
The consequences of that group sound practical, and is it not all consensual. What is your argument?

No argument. Just pointing out that there is always the possibility that someone from outside the group sees the things that are posted in the group despite the fact that it is "private" (e.g. an employer or potential employer, etc.) There are no truly safe spaces on the internet. In other words, such a group shouldn't be used to say things that you wouldn't be willing to say and defend if they were said outside the group.

Yes, it should be used exactly for that, everyone agreed to that, consequences of that are entailed in agreeing to post in the group, everyone knows it's not "private", it's a group, but the reason they had the group, the reason why I think it's very cool and applaud everyone there for challenging themselves even if they joined because of other reasons. The group was there so people could and would say those things that they were afraid of saying in real life, and couldn't say anywhere else.

The point is that if you are afraid of saying these things in real life because you are afraid of the consequences then you probably shouldn't be saying them on facebook because you could still suffer those same consequences. A facebook group is not necessarily sufficient to shield you from, for example, making racist comments (and I'm not suggesting the original poster would make such comments, I'm just giving an example). Don't get me wrong, I'm all for free speech but attempting to hide from potential consequences via a facebook group is not the same as facing those consequences which is what may happen anyway.

The reason I brought it up is because a lot of people think that because a social media network offers some sort of "privacy" feature that they should trust it. But facebook is hacked all the time, the owner of the group could decide to make it not private, or some angry person could take a screen shot of what someone says and post it everywhere. Facebook offers only the thinnest veneer of privacy. It should be assumed that anything posted on a social network will one day be public. That day might be tomorrow or it might be 10 years from now but it will probably come sooner or later.

Yes, and when you need a place where you can talk about things that you cannot talk about with your friends, or your family.. you go and make racial remarks in a group or threats and vent or whatever asshat thing you do because you can escape the consequences, and if you do that, someone might see you. I can understand how one who would be in that kind of hypothetical place, where they are acting like a complete ass hat because they can get away with it, and later down the road they get a job a BURGER, o wait, at some reputable company that gives a fuck about a fuck, and they are like "fuck off you cunt, and fuck all those people who talk without consequences".
Yes I can totally see the practical side of forming that argument. Warning sticker mentality.

"It helps that it is a private group and only those who participate can see your posts."

I was just pointing out that the above is not guaranteed.

I get your point. It is a good one. I think the group is just an excercise in realizing words are just words. However, I think you point about what if someone sees those words later is a good point also.

What makes it a good point? Because we have warning stickers just about everywhere.

What if?
So what?
Would you want to have employment there to begin with in that hypothetical situation?


You got scroll spammed, thats a fact.

I am at a point in my life where my career and finances are constrained by acceptance. My kids are grown. I am a grown up. Personally, I considered all of those things. If someone screen shots my comments and takes them public I am okay with that. For me, it was about learning to cope with other people's un PC behavior. :) It isn't for everyone.

Yeah, and that would be AWESOME, you would have validation as to WHO NOT TO DEAL WITH.

The situation would be "hey you can't work here, or hey I don't like you because so and so"= SO FUCKING WHAT?! Fuck you, I don't like you, and go back to doing what you were doing as they go fuck off, or try to pick a bigger fight, because asshats."

And that's great, but some people don't have that luxury because they have kids to support and a mortgage to pay or whatever and can't afford to be out of work at the moment.

So some people don't have that luxury and kids and the grandma's medicine, and so what? You're saying those people don't have common sense? So you are saying they are asshats that would act like that EVEN in real life and would only go on the group because, in real life, they are asshats, or what are you trying to argue now, because we both know that you're not saying they are using anuses to cover their heads. You're

saying how you know, if you think that your employer ain't gonna see this, you ass hat that works at.. whatever place sucks that much life to asses (: their employees through facebook media (ANY PLACE, because some people are fucking evil and petty and mean and reek of shit and everything that is revolting, and you don't want to work for evil, hence you will be free of a job working for some evil cunt asshole that took offense to your asshat comment, in case you weren't even an asshat)


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