The not so United Kingdom of rain - In answer to @angryman I suppose.

in #life6 years ago (edited)


He asked me to write a little about me.

So without going through my past jobs and making this a cv post, I thought I would explain why I left the UK for good, and will NEVER return.
This is in no way about race, religion or colour, this is about how bad government is in the UK.

My home city was Birmingham and my football team is West Bromwich Albion that have just been relegated after finishing rock bottom of the premier league.
Over my adult life in the UK, I watched my city and others turning into what the politicians love to call multicultural, I even watched the news one night to see the Midlands tv newsreader Nick Owen proudly proclaim that Birmingham now had less native white people than people from other races, I am not sure why any native of any country should celebrate that, especially when so many massive areas turn into no go zones based purely on skin colour (whites not welcome) add to this the government standard of schooling was so below quality that spelling was not even on the curriculum, I know this first hand as my oldest sister is a teacher, and they are told to not downgrade for or teach spelling.

Sending my daughter to be schooled in the UK was a non starter, if you take a holiday in school term also, and want to take your kids, you get taken to court and fined, also home schooling is a big fat no no. Would you want your child indoctrinated in the state system there?.


Empowering minorities at the expense of the home nationals!

It matters not what minority you are, you can be part of the Russian crew that wear colanders on their heads even, and enjoy more right to free speech than a native - now I know you think I made that bit up, so here have it = Andrei Filin is a member of The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

The thought police are also now active in the UK, you can not even say anything online without facing prison time, should you speak up about being oppressed, see @gomeravibz post here. Add to this the UK has the single most surveillance in the WORLD, where you are caught on camera in public no matter where you go, and soon they are fitting surveillance to every street light even, via the smart grid. That will also have microphones. UK has more surveillance than any other country

Recently a man from Scotland taught his dog to lift a paw, every time he said "sieg heil" - he put a video online on yt for his mates to watch & he nearly served time in prison for it, he wanted to make a joke as his girlfriend was so enamoured by the dog that he wanted the dog to do something she would not like.
Now you are thinking again I am making this up aren't you?

LONDON — A Scottish man who filmed a dog appearing to give Nazi salutes was fined 800 pounds ($1,200) on Monday after being convicted of a hate crime, in a case that has sparked a debate about the limits of free speech.
Mark Meechan filmed his girlfriend's pug responding to phrases such as "siege heil" by raising its paw and posted the footage on YouTube in 2016.
Meechan — a comedian and video blogger who uses the name Count Dankula — said the stunt was meant as a joke, but he was convicted last month of posting "grossly offensive" material.

Another man in the UK that goes by the name of Tommy Robinson who has a colourful past to say the least, was stopping at a hotel one night a few months ago, he asked the girl working at reception where she was from, as she was of Asian looking decent, when she said Luton, he said "no originally" as in her family roots/history, she said Pakistan. He stated after on video that he asked her as she was very good looking and he was trying to chat her up. He left the hotel and went to Luton airport to get a flight away for a holiday, where he was stopped at the airport and arrested, taken to the police station and questioned, he obviously missed his flight. The cause of this? she was "offended" by his question.

I wrote a post about this a while back, and do not want to have to dig it up, suffice to say when I watched the video of him saying this, I checked out the law, and they have changed it from actual harm or viable proof to perceived, so if someone thinks it is insulting - it now is fact, as it is up to the complaining party what they perceive, not what is really "fact"

With regards also to being watched every time you leave the house, a ex CIA (top level) member attended a conference in the UK about security, he stated in this event held in London, that America is bad with the CIA, NSA, FBI etc but could not even start to imagine Americans putting up with the level of snooping that the UK does to it's citizens.

Plus it bloody rains there every day, the roads are crap, traffic is horrendous, and the summer lasts around 2 days, if you blink you may well miss it.

Anything else you may want to know feel free to ask, have a splendid week one and all.

Deliberator = Definition of deliberator
plural -s
: one that deliberates


Images courtesy of pixabay.



So what's your take on what is going to happen in Poland? Will they be strong enough to resist or does the NWO have other plans for the Eastern countries? They seem to have some reasonable politicians there, but in my experience, nothing is what it seems...

They do have some very reasonable ones here, even though you know I dislike politicians. I think they have done the correct thing in not building up into a corporate power house full of factories to be exploited, there is little resources here, the wages are kept low on purpose, people sort of make do though smile with it.
Germany if anyone will be taken over or has been already I would say, due to them having the above, for now Poland is worth nothing to any of the Elites unlike the Ukraine, which will in my eyes be the next Israel in years to come.

That makes sense. Hope you can live out your life there in peace...

I am flexible, if it goes to crap here we will sell up and move, I already have my next place to go if needed. Cheers bro.

