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RE: The Struggle is Real; Veterans and PTSD

in #life7 years ago

Excellent post...

You are not alone on here. I am a combat veteran and struggle with the stigma of being diagnosed with"PTSD". I deal with the VA medical system on the regular, and understand your struggle. It seems that the VA is there to mandate treatment dictated by the fed.

I went off one of my meds recently, and my psychiatrist was extremely hesitant to aid me in doing so. It is your body though, remember that. They don't tell you the long term effects of these powerful drugs when they talk you into taking them.

I don't think the average person understands the struggle us Vets go through just to get treatment. Our medical care is directly tied to our compensation, which is not something that anyone outside of the VA has to deal with.

It is almost like there is a hidden agenda being perpetuated against our Veterans and is being carried out by our Government to discredit and marginalize any veteran who speaks up against the quality of care we receive.

I recommend trying medical marijuana. It is not a cure all for PTSD, but there are two benefits that I have noticed. First, it takes away your dreams. So, no more nightmares. This helps you to get a full night's sleep, which aids in the healing process. Second, it helps to alleviate anxiety. Not to the degree where you are cured, but enough that you will be able to at least handle a crowded shopping center.

If your state offers medical marijuana for PTSD, then apply. There are 8 states with recreational marijuana legal, and 29 states with medical marijuana legal. If your state does not have either of these luxuries, I would recommend moving. I realize that this is not always possible, but it is what I would do. Your quality of life will increase with cannabis, so the rewards are well worth the risk.

Good luck!


Hey, thanks for the response. I have tried cannabis for my PTSD symptoms and I can say it helped. However, as I live in a state where it's illegal I don't anymore for fear of my family's well being. I haven't dealt with the VA in months and know I will deal with the repercussions of this, because as you said...Your care is directly tied to the aid you receive. However, I refuse to take their medicine they practically try to force on me.

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