All the FeelssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago

This post is full of sappiness.

Proceed with Caution.

Turn back now if you are anti-cheese.

I recently saw a series of Steemit posts called the 25 Songs, 25 Days Music Challenge. The premise of the challenge is to post one song each day that reminds you of a particular person or time in your life. Some daily suggestions include:

· Song that made you cry
· Song that reminds you of your childhood
· Song that reminds you of an ex
· Song someone sang to you

I’m not sure I am feeling 25 days of music posts, but I love the idea of this challenge.

Music can transport you instantly to a moment. One tune might make you remember the smell of your grandmother’s cooking. Another, you are sobbing in your car thinking about a lost love. Music is a lightening rod capable of capturing all of the senses and human emotions.

Today I was in my car and heard this song by Death Cab for Cutie.

I’ll Follow You Into the Dark
Release year: 2005

I am not a huge DC4C fangirl, but I find this song hauntingly beautiful. On the one hand it is incredibly melancholy. However, it also captures the deep love of a life shared with another person.

I have been married a decent amount of time. This year will mark 16 years married and 19 years in total with my husband. Some of these years have been a struggle. No one tells you when you first decide to get married that it will be hard. The unexpected tribulations of life will challenge your marriage. You will fight. Sometimes you will barely like one another. Other times you will love your partner in the most powerful and indescribable way.

Despite any of the difficult moments, when I hear this song I see my husband. I picture him by my side, holding my hand when the light of our lives starts to fade. When I think about it I cry, but not out of sadness. I cry because it is so beautiful. It is beautiful to witness another person’s life and to share in building their dreams. If you are able to get to the end with someone, to be there, looking back at your time together with a sense of satisfaction at a life well shared - you are lucky.

When I hear I’ll Follow You Into the Dark, I hope to be so lucky.


❤️ 👰🏻 ❤️ 🧔🏻❤️



@thethreehugs I agree. The world 🌎 needs more sap. ☺️

Yes it does indeed!!

Ok, this post made me smile, laugh, feel sad -just a bit!-, so many feelings so incredibly spooky that you named it 'All the Feels' !!!! :D
Never heard of this song but it's amazing - and I'm very cheese ahahahaha, I don't understand anti-cheese people :P
I love your picture and your story... I wish I can have that one day too... <3

I didn't know about this challenge, seems cool! thinks of songs reminding an ex...turns page, writes another 100 :P
I love how you matched the Steemsugars Logo and my fav blue Ladies of Steemit one yay! :D
Take all my -few- money and a resteem! <3

Awww. Thanks. ❤️

I am always popping in with some new song for you. 😉 “Awesome”

Love me a good sappy post or song! I actually did the music challenge. Surprised myself that Iasted all 25 days haha but it was super fun. I didn't do one a day, so stretched it out. It got less old that way. But I really enjoyed thinking about my song choice for every day. Try it!

The music challenge does look great. Spreading it out seems like a good idea. Might have to skip some days though. Not sure I want the block chain to hold the memory of songs that remind me of ex boyfriends! LOl 😂

Very wise words about marriage. Got to love the good days!!

Sad that I've missed the payout and resteem period for this post, because I really enjoyed it :(

Same as you, I'm not a big Death Cab for cutie fan, but this song I've always loved. It is definitely hauntingly beautiful, as you said :)

Loved reading about your story, really inspiring stuff <3 I also love that I found this post now, after having an amazing night with my husband (kids sleeping over at friends, so we had a rare date night!) and reflecting on how intense and beautiful our last 6.5 years of marriage/10 years of relationship have been. Very timely :)


Oh hello! Thank you for stopping by and saying all these nice things. ☺️ It’s not the payout that matters, but the connecting with other people. I am sorry it took me three days to see your super nice comment!

Glad you and your husband were able to get away for some non-kid time. Reconnecting is always good.

Happy Saturday!

You're very welcome :) I know it's not about the payout, my vote is only a few cents at this point haha, but I would have definitely loved to resteem this post!

And yes, can't wait to be able to do it more and more as the kids get bigger :)

Beautiful d-fin, ya got me all misty here — at Starbucks working on a short dark re-fill after a quad espresso... 😳😁😜🤣💥😎👍

See my comment to your guess on “10 truths...” are ya’ up for it?

I am so ahead of you right now. Stop drinking all that coffee!!! Well, stop at 5 not 10. 😉

Bah ha ha — nevah!

Sudah kami follow yah.. :-}

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