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RE: Podunk Perspective

in #life7 years ago

Hi, @generikat!

I'm bummed that I did not know you were in my neck of the woods, I would have loved to meet you in person! Nevertheless, I'm sure you were very busy during your stay in San Diego...

Thanks for this thoughtful post. You've touched on several themes that I consider important. Getting out of comfort zones and mental ruts... It is so good to see the world from a different perspective from time to time! Shakes up the thinking, fosters new ideas and creative juices!

I also consider it of great importance to try and listen to other viewpoints. I'm always poking at my readers, trying to get them to think outside of their own mental boxes...

In any case, you are no doubt by now safely ensconced back in Idaho... Sorry I missed your visit! Take care!




Hello there @creatr!

It would have been so cool to meet in person, but alas, you were right, my nephew kept me moving all rapid-like! I must say though, you live in one of the most beautiful, interesting places that I have ever had the pleasure to visit! I love San Diego and it's surrounding areas!

Being constantly challenged is so good for people, and thank you so much for your kind words! The next time I am down your way we'll have to hang out!😊

Sounds good, my dear friend! Keep on writing.

I'm sure there are places around here that I have yet to really find out about. I get too buried in my work... :O This is a fine area to live in (apart from human government meddling, that is...). ;)

Ooh! I look forward to eventually reading about your discoveries, work permitting of course!

I did notice that things were just a touch more micromanaged in the gov department than where I live, but that could totally be fixed, lol!

(( Grumble! ))

The way to fix "guvmn't", in my not so humble opinion, is to banish it from the face of the earth... :O

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