Will Be Done With School Soon

in #life7 years ago

I just finished the last classes I need for my electrical engineering degree. Graduation was today but I decided not to walk. This makes 3 degrees for me and next week I will be taking my last 3 classes for college and getting my power utility degree. When I finish up in September, I will have all 4 degrees that I set out to get; Renewable Energy Technology, Solar Energy Technology, Electrical Engineering Technician, & Power Utility Technician.

Back in 2014 I packed up my motorcycle with my tent, sea bag, and an atlas and started heading west. The college I'm attending was the only renewable energy focused college at the time. I was in Virginia at the time and wanted to get out of there to get to Colorado and go to school and use my G.I. Bill. I rode my motorcycle out here to Colorado and didn't plan my route too much. I would stop for breaks and meals and just keep going. When the sun was starting to go down, I would start looking for campground signs and set up camp for the night. I highly recommend that you try this before you die. Don't bring a GPS and pack light.

Now that I'm finishing up school, I guess it's time that I start looking for a job. We are planning on moving back to Virginia where it is cheaper to live. We found out that living in Colorado has become expensive. This is because marijuana is legal here and everyone is flocking to Colorado, driving the housing prices up. As much as we love living in Colorado, we need to move where it is cheaper and get back to our little network of friends and family.

I am hoping that I can get my foot into the door with Dominion Virginia Power or maybe a solar company out there. Virginia is just starting out with building the state's renewable energy portfolio and I am hoping that I can help and be apart of that. Thanks to my wife income and cryptocurrency, I am not as pressured to start work the day after school ends. All I need to do is find a place to rent out in Virginia, buy a truck, and head out. It is so nice being in this position. There are other students that are not as fortunate. I tell a lot of people at school that I don't regret going into the service and this is the best way to get paid to go to school.



Congratulation @cromedome. I wish you success in your later hunt for job. I'm about entering my final year in my pursuit of a degree in computer engineering. I hope that I also have the opportunity to further my education just as you've done. You're an inspiration.

Congrats on making it through brother! Hard work pays off, and I'm sure you'll have no problem finding the position you're looking for. :)

Great post. Now i know why you are wearing shades in your profile pic....its cause your future is so bright! Sounds like you are intelligent, business minded and willing to walk the path less traveled: have you thought about launcing your own company?

Thanks a lot! I haven't thought about starting my own business though. I'm not sure if I want the responsibility

Well done! If things would have gone a little bit quicker here I could have offered you a job harvesting atmospheric electricity and sending it around the world. :) Perhaps you'd be interested in visiting my lab someday.

You have me interested in this. I'm looking it up

See (a.o.) these posts in my blog TMT - Intro, TMT - HV, TMT - Power Generation, TMT - Power Distribution and TMT - Com & Nav.
And/Or my Youtube channel
(I really need to post a new video soon!)
BTW the lab is in Thailand, so... something to keep in mind when planning a vacation....

Awesome bro congrats, thats a big accomplishment!

was you a 11B

wow...what a good and powerful narrative. admire your resolve and wish you success in your future plans

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