Procrastination What Does it Do For You? Distress or Eustress

in #life7 years ago (edited)


I've never felt the need to rush anything. Maybe that's why I'm so mediocre in everything. I cherish every moment of life. I find that there is not much in this world that causes me to be stressed.

Even when I am stressed, I don't really feel uneasy. I understand my body's reactions and some of the chemical processes that are going on in my mind.

All my life I've done homework the night before it was due. I've finished a project in the last moments before the deadline. Though I understand this is not a very productive way to work, I find the stress that comes with procrastinating to be calming.

My girlfriend is easily stressed. So having to move and not knowing where we're going until that last week has wrecked her nerves. I feel selfish for being so non chalant over the whole process, but I know everything will work out in the end. Even if it doesn't, we're not going to be murdered or thrown in jail for not being moved out in time.

So, I guess at the end of the day, if no bodily or mental harm isn't going to come by not having something done, I generally wait until it is absolutely necesarry for it to be completed.

I hate that I can be so lazy that I won't do what needs to be done until the last moment. I know I'm making excuses in saying that procrastinating creates a form of eustress. I told my girlfriend's best friend yesterday that " I live with absolutely no stress. So I need these types of situations in my life to bring balance." For me not to really care about anything all the time gives me peace. I see people so upset over issues that I cannot relate to. I try to be empathetic and sympathize with these people, but in reality I could never understand.

When people mistreat me, I burn their bridge.
When I'm walked on I release the trap door and watch them vanish into the sunken place.
I don't dwell on negative situations. I resonate and collect mental data and learn from the situation. I don't let experiences dictate my emotions to the point of no control.

Being calm and emotionless at times can make it appear as though I'm angry or don't like someone. It's rarely the case. I get irritated with people and how they treat others. I also have a deep love for humankind and am grateful to be where I am today. I don't wish bad upon others. I wish for everyone to be as successful as they aim to be.

I make the excuse that procrastination gives me a euphoric feeling. When everyone else is freaking about finals or being late. I'm just here. Happy as can be.

One day it'll come back to bite me in the butt, but even then I'll have no regrets. This is life. I can wonder what if or choose to enjoy life and be happy. I choose the latter.😇

Good day!



I see people so upset over issues that I cannot relate to.

I agree. Before I deleted my social media, I saw this all the time. People making issues out of nothing.

Cool post. Hope you make more :)


Yeah I still see it all over Facebook. I really love steemit, because everyone is uplifting and positive. Even when there's negativity, there's at least a mutual respect here. Every other social media platform I've used has people being bullied or insulted.

Thank you!!

I would throw these 24 hour "news" channels in with social media. Nothing but bickering and hatefulness.

I used to stress over a good deal of things in life, but recent health issues have made me realize the error of my ways.

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