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RE: Time is Fleeting, But Life Awaits…Live Intensely For You to Compete Against Time And Be The Winner....

in #life6 years ago

Hi @chbartist

I also had a plan to be financially "solved" and ... well. That was a great plan and it kind of worked until I felt in love and started losing control over my own money hahaha :)

the more stories you will have to tell and share with the world if you will

Im only 41 and I realized already that many of my life stories are nothing but a blur memories which are slowly fading away. Sometimes it makes me wonder if I will have any interesting stories to tell by the time I reach my old days.

People believe that your money can be taken away from you but your memories cannot. I highly doubt it already. How is your memory? Still sharp?



Hello friend, do not think that. Nothing can be taken away from you I say this because money you can lose and gain again but your mind no one is able to control, just you. Get up and do not give up, and I'm not necessarily talking about money. Find a goal for your life and start working on it now and I'm sure you will have many memories to tell. Regards

I wish to be as optimistic as you are @chbartist

Unfortunatelly I did many years of boxing and muay thay and my memory is not as sharp as I would like it to be. So I think time and age will take away most of it from me.

Get up and do not give up, and I'm not necessarily talking about money.

Dont get me wrong.

I actually did quite a lot in my life. I've travelled via land from europe all the way to China. I've spent years doing boxing in thailand. I've seen half of europe, sleeping very often with homeless people at the train stations because of lack of money.

I've been to middle east. I witnessed people killing others. So I've seen beauty of this world and I experienced cruel evil as well.

But again: memories are somehow dying and I cannot do much about it. All those years being punched in my head is already taking a tool.

And sad part is that hardly anyone cares about my stories. People want to be heard, not to listen. That's just how it is.

Right now my goal in my life is to establish safe future for myself and my beloved partner. I hope this goal is good enough :)

Thank you again for replying to every single comment. I truly appreciate and Im glad to have a chance to get to know you.


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