Lifelong Friendships - The things I didn’t realize back then ~

in #life6 years ago (edited)


A few weeks ago I was able to spend some time with some good friends. These are not just any friends, but friends I have had for a lifetime. From my right to left I’ve known these ladies since kindergarten, 7th grade and 3rd grade. We have literally grown up together and have remained friends ever since.

The special thing about this is we now are able to watch each other’s families grow. We were gathered together that weekend to celebrate and send off our friend (the one on my farthest left) in marriage. She is preparing for a Destination Wedding. I’m holding her precious little girl who entered the world just 3 months ago.

It hasn’t always been the best between us. There were periods where we would fight, argue, disown each other as friends, gave each other the silent treatment and there were some years after high school that I didn’t speak to two of them at all. I had so many expectations of them and thought I knew it all. I was one who was ran by my emotions and once I had my mind made up it was curtains. There was no changing my mind or how I felt. I guess that’s why they call it growing pains because as I learned about how life works I experienced a lot of disappointment and hurt along the way.



I used to think if I didn’t know every single thing that was going on in their lives they didn’t deem me as a close friend. I would get so upset if I heard news about them from other people before hearing it from them. I basically shared everything with them about my life, personal and all and expected the same in return. I had so many unrealistic expectations of friendship it was ridiculous.

As an adult I now know you don’t have to be in the same city as someone, call them every week, share every moment of your life with them, know all of their personal business, be invited to every event or be their only friend in order to call someone a friend. When we all went our separate ways after high school and started our adult journeys there were times I thought to myself

well I guess we’re not friends any more since we haven’t talked in so long...

That was so not true. I was just having a hard time because I was so used to seeing them almost everyday and it was hard for me when things changed. As you venture through life you meet new people along the way and create new relationships. This is something we all did, we met new people and new friendships were formed. That still doesn’t mean your old friendships are tossed out the window. We tend to get close to those that we surround ourselves with on a daily basis...that’s normal. As they shared with me about their new found friendships a part of me was jealous but at the same time I was happy for them. We have all admitted to each other about getting jealous from time to time but such is life.

Although I hate to admit it I was a bit possessive over my close friends. I felt I had special privileges or honors because I knew them for so long. I had no right being that way and at times I know I put strains on our friendship because of it. I am so glad that now, as adults we can look back on those times and laugh and continue to love on each other as we celebrate life and family.



~Varsity Cheerleaders Sophomore Year~

Life is just way too short to hold grudges. If I would have held on to some of my petty frustrations or continued to think the way I did I wouldn’t be enjoying this time celebrating new beginnings with my friends. Some friendships may only be for a season. Sometimes people pass through our lives for a reason but only for a moment. If you have been blessed to have lifelong friendships cherish them while they are here. Tell them you love them while you still have the chance and enjoy every moment with them that you have. ❤️

Thanks for Listening :)

All pictures are my own and were taken with my iPhone 7.










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I enjoyed reading your post very much @crosheille...
I too have struggled with friendships. Coming from a very close knit family, to me friends did not have such a deep meaning and 'friends' felt it and left... I couldn't understand why and now I have to make an effort.
Friendships like plants sometimes thrive... Sometimes whatever you do they do not...
I remember making one of my daughters feel better after someone she thought was her BFF told her 'you're my second best friend'...😆... I explained 'it doesn't matter what place you take... as long as you can count her as a friend'.

Thank you @cryptocariad! I am glad to hear you enjoyed the read. 😊

Yes so very true, sometimes friendships thrive and sometimes they don’t.

Oh my goodness that’s something I went through in middle school. We literally would put our friendships on certain levels. At one point I had a 1st, 2nd and 3rd best friend...the things we do when we’re young. 🤦🏽‍♀️

I love the response you gave your daughter~ 💓

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This almost made me tear because what you wrote hit too close to home. Since young I seem to struggle in the friendship department, it just almost seem impossible to maintain good friendship. Sometimes I find that it is easier making friends with guys, at least the ones I have are cool and chill. I find myself constantly stressed out internally when being in the midst of the ladies at times because it feels like I can never fit in, every word and action feels like I'm walking on eggshells. Some days I look at photos of friends and see the girls shopping and having a girls day out and all I could think of is how nice it is if I could have some friends to do girly stuff together too. My younger siblings have really great friends, it is something that I admire and am relieved of. And I'm glad you have great friends that would stand by you near or far! Sending lots of love to you and baby unicorn, xx

Some days I look at photos of friends and see the girls shopping and having a girls day out and all I could think of is how nice it is if I could have some friends to do girly stuff together too.

You're not the only one!!

Hugs, hugs, hugs!

It made me sad hearing this @alimamasstory. But you know what, friends can be family too! As of today in my adult life I am closest to my sister in law more than anyone. I also have sisters in Christ that are really special to me. So if you have any family you could spend time with or someone from your church I’m sure you would find yourself having a good time with them. It seems in my adult life most of my friends are family or church members.

