I Needed To Hear it From Myself

in #life5 years ago (edited)

Nobody ever said anything when I had three doctors on payroll, did all of my shopping at multiple pharmacies in multiple countries, and polished off a gallon of


every weekend.

”If you don’t remember it (and there’s no video evidence), it didn’t happen!”

Nah, nobody ever said anything. Instead I had designated drivers and was surrounded by people who pop pills. “Got any Norcos?” Yup. “Eh, did you get more Xanax?” Yup. Nobody ever said anything.

I haven’t had a drink since 2014 and I haven’t eaten a pill for roughly a year longer than that but there’s about a decade, give or take, prior to 2014 that doesn’t read the same way.

Hospital stays? Yeah, a few of those, I drank so much in my 20’s I developed an ulcerated oesophagus that needed repaired—twice! Ever hear of Carafate? Lucky you. It’s an oral liquid used to repair internal ulcers and the best way to describe it is: “I never drank powdered concrete..... until then.”

I remember one time they restrained me at the hospital and refused to let me leave because my white blood cell count or red blood cell count, one of those, was too low. I’m pleading my case, “but I drove myself here!!” They said “you’re lucky you made it” and the next thing I know I’m being wheeled up and down beeping hospital corridors on a gurney and didn’t get discharged for five frikkin days. ”It was just blood, Dr. Schmidt, I didn’t mean to cause such a fiasco.” Clear enough? Fast..


to present day.

I make a conscious effort to take care of myself today, I’ve been practicing since 2013, I call it training. I had a medical evaluation a little over two years ago—the physical they recommend every man does when he turns 40. When I went back for the results, Dr. Raján, with a notebook and a pen in his hands ready to take notes, said “what exactly are you doing? Step by step. Because I need to do whatever it is you’re doing.” You know how many people have accused me of being on drugs since I got clean?


I don’t.

Nobody ever said anything back when I weighed 230 and had to hold my breath to tie my boots—ate fast food and processed food, had an endless supply of narcotics in my pocket (backpack, glovebox, cigarette pack), drank Coca Cola all day long, and pounded whiskey on the weekends. That’s how I used to justify my drinking—by only drinking on the weekends. Every weekend—a handle.

My friends-friends, the ones who have been with me forever, they wouldn’t do that. They’re proud of me, they encourage me and, if anything, they challenge me to arm wrestle or something, do things like compliment me.

I went to my buddy @carkelvicci ‘s dads memorial service—this is a couple of years ago so I’m about four years into my transformation. I’m probably right at 185 lbs, two hours a day in the gym type training and doing things like weighing out my own supplements and counting calories, plant based eating, stuff like that—really making a conscious effort to be a better person and to be proud of the mirror. I saw some brothers I haven’t seen for a couple of years at the service, one of them has his wife with him, we’ve known each other a long time. He and I shook hands, “nice to see you!” “How have you been?” Etc etc. I shook his wife’s hand, “what are you on?” She asked. “What do you mean?” She said “I can’t fit in my suit and want whatever you’re on.” Is that riiigght?

I haven’t seen my buddy Jeremy for probably five or six years. About a year ago, I ran into a mutual friend of ours, Phil, a brother I went through the apprenticeship with 22 years ago—he knows me well. We hung out for a little minute, caught up with each other, I asked him about his family, he asked me about whatever, typical small talk. We shook each other’s hand when we were done, I gave him a hug, “love you brother” met with “great seeing you again.” Normal interaction—like I would expect after running into someone I hadn’t seen for several years. Well, I got a call from Jeremy either that evening or the following day.

:ring: “Yooo!” “How’s it going?” Add small talk here and a few formalities. We probably caught up for a minute before he finally said what he really called for, “I heard you saw Phil at the hall,” he said. “Yeah that was nice, I haven’t seen him for awhile.” He asked “are you good man? You ok? Phil said I need to call you, he said you look all sucked up.” He continued, “you been drinking again or something?” Is that riiigght?

Funny, I’ve heard several unassuming comments like that since I cleaned myself up. A lot of people have something to say when they see a ‘middle aged’ me at 6-1, 180 lbs, who trains five days a week, pours his own supplements, stationary peddles an hour each day, and has a knock-out wife who can’t keep her hands off him. Counts 1300 calories every other day, 10% body fat, taking nutrition seriously and #love being able to say “I’m in the best shape of my life” and they all have something funny to say.


