it off if you got this far 😋!!!
One day we will grow into a huuuuuge social media outlet and people will flock to here once they realize how cool it really is!! Can you imagine getting in now, earning your spot, your place in the Steemit community, while it's still in the beta version?!?!
This all has the potential to be something enormous, don't regret not signing up, or not helping someone sign up, or not telling someone about it!! Now is the time to put the ground work in and get started...
My main piece of advice... Steemit takes time, don't rush it trying to think you'll get somewhere quicker... you won't!
(PS, I'm not a salesman trying to sell you! Although I re-read and that's what I sound like, to myself lol, but if anyone is close to saying f*** it or having second thoughts or feeling discouraged, this is for you!) Keep at it, it will take time, directly proportionate to how much effort you give into growing, and helping others too!

Set goals, achievable goals, and got them! Don't stop until you do! My next goal is 300 followers! Maybe I can do it in a week, well here, I'm going to try! Keep an eye out for some awesome posts!!!

Oooooooooook so here, here's the juicy part, the Give-a-way
-First give away, is 5 Steem for one lucky person between now and my 215th follower, who comments a thoughtful comment. Will make a post specifically for this win aswell :D
-Second give away, is .5 Steem, AND 5 Steem to someone who is already on my list, who helps a newcomer through Steemits introduce yourself tag! If the post actually helps the newcomer, as in they replied to your comment, I will send you .5 Steem, and enter you into a ballot to win 5 Steem
Yeah, you heard all that right, 5 STEEM to help newcomers to Steemit. Let's help this community GROW!!
I just really enjoy giving back if I am able to to so, and this is a way (As well as a way to get my name out there, but the more my name gets out, the more I can give to people who support me :D)

Cheers and happy Steeming, next, 300 peeps 😁



Congratulation for the 200+ followers!
I think you should give the second prize to the guy I just read about today. He was trying to get YouTube influence-rs to come to Steemit and make money from their content. What did YT do? They terminated his account! This is disgusting for such a large platform to feel threatened about taking their audience away.
I have re-steemed the post so others can upvote and support his neew mission! Use the proceeds from his post to bring as many over to steemit as possible! Here is the post.
We need to bring as many people to Steemit and dominate Social Media the way it should be!

fantastic! I will forsure follow him and helpeith the cause. anyone who has that goal in mind to make this platform grow, is ok in my books. will forsure look into this further :) Thanks for showing me this :)
Cheers and happy Steemimg :)

Well done to approaching the 200 mark, i hope i can get over the 100 hurdle this weekend.

Good to hear such great news, congratulations! I agree that good things take their time and it needs real commitment and hot passion, and in the end truly good things will last and be prosperous. We will reap what we sow. Cheers and say hello to the mooses, steem on!

haha thank you so much! all the mooses say hi back im sure, but i think plural moose is meese? or mices? haha 😂

I looked it up. In fact they are almost all correct! Also possible: moose. Interesting, I had no idea.

lol all my friends and i used speculate on what the proper term is, nice to know we were always all right haha. i do recall thst moose and moose and really correct tho :)

Wow. You are indeed witty.i enjoyed your post. This is one of the best milestone post i have read. Congratulations on the 200 followers achievement. Its something you will have to get through hardwork. By keeping interations going on the platform. Making quality post and having fun along the way. Advice to all who want to achieve as he has achieved is to forget focusing on the rewards as they can sometime be discouragion. After you have built your brand, the rewards will flood in. Keep going @diggerdugg

ooo this is an epic reply! tha ks for the kind words friend! youre spot on !! i look forward to enjoying more of my Steemit time with people like yourself :)

Congrats. I agree that setting realistic goals is important for success on Steemit. I just passed 100 followers myself.

its an awesome feel isnt it! Keep up the great work and happy Steeming

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