How Not To get The THREAD Entangled!... (Maintaining Healthy Relationship)

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Indeed, a stitch in time saves nine...

Sandra was with her mum in a room, as she tried to pass a thread through the eye of a needle, but in the process, the thread got entangled. Then she muffled out a sigh.

In reaction to her sigh, Sandra's mum smiled and said to her, “You got the thread entangled?”

Similarly, many of us today have got ourselves trapped in our sour relationship with others because we barely understand some very significant things on how to build and maintain healthy relationships with others.

Theodore Roosevelt once quoted:

The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.

Yet, many seem to know how to create relationships but not how to sustain them.

In this post, we shall look at how to positively strengthen our relationship with others.

Essentially, man is a social creature that cannot exist in isolation; he needs to love and be loved-- and therefore, connect with others. Hence, the following below are:

Things You Need To Do To Keep Healthy Relationship With Others

  • Appreciate Others

Everyone wants to be appreciated by others for who they are, what they’ve done or they are doing. For instance, in the corporate world, managers and subordinates, including cleaners (or the least employees in an organogram) want their diligent inputs to be appreciated.

To this end, learning to value others can be a very great way of sustaining an amazing relationship with them. Inability to do this can make us lose people that really matter in our lives, as well as great opportunities before we realize.
Consequently, you must learn to appreciate people around you who have helped you, put their efforts into something worthwhile or make an input in some ways in a course of action or an organization that you're associated to, or as the case be maybe.

  • Respect The Concept Of Individuality

We all are unique in our own way, and no person is exactly the same as somebody else... even identical twins are not absolutely the same. Having said this, it’s so funny that at times some of us want others to act, think and do things in conformity with our personal standards-- the way we want it. But this is not always the case, owing to the fact that we are different— with a different background, philosophy, ways of reasoning and doing things that will not always agree 100%.


Therefore, as humans, we must accept and celebrate difference because there is apparently a beauty in it. We need to learn from one another, as we grow into becoming the better beings. As it were, you don’t seem to get the best from others when you keep focusing or relating to them on the basis of their weaknesses. Thus, look for what you like in a person and give him or her a 100% encouragement, while subtly tolerate their weaknesses. This what building relationship is about.

  • Possess The “Put others first” Mentality

In life, one thing we may never be able to avoid is having to deal with difficult people. As some point, you’ll have to work with someone you don’t really like. In dealing with this kind of individual(s), you need to create a common ground amid the difference that exists between you and them, rather than focusing on the difference. Also, having the mindset of a servant who's ever ready to serve his boss will also help to enhance the quality our relationships; so to say. I mean, if example, Mr. A has this mindset towards Mr. B, and vice versa, such a relationship will no doubt thrive on trust and mutual respect.

  • Empathy

While trust and mutual respect are very important elements of a good relationship, the presence of empathy is greatly crucial for any relationship to blossom. When we are talking about empathy, we are simply talking about sensitivity to others. And sensitivity is allowing oneself to be touched by the experience of others; understanding their plights.

The golden rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do to you."

  • Invest Your Time

In our society today, where technology has nearly flaked the ability and willingness of many in building real connections with others; we seem so busy with our phones, laptops and basically, social media that we spend little or no time with people that really matter in our lives. And this has really eaten into our relationship with others.


As we know, communication is very key to the health of every relationship, thus; in order to build sound relationships with others, you must be ready to create and invest time in people, with whom we want to solidify your connection with.


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Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!

Reading through this post I realized I still have alot to learn and considering my sour relationship and it effect on my life I hope to out to practice the things needed to maintain a healthy relationship and I am glad I found this post at a time like this. You have sensitized me and I believe this post will touch many hearts help us maintain a healthy and happy relationship with others. Sometimes too you can obey all these things but without God the relationship can still fail. Let love prevail in our relationships. Your post have been selected as one of the winners for @wafrica by @wafrica. curators and hence receive a 50% boost . @steemgh curator for @wafrica

Oh, many thanks. Nice comment. I love this:

Sometimes too you can obey all these things but without God the relationship can still fail. Let love prevail in our relationships.

Kind regards.

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