Nothing I Wanted From This World But Love And A Pain-free Life 💛💉🚫🙏🏻🤲🏻steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life5 years ago


It Has Been An Interesting Life

I remember the times where I was having this awful headaches when I was still in primary school and it went on at grade school, then it went on at my middle school and at that point I was already showing the signs of a Chronic Kidney disease from water retention in my face and legs to frequent chills and fevers until the limp node on my neck grew into a grotesque proportions.

It happened in 1994 a few months before our graduation in High School where I got admitted in the big Hospital in Manila where they just treated me with water pills for my Edema and Intravenous antibiotics which worked pretty fast in treating my infection and my lymph gland in my neck had subsided in the hospital making my face recognizable again.


Getting Headaches At A Young Age For Me Is The Prelude To My Kidney Failure

The infection was just a symptom while underneath me was an already failing Kidney. I did experienced al throughout the peeing of tea-colored urine, a sign that I am passing out blood from my Kidneys and then the the pain in my loins which was quite unbearable but still I didn't know what it was so I just didn't tell my mother which scolds me whenever I get the fever and blaming me for it because I didn't drink enough water while I was already drinking like a cow and also accusing me of eating with salt because they believed that eating salt is bad for my kidneys.

Oh I had missed a lot of good foods because of that not a low salt diet but a "no salt diet" where they would cook vegetables for example and then before seasoning it I would be given my share with a tasteless viand. It went on for years, may five or so years until I realized that I am doing it all wrong.

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I Got Subjected To A "No Salt Diet" For Years

All that excessive water drinking thinking that it is good for my Kidneys plus a no salt diet during my the remainder of my highschool years and unto the first years of my College and all through even when I was vacationing to my grandparent I was in that diet.

You can't blame me because I do not know anything yet back then plus my mother just forced me to be on that diet plus making me drink boiled corn hairs, Cogon grass roots and even Coconut roots not to mention the various concoctions of leaves that I have to drink in the belief of my mother that it was good for my Kidneys.


I Was Forced To Drink A Pintful At A Time With Water, Some Boiled Herbal Preparations, Bitter Roots To Bitter Seeds

My father had even sent me these bitter watermelon seeds that he collected from the desert when he was working at Saudi Arabia. I remember having diarrhea because of that and that year was in 1998. I threw out the bitter seeds after I do not want to drink it anymore.

That diet conditioned my taste buds into not to prefer salty foods or snacks. But it is too late and all that hardship being in a forced bad and a peculiar, unguided, and stupid diet just made my life so miserable because of my mother which also banned me from eating meat for that matter.


I Just Realized That I Had A Bad Life In This World Ever Since I Was Born, Full Of Misery, Hardship, And Grief

My Ultimate Pain-Free Life Is In Heaven

"And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." - Revelation 21:4 Source

So if I would sum it all up my life had been miserable from having terrible headaches, anxiety until now, chronic fatigue syndrome which was apparent and noticeable in my high school years and even in my grade school years because I wasn't able to play sports with other kids my age back then which made me missed-out on that part of my life.

It just affected my life all because of a failing Kidney not to mention my hardship during the dialysis years and now I am facing this rare bone disease that plagues me with pain, breathlessness, misery and saved money that I could have used elsewhere.


It Is Just Divine To Live With A Pain-free Life And Most People Doesn't Realize That

All I wanted really was a break from these pains which is why I am religiously managing it with medicines and Vitamins that would supposedly help me out. So now I am just praying for getting loved and a pain-free life because it is just what I needed at this short moment of my remaining wasteful and uninteresting lifetime.

I am no longer trying to reach any higher ambition other than to improve my condition so that I could live without suffering anymore if God wills it and I pray that he does wills it for me soon or just takes my spirit while I am asleep. May God have mercy on my soul.

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I can not imagine a life spent in pain, even though I am caring for a son who, like you, began suffering in great pain at the age of five. Also like you, our methods to treat him (straight western med) have done nothing but make him suffer even more, after a few months of relief.

Can you not get some opioids? In the US they have become nearly impossible to get legally, and the doctors are turning to very dangerous drugs to avoid opiates - very frustrating. But opiates are the only painkillers that work without terrible side effects other than the possibility of addiction, which in your case seems irrelevant. They are also among the least expensive of medicines. I hope you manage to find relief in this life, and don't have to wait so long as the next one.

My nephrologist won't give me opiods but rather a liver busting acetaminophen with some combination pain killer that doesn't work for me. She wanted me to take it as needed but I am not risking my liver unlike other dialysis patients who died because of that drug.
Now I am using NSAID pain killer which works a while but I could not over do it because of the risk of ulcers. @owasco

Will none of your other doctors prescribe it? It is a tiny pill that helps gastro pain enormously, as well as all other pain, improves mood and has very few side effects other than addiction which is a non-issue for you. Can you not demand it? The only side effect is reduced peristalsis, which in many cases is a good thing. I am disgusted by how difficult it is for pain patients to get this very valuable drug. Instead they are prescribed of far more dangerous substances. It's cheap too. Sometimes I wonder if the doctors have not really been trained in how to make us even sicker, not well.

I kept on forgetting this Macroxam patch which is an NSAID type of pain reliever that can be patched on the skin. But I have a general pain in all my body's joints and I do not know if it will work. I would try it and keep on using it if it does work.
I haven't heard that if my Nephrologist ever prescribed Opiods to other patients even and I will try if I could get a prescription about it. It really is hard to get such drugs, you will even be accused of being a druggie before you get your hands on it even if you needed it like in my case.I will see if I can get a prescription.

I understand all of this. My son was on oxycodone for 8 years to great positive effect, but it became impossible to get, and doctors, rather than taper him off of it, would drop him as a patient. We were treated like criminals whenever he had to go in the hospital. It was very difficult to find another doctor who would prescribe just enough to get him off. You know what? All that BS about addiction turned out to be just that - he got off of it VERY EASILY and does not even think about it anymore after only two months off. You must have more than one doctor - ask them all. The problem of addiction is irrelevant in your case, and that you are allowed to suffer is unconscionable. Ask an older doctor - they tend to know the benefits of the drug much more than the newer doctors, and have less to lose. And start to accumulate some for those times when the system fails, or you will suddenly find yourself with none. I really hate what has happened to this god given life changing medication.
I hope you can find some way to get this drug legally. There are still doctors who prescribe it, but they are very few in number.

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