But I have been there too, looking on FB (back when I had it) and seeing all the fun people were having together and some of my old friends having a blast. I think we all have those moments when we feel this way. Even being married with all the kids that I have lol, I still get lonely at times. That’s when I have to lean on the Father and ask Him for strength. I’ve prayed many of times for Godly friends to surround myself with. Now I know what to pray for you ;) 💕

Really like this post! Thank you for sharing! I’m currently still in high school so I’m still learning about friendships and growing up. ❤️

Thank you @lizgore I’m glad you read. 😊 I didn’t realize you were still in high school. I knew you were young I just didn’t know how young. 😅

There will be so many lessons for you to learn that you will take with you into your adult life. My advice is to focus on the important things like maintaining good grades and not about who likes you (friend wise) at the moment. I was so focused on maintaining friendships and good status with everyone instead of focusing on my next step.

Sooner or later you’ll find the ones you’ll want to stick with and the others you will see are not good company. Don’t be afraid to let them go, you don’t want to remain around people that will only bring you down or hold you back ;) ❤️

I feel you @crosheille.

My best friend of 7 years, lived 10 minutes away the first 3 years of our friendship (husband was military). Then they moved "back home" all the way to Washington state (from KY)😭😭😭.
It was awful!
I too was often a bit jealous of her new or old friends there. As of the past year they currently live in Texas ..

When they moved, I met @themyrrhmaid, and quickly became best friends with her as well!
She lives about 30 minutes from me.

It can be so hard huh? Especially when you are so close to someone then all of a sudden it changes.

I’m glad you were able to meet someone else that you are close to now. I had another close friend that moved away and decided she would just get to know the people around her instead of keeping in touch with me...a long distance friend. What made this one so hard was because our kids were growing up together and I had to comfort my daughter when she cried wondering why they don’t call any more and why they stopped sending pictures. When you get the kids involved it makes it that much more difficult. I was actually pretty upset with this friend for a long time lol. Hey you hurt my daughter doing what you did too. 😣

This thing we call friendship can be so complicated at times.

So true @crosheille! I have a girlfriend who is away by distance, but we get on the phone and it's just like we pick up where we left off. I know she has close friends where she is, but we still love each other. Thanks for this post!!

That’s awesome that you two still keep in touch inspite of distance. That’s the way it should be if you love and care for someone. Thanks for reading~ 😊

Its great to have a close friends from kindergarden. It helps in developing a mutual understanding with each other and build a great repo... You are lucky @crosheille to have them around even after so many years......god bless!

Thank you @steemflow! It is really a blessing that we have remained friends for so long. We have so much history together and it makes our friendships really special.

Thanks for stopping by~ 😊

Great article because it's the kind that evokes an emotional response!!

I don't know what it's like to have a lifelong friend unless you count my sister. Thanks to being a military family we moved too often and I would write and many friends moved on and quit responding well before I did. I think that plus bad drama with friends in high school actually taught me to not invest myself too much into friendships lest I be disappointed again.

I'm glad that you and your friends have stayed in touch all these years and have fun getting together--the photos of all of you are so cute! And you are one fabulous pregnant woman!!

Thank you @mtnmeadowmomma!

Absolutely sisters count! I was just telling @alimammasstory that our family can be our closest friends. As of right now my sister in law is the closest friend I have.

I can understand that. Sometimes what we experience makes us not want to reach out to develop new friendships. I experienced a very possessive and unhealthy friendship for some years and after I finally let go I wasn’t interested in making any more.

Awww thank you so much!! It was good to get together again especially for a wonderful occasion :)

i have friends from kindergarten years but i totally forget their names and their looks. I used to hang out with some friends, then we were separated by different classes, meet new friends, got separated even further in college, after i left my homecountry and went abroad; i only keep in touch with a handful that made the effort to know if i still exist and invite me out to catch up. For that, I am thankful. As for the rest of the peers that know me, i guess they just watch me progress from my instagram, somehow social network has become my stage to connect with my "audience". which i think its stupid sometimes. But then again, i dont just meet to hangout? what are you going to talk? about the weather? the common topic between friends sometimes fade. 😶

I'm happy for u, its good to be with friends.
i dont think i will ever meet my kindergarten friends since i dont remember them at all

I also had friends like that that I grew up with but really didn’t keep in touch. Some people you just click with and others you don’t.

I agree about the common topic fading between friends.

Thank you!! I enjoy the time I get to have with them because it’s not that often that it happens. Thanks for reading and commenting~ 😊

@crosheille, I had to resteem your post because what you are expressing is to very important and I appreciate that you shared your experience and feelings.
Our time in this existence is so short, what matters most is how we live. Much love to you! 🌻

Thank you so much for reading and for the resteem! It is so important how we choose to live in this short time~

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