STEEMIT VIRUS CONTEST #2 : A great flame follows a little spark

in #life7 years ago

A great flame follows a little spark
Dante Alighieri

This is one of my favorite quote from Dante Alighieri. He is popularly known for his work on Divine comedy about Dante's journey through hell... The Dante's Inferno.

However I would not be discussing about this great Italian poet but how the quote has been beneficial to my life and I am 100% sure it would be useful to you the reader as well.

Let me take you back in time just after Y2K.

Yeah the beautiful early 2000's when we thought the world was going to end or reborn as we were all privileged to leave the 20th century and begin a new journey in this millennium.

Until 9-11 happened then it dawned on us that terrorism is the evil prevailing in this century. It get worse, endangered species, global warming and natural disasters have loomed over this century.

Reboot of movies that has ruined our childhood memories; dang! I don't want to talk about that.

I want to talk about the butterfly effect we make in our daily actions. You do not have to do the ambiguous.

Little things counts. I once heard that drops of water makes the ocean.

Refreshing my mind to Rosa Park with just one act of not given up her seat inspired the late great Dr. Martin Luther King Junior. We all know the rest of the story.

Our words and actions towards people can change the lives for good or otherwise.

Okay back to me, I started drawing biro comics in Primary 2 with a class mate of mine.

It was those experimental stages of my life as I got interested in action comics. My drawings were okay back then but not anymore. I stopped drawing in primary 4, although I can still draw a bit but nah, not good enough.

Remember, I said earlier that I started with a friend in primary school. He has difficulties in speaking (dumb) but we relate well.

I usually encourage him then that his drawing were very good. Everyday, he brings new drawing to school to show me.

When I was in university during my internship program I ran into him at a cobblers workshop. I identified my friend immediately.

We had a lengthy conservation because it is difficult to understand someone who cannot speak as I was not familiar with his conversation like before.

Summary was he could not speak well in class and also he could barely hear properly, the later I was not fully aware of. So he had to drop out from school.

I could not get his phone number because he cannot speak and he could not afford one. Then I asked him about his art then he showed me some of his works. I was stunned. They were amazing.

I told him to drop the cobblers work and focus on the art.

Fast forward to our present day,my friend is a professional artist. He got a contract with Ogun State government. He was the one that did the street art designs on the over head Oke-Ilewo bridge and other notable areas in the state capital.

The beautiful thing is he actually met with the governor. The governor asked for the artist which he got more rewards when he met with him.

When I ran into him sometime earlier this year, he was very happy to see me. He couldn't speak (dumb) but he communicated to me in pictures like old times and showing hand gestures sign saying:

remember we used to draw back then and I could not speak which affected my education but thanks to you and your encouragement I am where I am today

Then he embraced me. I felt embarrassed with joy and happiness.

All I did was just talk to him and mind my own business. Little did I know that my little spark of word has created a great flame.

When I saw this contest, it brought back this memory.

I thought I should share it.

A great flame follows a little spark
Dante Alighieri

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F O L L O W @dante31

if you enjoy what you read please drop your



This just beautiful, very touching and emotional.
Great post, with winning potential.

Thanks... wish I won lol

Just a little kindness shown to people around us can actually go along way. Nice post.

thank you so much... little things counts

Whole Soyinka is here... Lol

One never knows when your deeds become the work of an Angel.

Nice post, I love what I read

Its always good to be good. A little act of kindness is never forgotten.


Nicely written.. Wow. Welldone dear.

good job friend

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