Were it just for the The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, your post would be worth huge upvotes.
I can totally second what you are saying. Ten years in England and two British kids later, whenever I go back, there is a marked change in the demographics of the country and a loss of the quintessential “British” culture that one is not allowed to defend, lest one be called a racist or an islamophobe. If you support Tommy Robinson, when you denounce Telford, when you dare talk about the acid attacks on women (never heard of that kind of stuff back then), you are called a right wing nazi, a fascist. I used to walk back home through the streets of London after a party or an evening out, and never felt threatened. To those of you who have not ventured there lately: no go zones across Europe are real, and I hate to say (now you can call me a nazi or a racist even though I am merely stating a demographic fact) the population is neither indigenous nor white.
As an aside, it seems that the independently owned pubs are slowly disappearing as they are being gobbled up by large corporations. If I’m wrong, tell me.

Wrong? you are 17 cents and 100% correct in all respects.

What does it take to immigrate to Poland? The same things are happening to the US. I have wanted to leave for 20 years but can not seem to find a place that I can assimilate and be welcomed. My wife is Asian @lovenfreedom and I am Heinz 57 we have 4 young children. Would it be possible for us to immigrate to Poland? Why did you pick Poland?

It would be fairly easy for you as there are quite a lot of Americans moving here and British also, most cities here have English speaking staff in bars, shops and restaurants so that is not any kind of obstacle, food and drink is superbly cheap with a half litre of beer in most bars costing around $1.20 US.
Why did I pick Poland, well half of the reason is my wife is Polish and that makes it easier for me to be here, I did live in Spain, Malta, Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Tenerife and a few other places before deciding on here, and this seemed to be the freest place there is. There is low to no crime, the schools are excellent, people are friendly and mind their own business for the most part, younger people respect older people like it used to be in the UK. And you get a very nice spring, summer and autumn here.
Anything else you would like to know please feel free to ask. I would suggest maybe trial it, as in take a holiday here, maybe Krakow, Zakopan or Lublin to name a few places.

I live in a place that ones formed a united allied kindom (1600-1700) with the big Island .
Must say it ain't much better on this side of the channel .
I think the royal Dutch elite eat little baby children to. ;-)

The part in me that want's to leave or run get's bigger by the day .
Just haven't figured out where to run to jet .

This might fit :-)

I hear you, and understand fully, I hope you find what you are looking for my friend.

Imagine Native Americans celebrating their own genocide, that's what's happening in The United Kingdom right now, for God's sake we have a Muslim mayor ruling our capital city, London.

Sadiq Khan, a man more concerned about junk food and bikini adverts than he is about the known Isis fighters allowed to live in and roam the capital, free to plan their next attack.

Independent - More than 400 British Isis jihadis have already returned to UK, report warns

Hence why I left bro, that ship sank years ago, and no matter what you do it ain't coming back up.

I'll be doing the same soon enough.

Come on over here bro, I can show you the ropes so to speak.

If that kind of crap every comes to the US and is the law of the land, I'll be moving to another country. Gives me the absolute creeps.

Honestly you can not fart in the UK without gov knowing about it, and lest you dare say a word about "minorities" whilst they are free to preach any leftist nonsensical hatred they feel like on any street corner. It is like a zoo now more than a country, all by design so that everyone is arguing with everyone and nobody is watching what government does, good riddance to the place I say. Back to my normal posts tomorrow, he asked so I answered. :-)

And...I'm glad you answered in a good 'politically incorrect' manner my friend...

They don't call it "Creeping Sharia" for no reason.

more like creeps in government.

In Spain we are also seeing things like that about ''offense'', your thoughts on Poland could be a good topic, I've read is going to be turned into something like the new Germany.

That I will do a post about tomorrow with pleasure, cheers bro.

What a nice way to come back to my little spot on steemit and find you with a post in response to my request...'Especially' a truly honest one (as I know you to be) I kind of suspected the reasons you left the UK. Completely understood, and I also understand how you will not be looking back 'in regret' anytime soon (or ever)

Your sentiments are greatly shared by people across the lands of the 'stealth' invasion. It is a tactic which began in Europe and America decades ago; but, now openly flaunted by the shadow masters (who are in actuality digging their own graves) Quite ignorantly 'masochistic'. Seems they fluctuate in their mental illness between sadism and self debasement...they reach ecstatic, orgasm through both mechanisms. (if orgasm is still possible for them) Perhaps the inability to climax, is the under-laying problem?

Not wanting to appear too Freudian, I should end this comment here...

Best wishes to you @deliberator ; keep the truth flowing.

Soros and co whores will be dead soon, then no amount of viagra or blood of scared child will keep the beasts alive :-) Keep right on bro keep right on. Love ya too.

The co-whores have bred and indoctrinated 'entities' to replace them upon their demise...Hopefully, the new, upcoming crew will either have an awakening, or fail miserably in their evil quest.

Or we will just have to kill them dead. :-)

A fitting solution...

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