Walk around that same height, 50 pounds overweight with an empty Del Taco bag on the table, two 50 gallon drums full of empty coke cans in the back yard and First 48 is starting to play repeat episodes, a pocket full of pills and a severe case of the shakes, freezing cold under a blanket in August because I haven’t had a drink since last night—nobody ever said anything.




I know what you mean .... I started going to the gym a little before the man I loved fell in love with someone else ..... I found out I had cancer ... and I decided to tell my husband and my family I want a divorce ..... shortly after all these things happened ( which all happened at once ) .... I continued going to the gym every morning .... and I lost a lot of weight ..... everyone was quick to assume it was bc of the breakup .... or I was heartbroken ( which I was ) ... or the few that found out about the cancer ... thought it was bc of that .... no one imagined it was because I was eating a low calorie , low carb , high protein and vegetable diet ... or the fact that I went to the gym 7 days a week ( which did slow down during chemo) ... or the fact that I had lost 20 lbs before even starting the chemo .... everyone is so skeptical .... kind of goes back to my post the other day about doing what you want / have to and telling no one .... very few people in this world want to see you do or look better than them . That’s how you can tell who the people that really love you are ... they are the ones that push you to move forward .... not the ones that want to gossip and see you below them !

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You know I could feel the emotion in this response?

First, the important stuff, how is your cancer? God bless you. I once dated a chick who fought throat cancer and actually went through about a months worth of radiation--not chemo, so I have a vague idea of your fight. God bless you! I hope you sleep well.

Was the man you loved and your husband the same man? That sentence reads a little confusing, I assume the man you lived was your husband but... eh, you know what?! This response is so full of emotion, it would make a really elegant post—just sayin. 😉 Maybe share your current love life or something. Or not. 🤔

Do you still practice the same eating habits? I’ve been plant based now for some years, “pescatarian” actually, I guess there’s a wOrd for it.

It’s always a pleasure hearing from you @anonymity5, happy Friday, I hope you have a great weekend.

Thank you ....I’m doing well for now .... it was def. a struggle .... going thru all of that alone .... but it was kind of the way I wanted to go thru it .... if I couldn’t share what I was going thru with the one person I this world that I trusted with my emotions .... then I didn’t want to share it with anyone ... it was tough .... and I’m doing well for now .... I have been going regularly to the oncologist for bloodwork to make sure it’s still at bay ....

Well ... the first man I fell in love with ... was my husband .... and after years of marriage ... he changed ... a lot ... he became abusive ... absent .... angry all the time ...made me feel like less of a person ..... the second man I fell in love with was a friend .... a friend I had known for years ... but always kept distance from...there was a period of time when my husband and I separated... during that time .... my friend and I shared our feelings for each other ..... we never acted out on those feelings ... as I was still married ... I can honestly say ... we never even held hands ... or shared a hug .... which made everything so strange ... how can you love someone .... you never even kissed.... well I did ... and I really thought he loved me too ....but long story short .... I took too long to get my sh!t together .... and he met someone else ... and moved on .

I have been more laxed with my eating lately .... I was actually considering trying this carnivore diet I was reading about , but I think I’m too much of a foodie to stick to just meat and eggs . Lol

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These "old you's" are always difficult for me to read. Man the old days do sound mmmm interesting, lol. We probably woulda done well together although luckily the pills were never my thing.

Dont you love the naysayers bro. Like everyone always has something "positive" to say. I quit smoking and alls i here is "yeah right, have a cig". I quit drinking and alls i here "yeah right, you cant do that, ill buy". I made a concious decision to get in the best shape of my life and alls i here is "your fat and could never do that".

Then i do it, and alls i here is "we always knew you could". How about a nice gulp of STFU.

Really happy for you Bro and you are such an inspiration.

Firstly, thanks dude. Not sure how many times, if ever, someone has used the word inspiration in a sentence when referring to me but I’ll take it dude, and i won’t take it lightly. I really appreciate the recognition--it's been a long time coming. Tell you what, you and I would have just as much fun today if we hung as we would back then--true story.

Nay sayers—yeah man. I got another one. I was dating a different chick back in 2013 when I began this change (Pura would’ve had nothing to do with me had she known the old me), I put down the pills and that’s when I started hitting the gym real hard. Eh bro, when I’d come back to the house after the gym, weigh myself or something, I’d be all excited, right.. like “check it out, I lost two more pounds!” What did I get in response? “Are you saying I’m fat?!” <—true’fa king story. Yeah.... she didn’t last much longer.

I truly appreciate all of your support here, Jon, thanks a lot man, happy Friday.

for @dandays

Thank you @eii--Ima need a designated driver!

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