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RE: Thoughts about education 'System' ..

in #life6 years ago

While I agree with you, we still have to identify the root as to why our educational system has come to this. This may well be just my opinion, but I think it's the lack of love for learning that makes us and other students alike to think this way.

When the time comes when we find learning to be enjoyable and fun, it wouldn't be a chore to wake up at 5 or 7 AM to catch the bus, to read books and other required materials, or to study for exams. It would be okay for us because we love what we do. And it's that love, that appreciation, which will keep us going.

So why is there lack of love? Precisely with what you said. Students are expected to act in a certain way, to think in a certain way that it limits them. They become robots just saying what the teachers want to hear. It's quite sad, really.

Thanks for the thought-provoking post. I have similar thoughts, and a lot of other sentiments about the educational system in general. Do hit me up if you want a more engaging discussion. :)



There is lack of love for learning because books are been written in a non interesting way and Teachers (not all) are not interested to make the lesson interesting either. At least this is happening here in Hellas(Greece). The only thing this 'system' wants is to create beings that will obey without questioning.. It' s easier to be manipulated this way.
Thanks reading, upvoting and commenting. Take care.

I think that's a very major factor. Not to mention that the manner of teaching is so very systematic that most of the time the goal is for the students to spew out exactly what the teachers say. It restricts critical thinking and, in my opinion, makes students less human because they don't get to think as humans are supposed to.

It's happening here in the Philippines as well, and it saddens me greatly that I can't really do anything about it. It's a social norm and should someone choose to stop pursuing a degree, it would be very difficult for him to become successful.

It happens there too ah ? Then it's called Globalization !

Yes, unfortunately so! I guess even the bad things get globalized! It's a tragic thing, I might say.

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