I Made A Decision Today That Makes Me A Little Sad

in #life6 years ago

I know people will think me silly but I made a decision today that makes me sad. Maybe I’m being selfish or just too sensitive about it. I had to call the Animal Shelter about the cats in the neighborhood and the three cats I take care of (Fluffers, Baby and Sylvester). These three I’ve posted about before and I love them dearly. I wish with all my heart that I could take them in but my husband’s allergies are so bad with the cats we currently have inside (Tiger and Friendly) and I think they would go after Jimmy (the sun conure) because that is what they are used to from being outside. They live outside but we take care of them as far as food, water, shelter and love/pets/attention. They trust us and love being loved. I wrote before that they follow me everywhere when I’m outside.


I talked to somebody at the Animal Shelter today to sign up for the TNR program. TNR stands for Trap, Neuter, Release and it is a great program. I’ve hesitated before because they have to “tip” their ear before they will return them. I talked with a lady today about alternatives and there were none. It’s what they do. They pick up the cats, get them their shots and any other medicines they might need (flea treatment), spay/neuter, tip/clip an ear, let them recover and then they return the cat from where they pick them up from.

Why do I feel so guilty to the point that it makes me cry. I just think of their little faces and I lose it. If I had the money and space then I would go another route but I’ve run out of options. The cat population is just getting out of control here. I’m not complaining about it. I just feel sad for them and can’t find homes for any more. If they are spayed or neutered then at least they won’t keep having babies that again I’ve run out of friends and family to take anymore.


I just feel so sad for Fluffers, Baby and Sylvester because they are like family to me and would make great pets. Is that silly? Does it make me a crazy cat lady? Truth be told, I may have been a little crazy before the cats so I can’t blame them. I know I have to do it for them but why do I feel so bad about it.

Many years ago there was a cat in the neighborhood that had rabies which we think got it from a fox. There was a den of foxes in the block above ours. Animal Control picked up a lot of strays in the week or two after that and I’m sure every one they caught was put down. If their ears are tipped/clipped then they know that the animal is okay and will leave them where they are. All around it is a sad situation. I know of two stray cats in the area that people just moved and abandoned them. A couple other people offer food and shelter to the cats as well so they are being taken care as far as food and water but they continue to have babies that in many cases don’t make it or grow just old enough to get pregnant and so on.

For the last year, I’ve been putting medicine in their food once a week that keeps them from going into heat and have been lucky that the main three that eat it have not had any litters but they have to come around to eat and Fluffers hasn’t come around so chances are that she may become pregnant. I hope not but the possibility is there. There are so many cats right now in the area that you can hear them "carrying on" just outside the door.


Anyway, I know I have to do it for them. My friend who helped me find homes for so many has said that chances of finding good homes for Fluffers, Baby and Sylvester are next to none and they will probably live their lives out at my home outside which I’m fine with unless there comes a time that we can take them in. I would like for them to have an inside home but right now that just won’t happen. A few people said they would love to take them but don’t have the space or they already have their hands full with other pets. So, starting tomorrow the Animal Shelter will leave a humane trap to catch the cats and then pick them up to do what they do and needs to be done. They will look a little different after they are returned but they will still be loved very much and I will continue showing them off in my posts. I know I have to be strong for them but it still makes me sad. I love you Fluffers, Baby and Sylvester and I’m sorry they have to clip your pretty little cat ear but you three will always be beautiful to me! ❤




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Thank you @pixresteemer!!

I’m like you Dee with a soft heart for animals. Even the outside ones are like family- rabbits, raccoon and even the skunk that visits. Looking on the bright side-the three cats will be so much better being neutered and the great thing is they will be returned to you. I never heard of the ear clipping but it must not hurt them too much or they wouldn’t do it. Red, who was from the Humane society, has a chip in him. I don’t like it but was something done in case he is missing.
Don’t worry dear friend, everything will work out. ❤️

Thank you Jo for the kind words. I did talk to them about micro-chipping but it was a no go. I know it needs to be done and I'm just being too sensitive about it. My husband is still waiting on settlement which we were going to use some of to get them taken care of and micro-chipped but it could be another two years so I can't put it off any longer. I know it is the right thing to do for them and they will still be the adorable three that I love.

omgosh I totally understand you. I'm so emotional and sensitive when it's about cats lol. We have a looot of cats in the neighborhood too and I wish I could take care of them. There are even babies!! And I can hear them meowing all day. It breaks my heart :/
Don't feel bad. You did the right thing <3

Thanks Nadine! I know it is what needs to be done. I see babies having babies and it's so sad. They will take the males too and that will stop a lot of cat fights. Sylvester already got a scar on her ear from one of the big toms. They will always be loved here and even though my husband is allergic, he still picks them up and holds them. I'm glad he loves cats as much as me.

It's too bad he's allergic to it! You both are doing a great job :) <3

You have a beautiful heart! You are doing the right thing. My cat Bigz went through that program here and I believe it is way better than the municipality making a call decision to have all caught put down. Good for you @deerjay!

Thank you @waterfordguy!! I know it is and I would hate to see any of them put down. I know years ago with the rabies scare they put all the ones they caught down. Luckily, that was further up the street and the few cats here were spared that fate. We kept a really close eye on them for a while but it never became a problem here.Last year I wrote a story about Maxine the cat. My friend took her in and she is still living but she never took to being inside. She got her shots and fixed but we found a lot of homes for her kittens before that. My friend leaves a little window open in her basement and she comes in to eat and comes and goes as she pleases.

Well it is nice to hear that Maxine is being looked after. I love cats and I look after anyone that come to my country home. It is nice to know you and I and others care.

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Oh @deerjay what a tough decision to have to make, but you are acting in their best interest. Better to take this action before there are litters of kittens everywhere, and then you have a serious cat problem. One of the other people I follow ended up with 30(!) cats living around his house before being forced to do something.

You have a caring heart, and thank you for that! They will still have good lives when they come back, clipped ears and all. Bless you!


Thank you @curatorcat!! It's tough but it is for the best. I'll try to update at some point. Blessings to you as well!! ❤

My late sister spent years befriending and feeding strays, to the point of getting them to trust her enough to catch them and take them to the vet, then release them. And much of it she was doing on her own dime, though the vet gave ger a deal, since he knew she was bringing in strays.

TNR is a great program, and I have no dooubt that she helped to make a dent in the cat overpopulation in her area, as I have no doubt you make a difference in yours.

Thank you for caring.

Thank you for the nice comment @crescendoodpeace!

You're welcome!
Always nice to make the acquaintance of a fellow animal lover. ;-)

This made me cry. Look on the bright side though. Our animal shelter would never do that. They would take them as strays and lock them up until they were adopted out. This is really a great program! They'll still be super cute and sweet when they come back, even if they look a little different. Praying they recover quickly. ❤

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