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RE: A Couple Customer Service Tips and Tales

in #life7 years ago

"There ya go with them negative waves" of my favourite movies. I can just hear you talking to hubb, only in a Donald Sutherland voice, whenever the situation arises.
I must admit, miz g, that was a most brilliant post. Really hit me from all directions. Made me laugh out loud, and a couple of lumps in the old throat to balance it out. Very nicely done, greatly enjoyed it all. (Not sure either why it only got 14 votes and $'re treading into my waters here.)

You are a true saint amongst the nuttiness at the 'brar, that's for sure. So very sweet what you did for the older woman. (And I think I would have cried at her situation.) Though it took actually very little on your part, which is the amazingly amazing part of it. People are so surprised, as you said, when someone goes a bit out of their way for them. I think the world needs more of this sort of thing. I've been told sometimes in some situations that I'm too nice, but I'd rather be that way, than the opposite. The world just needs more NICE.
Well, hope all is well in your corner of the west, and you are enjoying a quiet Friday night. No chores, just kickin' it with your feet up, a beer or sodi, whichever is your preference, some good salty chips, and a movie like Kelly's Heroes on the tube. Say it's so, my Steemit diminu-buddy (diminutive is your word...I wouldn't want to be seen as 'not nice' here...


My dear friend, thank you so much for the kind words. Honestly, if just you liked the post that would be enough for me. I mean, I love upvotes and enjoy the rewards, but there is something so gratifying about having people engage with me and tell me they like what I scribbled. I'll hang in your end of the pool anytime, and if there is a Steemian whose work is undervalued it is you. You are so creative and your writing brings me no end of elated joy.

Okay, enough touchy feely, that was probably a decade's worth expended all at once, so I hope you realize just how special you are!

I just came in from making peanut butter cup smores with the kids out in the firepit in my yard. The hubs and I bought a new travel trailer today, so we had a bit of a yard firepit roast in celebration. Normally I am loathe to buy anything, but this bit of expensive aluminum has a purpose. We are going on a cross country, historical, roadschooling trip this next winter. I am in a bit of sticker shock and awe at the moment, but I'm sure I will sweat it out as we are going to construct our outdoor oven tomorrow.

Your diminu-buddy wishes you a "nice" evening as I wouldn't want to be seen as "not nice" either. LOL! Seriously though, I hope you are having a swell night!

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