Smile, Smile All Day Long!

in #life6 years ago


Let's All Magnify Our Smiles Today

Hey Everyone! Today I would like the post about 'smiling' because I realised that I don't smile enough. How about you?

Have you ever woken up in the night with a smile so big on your face that you knew what it was. I once did that. Once is not enough, I think.



So what benefits can you derive from smiling? Please read on...

Smiling, obviously, makes you more approachable. As a teacher, I see the magic of smiling quite often. It makes children like me and listen to what I'm teaching them. I couldn't do my job so well without smiling.

Smiling makes me feel happy too. Have you ever been down and then been made to smile over some little thing? Suddenly your mood may lift. It certainly works for me. How about you?


Following on, smiling helps you deal with stress if you are anything like me. Trying to do too much like the little frog above is my downfall. Smiling my way through any stressful situation makes it seem less important somehow. It's rather like the line from the David Bowie song, 'Will you stay in a lover's story...', when he says,

'If the homework gets you down, throw it on the fire and take the car downtown.'


One thing I enjoy is choosing smiling emoticons. There are many very imaginative ones.

Kicking stress into touch has health benefits too. Less stress equals lower blood pressure. I know that's true because I tested it by wearing a digital wrist blood pressure monitor for a whole day. Apart from making my wrist sweat, I found out that my blood pressure reacts to everything I do. Try it. It's interesting. Smiling helped with that experiment.

Can you add any more benefits of smiling? I'd love to hear about them if you have any.

To finish this post I'd like to share this poem by the late, great Spike Milligan:



I hope you enjoyed reading this post!

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embodiment is very powerful.

i once smiled at absolutely everyone for about a week. very interesting experiment.

all emotions are contagious

Oh yes! I must try that, haha.

Ooooooo... I really like that poem about a smile, it made me smile, read it to Rick, it made him smile, I’m going to pass it on, it works. Great job, terrific post❣️

Yeah, Spike Milligan was a great and funny artist. My mum liked him a lot :)

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