Motivation V. Initiative: The Difference Between Getting Things Done & Wishful Thinking

in #life8 years ago (edited)

You know that feeling.

The desire to do something or achieve a desired end. And yet you don’t. Like an infuriating bug bite, or the lingering hint of a headache, it’s there tormenting you. Your mood deteriorates, and you’re reduced to almost an infantile state, or depression sets in and you’re unable to tear yourself away from the black hole that is social media and streaming video on demand.

Believe me, I know.

You think to yourself, What’s wrong with me? I wish I had the right motivation…, Why can’t I get motivated? How can I get motivated? How do I motivate myself? Eh, screw it.Clicks remote to start Season 5

You search Google. Lo and behold, a billion results on ‘motivation’ blister your retina. Videos, videos with speeches, videos with EPIC MUSIC, fitness montage videos synced to EPIC MUSIC and speeches, funny pictures, inspiring pictures, funny inspiring cat pictures, blog posts and articles all on or relating to, ‘motivation!’

Where do you start?!

I’ve got news for you: Everything you think you know about motivation is WRONG. Cognitive dissonance intensifies Bear with me here.

The Problem:

You, dear reader, are putting the cart before the horse.

What is motivation? Or more precisely, what is the definition of motivation?

I find the dictionary awfully useful with disassembling and answering these burning questions. From Merriam-Webster: Motivation is “the act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something: the act or process of motivating someone”, “the condition of being eager to act or work: the condition of being motivated” and “a force or influence that causes someone to do something”.

Great right? Problem solved.

HA! Nope.

In all these definitions, notice the motivation is being given or provided by an outside source. It is not generated by the individual who is in need of motivation.

But what about self-motivation? Does that mean I have to become self-motivated? I’ll google it.

Hold up there, slick. Google can’t help you there either.

You’re still thinking the way I used to, that motivation is the key to getting things done.

Say you want to start working out. The reason doesn’t really matter, whether it’s to look better, live longer, or be healthier. The point is you want to. You’re at a point where you’re motivated by wanting to look sexy and appealing to the opposite gender.

Many people are at this point. They want something, they want to achieve a desired end. They’re motivated.

The question now is, if these people are motivated, what’s stopping them?

I guarantee that approximately 95% of individuals, are the ones preventing themselves from achieving their desired ends.


Because they lack initiative.

Once again from Merriam-Webster: “an introductory step”, “energy or aptitude displayed in initiation of action”.

Do you see the difference? Initiative requires the individual to act. It requires you to take action, be it hiring a personal trainer, or finding some alternate means of income so you can quit that soul sucking job you loathe (You know you do).

No one is going to motivate you. No one can take that first step. Only you can do that. Look at all those wealthy successful people. Do you think they were motivated? Of course! What’s the difference between you and them? Chances are that the major difference is initiative.

The solution:

How does one then nurture and strengthen their initiative?

We’re all individuals and are inherently different in some way, shape or form. It then follows that initiative also takes different forms depending on the person. I can’t help you there, but what I can do is give you some tips to help you take that first crucial step.


The first piece of advice I have for you is this: initiative requires discipline. Self-discipline is crucial to taking initiative. At times, it will be downright miserable, perhaps even painful.


Establish and use routines and habits.


Organize and try to get as much control as possible in every sphere of your life.

Improve your lifestyle & health

This one is pretty self explanatory.

Minimalist Lifestyle

Get rid of stuff. Sell, give or throw it out!

Dress for work, don’t be sloppy

Even if you work at home, dress up. I’m serious. This was a big one for me. Dressing for work puts me in a state of mind that’s optimal for productive action, and since I’m self employed, this is of the utmost importance.

Get quality sleep

It goes without saying you should be getting enough sleep. Modern Americans brag about how little sleep they get and how productive are they are. I call bull. You need sleep, and not just more, but better sleep.

Conclusion: The Rest is Up to You

That’s it. The problem as to why you’re not making progress and (I hope) the beginning of the solution. Unfortunately, there is no cure-all for the lack of action inherent in our nature as human beings. You must find what works for you. Initiative, not motivation is the key to success. I can only help equip you, now you must go and act. I hope this has been helpful, and sets you on the path to achieving your dreams.


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I always knew that action is needed in order to achieve something, but somehow it didn't occur to me that our actions are not so much driven by motivation, but rather by a conscious decision - initiative.

I would like to include your article in my TOP5 Lucky Find Psychology articles for today. :)

Thanks for sharing and featuring my post! I hope it helps plenty of people! :)

Part of it all is - taking action. Just deciding to consistently take action. What most call "routine" as you mentioned. Liked the initiative piece, always thought I was good at self motivation, but really it's just been initiative! :-)

That is very true, take action if you want to get something!

Good points.

I have found there is a need to care or desire. This is a foundational motivator. To actualize what you care to do, takes energy, effort, and often time to execute and develop, and dedication, determination and persistence.

Often times, people will care more to take the easy road, and not the hard road. So... they turn on the TV and watch Season 5 like you say.

It comes down to what they want to spend their time on, and pay attention to, the two main currencies, and those are fueled by what we are more to do.

Do we care more for the easy lazy things to do? Or do we care more for those important things we know we should be doing? Then actualize that care with will-power to get it done. If you don't act to do it... then at that time, you don't care more about doing that then the other things you are doing, because you are choosing to do the other thing.

Choice is powerful. Free-will. Care. We need to choose wisely what we care about and what we act on.

Take are. Peace.

Hey thanks that was agreat read! As i'v grown i realize the importance of routines and sleep. Great to read you!

This post is very great, at this point of my life im trying to get as much knowledge about motivation so it never runs out on me. The post is very helpful for people that want to get motivated, it all starts from yourself you need to have dicipline and desire, thats why once you start doing something that you like you get motivated too you put desire and dicipline, consistency which meanwhile build motivation! As i said i enjoyed reading your post would like to read more of this. Followed you!

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