How Dangerous is Big Data?

in #life8 years ago

Do people truly grasp and understand just what is being done with their data when they publish content to traditional social media or google? 

Some people do and some people don't, but whether they understand it or not most people don't see the use of their data as a big enough issue to change any of their habits on those platforms. Not only do all of these companies sell the aggregate data to outside firms and other institutions, but they also use an individual's data to cater advertisements that the user sees based on the data that the firm contains on the user, which is known as target advertising. Target advertising is a powerful tool for businesses and advertisers to employ because it allows them to advertise to a very specific demographic, but the consequences of what I consider to be reckless use of users data are just begging to come about. 

Monetizing data isn't the problem, the problem is that the power to monetize the data doesn't lie with the individual but rather with the institution.

I will give the following example of just how vital user data is to the Facebook platform. When we look at Facebook's revenue stream we see that in 2016 over 80% of their company revenue was accumulated through advertising. On average Facebook charges advertisers around 5 dollars per 1000 users they target, which equates to around a half of a penny per individual. Sure this may seem small or insignificant, but when we compare the cost to advertise on Facebook to other online advertising we see that half of a cent per individual is actually pretty pricey. Why is Facebook able to charge a premium for their advertising? It's simply because they have so much accumulated data on their users that it enables them to allow advertisers to select very specific characteristics about the demographic that they are advertising too. In the past when Facebook was criticized for their use of user data they defend themselves by explaining how "little" of their revenue actually came from the sale of data. Sure that may be true, but if they weren't able to implement their data into advertising then the revenue from advertising would drop significantly.

Companies advertising revenue would shrink drastically if they didn't have the right to use user data without permission. 

There is no motivation or reason for any major companies, specifically Google and Facebook, to change their policies regarding the use or sale of data. They are raking in enormous profits off of their users' data and it seems as though the average user just doesn't seem to give much priority to their data or its use. Whether it's the individual doesn't understand what is done with their data or if the individual is aware just doesn't see it as enough motivation to discontinue use on the specific platform. This idea that once you publish or post content on a specific site, the data is now completely owned by that platform was created in a large part by Facebook and Google. Whenever an act is done by the majority of companies it is often viewed by a lot of people as just common place and is rarely questioned by many of them. There is a reason that these big companies are so secretive about what is done with user data, and that reason is that if a movement of individuals owning their data came about, it could cripple their platforms. 

How much is my data actually worth?

One of the major reasons that trying to give control of data to individuals will be so difficult is because a single persons data is worth very little on its own. In 2015 Facebook made an average of $13 in revenue per user over the course of the year. When we are discussing the revenue created by your data at around a dollar per month, the incentive is likely not great enough to cause many individuals to look for an alternative because it is simply not worth the time. This is the perfect scenario for the major institutions because the minimal incentive will likely not influence enough users regarding the negative aspects of their data use. If they have very little public opposition, they have no reason to change and can continue to get rich off of the users that it betrays.

The virtually unchecked ability to use customer data for whatever means the company sees fit promote bad behavior with our data.

The booming business of big data in recent years have led to longer data retention periods and has led to vastly greater amounts of data being taken and stored by a company. The development of virtually a free market of customer data incentives companies and institutions to collect more data than they would ever need, because at some point this data may be relevant and have a chance to be monetized. This abundance of data collection also gives companies incentive to store users data for extremely long periods with the hope that it is over value down the road. When many major companies have so much data on nearly everyone and share that information with each other as well as the government it quickly becomes evident just how much our data from online activity can reveal about ourselves. It is common knowledge that the US government is engaged in this type of nefarious behavior, but a majority of American citizens don't consider this vast invasion of privacy a major issue. 

If individuals have to worry about the government or institutions watching their behavior online, it will limit their search for information.

If a society as a whole is under surveillance or have to worry about being under surveillance then true freedom cannot exist in that society. If an individual is worried or even has to consider the implications from any search of information online, it will limit their intellectual searching ability. The internet at its core is such a powerful tool for allowing people from all around the world and from all backgrounds to have access to the same information. It lowered the barrier to entry to be able to access such a vast library of academic and intellectual material for people all over the world. It seems nearly impossible to truly show just how dangerous this behavior is to the majority of society. Most individuals just don't seem to prioritize this issue and seem to still give enough faith to the government to act correctly. But as the lack of faith in the government continues to reach unprecedented levels, hopefully the issue of the American government misusing and abusing our data will become a more pressing matter for many individuals. 

I really hope you enjoyed the post and would like to thank you for reading! I encourage you to leave any comments, argument, or criticisms you may have. I am planning to write a follow up later this week regarding how blockchain technology is at the forefront of changing how we handle data so please stay tuned!

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Something I find even more troubling is that the data is being shared between countries. Whether voluntary or through a hack. Someone, somewhere in another country has your data. Sometimes access is granted via law enforcement even though it violates the other countries laws .

Thanks for writing this and sharing with us. Well done! :)

Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for writing about an important and often neglected topic.

It really is, it seems as though the majority of people just shrug it off like its nothing and don't seem to grasp the importance of it.

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