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RE: Flight Of The Procrastinators

in #life7 years ago

Methinks I should not respondeth I am still doing my taxes. But I will stay on long enough to say "thanks" to my favorite reference 'brarian, for showing me, if only in print, how to get that dumb form to print correctly at the top.
PS. Loved the post, very funny and so very true...but it poked me good with the anitprocrastistick, I have to go now, and get to work...


Oooh! I love procrastinators! Well, sometimes I might think rather ill-like towards the Inconvenienators of this world, but truly, you all bring me great joy. Who wants to do their taxes anyway? That is why I pay this lovely lady a town over to expertly prepare mine, else I would be right in the getting poked with the "antiprocrastistick" trenches with you!

I do so hope that your work went smoothly, and that any and all forms needed printed out correctly. Well wishes and all that!

Yes, you were a great help. My forms were all cattywompus to start with, however that word is spelled.
I just finished a post on more tax stuff, kind of unbelievable what happened. Well, that's being a bit overly-dramatic, but kind of classic. I'll put it out tomorrow. I don't like to put posts out too late at night. They sometimes need all the help they can get. And I do, unfortunately, have procrastination down to a fine art. Sigh. But then, why not put off till later what can be put off even later...

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