
Hehehe - yes, that's what André is doing all day :') One of these 'local policemen' got famous because he knows all the kids names and then when he sees them in another neighbourhood he calls them by their name: "Hey, how are you, what are you doing here today?" - apparently these kids get very timid suddenly when they see 'their' policeman :')

It is sad really that they see a policeman as something else than there to help them. The attitude to the police has certainly changed since I grew up. If you are up to no good then I suppose the police would be the enemy.

Oh, absolutely. These kids are 'troubled' but not always doing really bad stuff though. Police always try to find the right tone: warnings with a wink, so to say. I've heard about adults who met 'their' policemen and then told hem how much impact the policeman had on their lives. Must make it worth the effort if you get that kind of response <3

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