How to Stay Motivated as I Build My Business

in #life6 years ago (edited)


I struggle with the problem of staying motivated from time to time. It's not that I'm completely not motivated to do everything, I know the goals will always be there no matter what. It's just normal that I have some days that I don't want to do anything at all, like pause a little bit to do something else or nothing at all. Tell me if this sounds familiar? I'm having an amazing and really productive day when things are flowing as planned. I've got the important tasks done. At the end of the day, I sigh in relief for those dream-related things that I've accomplished. Things are all going very well that I try to slap myself to make sure I'm not dreaming.

Then the next day arrives, something has changed this time. It is normal to have unexpected challenges along the way, and as a leader, I have to be prepared to make decisions for my business. The landlady increases the rent for next year especially after smelling the money opportunity. A potential partner or contractor suddenly changes their pricing. Then I realize how I made the mistake of divulging some information that contributed to this change. I'm already decided that they are my potential core team. Now I'm thinking if I have to stay with them or I need to find more contractors who can offer better deals. Finding new contractors is like finding a new apartment, it can be stressful. I thought I am already comfortable in my place then for some reason I have to move out again. The reality is that I'm on an island of profit-driven people and opportunists. When they smell potential profit nearby, they just put on their 'take advantage' cloak. People wearing the same cloak also come to live here, evade high taxes and build their riches.

These days, every little thing stresses me out, it seems to be the problem of a perfectionist. I overanalyze what seems to be just a small problem and nothing to worry about. I tend to focus more on those little things instead of the 90% more important. I have unwavering persistence during the good times. I can hyperfocus on the smaller tasks that can grow a business. Then I lose it during the hard times. When it seems that I'm being pushed out of my comfort zone, I don't feel motivated to do anything but sit with a drink, watch some movie or go to the beach.

It takes a lot to build a business and I'm learning the ropes. The most important part of the equation is motivation. However, it is too unrealistic to be motivated 100% of the time. There are some days I don't feel like doing anything that has something to do with business. It should be expected, but these are just some days. It will pass. The overall motivation to achieve bigger goals should still be there.

Those days should just be taken as that much-needed 'me time'. I need to relax, rewind and refresh. I know It is easy to get lost in the hustle of building a business. I have unpaid and longer working hours. I work from morning 'til night. However, I realized that I don't need to beat myself up anymore. I can finish some tasks within the day but I don't have to push myself. I don't need to follow those typical articles about hard work and productivity. It is detrimental to health to overwork and it will only cause me to burn out in the end. Before I know it, I will start to hate my business because it has overtaken my life. I'll start to get bitter about what I once loved, like travel, sports, and other adventure activities. I also need regular breaks in order to stay constantly motivated.

I need to schedule lots of 'me time'. The hard times when I'm not feeling motivated can be the time to recharge, so I can come back stronger and ready to make decisions. These breaks can actually help me get more things done because it brings greater consistency.

Building connection is something that I really lack, and as a human being, still, I need human connection. Honestly, making friends outside business is not something that I am really good at, sure I have some friends from a distance that I can call to consult about something, but they may not be always available due to their family priorities. Time has changed. I'm aware that I need to be open to new people this time. There was some event happening around the area and I was trapped in indecision, should I stay or should I go? It was that opportunity to build connections. However, if I have to think about it then it means I really don't want to go. Now I realize how I'm building my business on an island.

I need to share my experiences with other motivated people. I need to meet fellow entrepreneurs who can give me that much-needed encouragement during the hard times. The problem with me is that I easily get discouraged with people so I don't make an effort to go out there anymore. It is my weakness and something I really need to improve on, fellow introverts understand that the-world-is-a-threat kind of anxiety. It is just hard to change the way I am especially that I'm getting older. However, If I am to build and grow my business, I need to let go of this sense of eliteness and take the risk of connecting with others who can help my entrepreneurial journey.

As an entrepreneur, I am building my dream. It is taking so long and I can become an impatient sucker, but I know that anything worthwhile takes time. It is not easy to single-handedly put a dent in a world that's full of conformity. I am aware that it takes a lot of consistent motivation to push through the hard times because there will still be plenty of unforeseen challenges along the way. I need to be mentally prepared for all of those to survive this entrepreneurial journey. I need to tap into my inner power by making some 'me time' and building human connection, and use that motivation to do more amazing things in the future.


That was a great read again @diabolika :-) This time though I have something to say about that picture...: it's beautiful!

Awww thanks for noticing the pic too!

The honesty in this post is so on point and I can relate to what you’re saying since I’ve also been building a business for the last 2 years! Having a start up is awkward, people can give you advice but you need to walk it yourself, bump your head a few times and fall down before you get the hang of it! People are going to take advantage of you and screw you over at times! I found networking also painful because I’m not that into making friends either but I discovered something that helped me! Once I started thinking of my personal values I call it wecet - weird enjoyment community education and transparency those are the things I value, the values I want my business to have and the values I want people I go into business with to have if they don’t sorry we can’t work together! You will lose friends and you will lose money this way but you will attract real authentic people to you who want to build with you the way you see it and to me that’s way more important than all the profits in the world!

People are going to take advantage of you and screw you over at times!

It's really overwhelming and I try my best to move forward and focus on my own thing. It is hard for me to deal with these people.

weird enjoyment community education and transparency those are the things I value, the values I want my business to have and the values I want people I go into business with to have if they don’t sorry we can’t work together!

Interesting! I should apply these values too.

ou will attract real authentic people to you who want to build with you the way you see it and to me that’s way more important than all the profits in the world!

This is more important to me. It sucks that they are not that many around here. Authentic people.

"I need to schedule lots of 'me time'. The hard times when I'm not feeling motivated can be the time to recharge, so I can come back stronger and ready to make decisions." I think that is something everyone should try to do if they can. It takes a toll if you try to always be focused and, it the end, you get burned out and that makes everything harder, I think.

It takes a toll if you try to always be focused and, it the end, you get burned out and that makes everything harder

So true.

I overanalyze what seems to be just a small problem and nothing to worry about. I tend to focus more on those little things instead of the 90% more important.

I've done that thousands of times in every aspect of my life. I don't say that laying with a cup of drink in your hand or going to the beach everyday will put up a business, but sometimes you have to leave the details come to you. The more you struggle, the more it gets away. There's a thin line of balance between struggle and letting things flow that I am seeking "to wear" as much as I can.

The more you struggle, the more it gets away. There's a thin line of balance between struggle and letting things flow

I know. I have to learn how to just let things flow. It's making me crazy to overthink and struggle.

Best of luck @diabolika to do great and amazing things in the future. May all prayers and best wishes are with you. All the best:)

Like everything in life, sometimes you experience the ups and sometimes the downs, but as long as you stay motivated an focused you're on the right way to acheive your goals

I'm about to quit smoking weed to be more productive when my project assignments begin.

Good luck with that!

Don't focus on motivation, focus on discipline.

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