Cops Steal Cars and Nobody Cares

in #life7 years ago (edited)

"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
—William Shakespeare—

I'm calling a spade a spade.

I'm tired of the mass hallucinations of society. When a police officer calls a tow truck and has a car towed away, that is an act of theft. It's literal highway robbery.

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Ever had your car towed?
Image courtesy of cdz and

Cops steal cars, and everyone just stands around.

Does the supposed rationale really matter? If you strip away all the window dressing, all the excuses about government and society, all you have left is larceny.

Then you can add the collusion between the police and the towing companies, and you'll notice that the towing companies have a really sweet deal. Those tow companies get the fee for towing, and have a so-called "mechanics lien" on the car. If you don't pay whatever obscene fees they charge, they get to keep the car. Add to that storage fees, because, no, they're not going to tow it to your driveway.

Finally, if all the extortion is not paid in a timely manner, the police or the towing company or both share in the proceeds from auctioning off the vehicle that they've "legally" stolen.

The common man is a victim here, no matter the "reason" for the tow. Maybe his car missed a smog check. Maybe he just plain couldn't afford the latest annual extortion "registration" fees. How often should you need to "register" that you own something anyway?

Hook it up and haul it off—Courtesy of YouTube

Why should there be "theft exceptions" for cops?

There's a lot more that could be said about the basics of the law. Have you ever examined the meaning of licence? Why should you need a license to do something that is not a crime (i.e. own and drive a car)?

And (in the US) what about the constitution that's supposed to protect people from having their property seized? But the bottom line is this:

I'm just tired of all the nonsense.

We've been so conditioned to go along to get along. We're intimidated into just letting it happen. The cop's the one with the gun, right?

You learned it in kindergarten, didn't you?

"Don't take something that is not yours."

You heard it again and again in Sunday school, right?

"Thou shalt not steal."

Why do we look the other way for government?

So, I've decided to call that spade a spade. A pile of rubbish by any other name still stinks. I'm not going to put pretty window dressing on blatant, outright theft of property.

Here's a conversation I had recently.

Me: Cops stole George's (not his real name) car on Sunday.

Friend: What! Why?

Me: Because they can.

Friend: But... What was their excuse?

Me: There is no excuse for stealing.

Friend: Lolololol I'm asking what were the words that they used to justify it. I'm assuming they didn't say... "We are stealing this car."

Me: Words cannot justify anyone calling a towing company to haul away someone else's car.

Friend: Why did they tow it?? Was it at your house??? And they came on your property and took it? I'm so confused.

Me: No, at a Park and Ride.

Friend: That's so bizarre! Did a bunch of cars get towed or only his?

Me: Sorry, but I refuse to dress up the stark reality of what they did with any bullshit delusional descriptions that everyone just says "Oh" to.

Friend: Gotcha. So can he get it back? Or is he stuck without it now?

Me: Not only did they steal it, the forced him to pay the towing company for their "service." Which he did, and then had to go out and buy another car.

Friend: Buy another car?

Me: You know, those things with wheels that most people need to get around in?

Friend: Smart aleck! Yes, but why did he buy another one? Why didn't he get the car out of the impound? Wouldn't that have been cheaper???

Me: Just because the cops steal your car doesn't mean that you don't need one to get around in any more.

Friend: I'm asking... (and you're not listening cuz you're grumpy!!!) Why he couldn't just get the car back from the towing company.

Me: Didn't say he couldn't. Wouldn't ever have needed to if they hadn't colluded with the cops to steal it, and if all the bystanders hadn't heartily approved of such evil.

Will you join my campaign?

When the cops haul a car off for whatever reason, let's just tell it like it is.

They STOLE it.


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@creatr @creatr @creatr

again great post, nice cars video, It is a conspiracy? great think, thank you

We don't have Park and Rides where I live, so I don't know; are they private property or public? I only ask because if you park your car on someone's property without permission, then it gets a little more complicated because people should be entitled to chose who parks their car on their property.

That being said, cops rob people all the time and nobody complains about it. Money, cars, houses, and more are routinely seized in civil asset forfeitures, and people rarely say anything about it. Cops help steal people's children and people let it go. Cops pull people over on the highway and demand money for "going too fast" and THAT is literally highway robbery, yet nobody complains. Cops shoot unarmed people, including children, dead, and aren't convicted of any crimes. (On this one, there is sometimes some public outrage, though)

The fact is, most people think that is the way things should be, and they point guns at the rest of us and make us take it or be killed. It's not so much the guns as it is the gang. I have guns, but I don't have an endless supply of gangsters on call 24/7 ready to come help me roll someone at a moment's notice.

I'm with you, though. Impound it theft! Down with impound.

And taxes... They are theft too.

Thanks, @garthfreeman, for your comprehensive comments and observations.

"The fact is, most people think that is the way things should be..."

This truly is the core of the problem. I suspect you may have read Larken Rose's "The Most Dangerous Superstition."? If not, please do. He points out that all who believe in the power of government are the ones to blame for its continued evil existence.

Yes, civil forfeiture (what an oxymoron) is a real plague on the land. And we definitely must resist it for all we're worth.

Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

P.S. I'm pretty sure the "Park and Ride" is "public" property.

Sounds like a conspiracy! :)

It really is stealing, isn't it? Tip!

It is a conspiracy... Government conspires against us every day. :O

Thanks for your visit, and the tip. ;)

Makes me want to move off grid!

I'm ready... Let's go! ;)

Hi @creatr,
Great post in steem, regular police do with public, it's very bad, this conspiracy never like people, nice video shoot, I like and love your post, have a good day, thank you
Upvote and resteem done

Thank you.

Good point. Not cool!

I once had to pay $50 to a towing company to move my car just a few blocks... which wasn't my idea, and I still had to deal with the police on the rest of it.

I love the point of "how many times do you have to register something that you own?"

Greetings, Papa... Nice to "see" you. ;)

Yeah, the concept of repeatedly having to "register" with the state is a real loser...

I can't remember the last time a towing charge was as low as $50 bucks... Sounds as if you got off "light" by current standards.

In any case, I feel as if we need to just resist the machinations of human government whenever possible, and at least not dress them up with excuses!

Thanks for dropping by and commenting! :D



Sadly it's in almost every aspect of life... political forces are using "licencing" as a means of control of things that when one really stops to think about it begs the question of what business is it of theirs to even have a say at all (thinking business licences, marriage licences, pet licenses even... what "right" exists that ever conveyed TO government in any guise a say to determine how people choose to function in these arenas?)

Your towing question is actually much akin to my thoughts on generalized taxation in large part... theft - the confiscation through coercision, threat of force, or actual exercise of force to confiscate that which does not belong to you.

What's tragic to me... is that I think most police actually get into their vocation out of a desire to protect and serve others... what too often ends up happening is that noble intentions and servant desires get co-opted to nefarious ends by a system that is perhaps even more "sin-soaked" than most individuals simply because of the power such sytems can wield. (thinking of Lord Acton's "power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.")

Anyway - thought provoking read. Incidentally I should tell you... "you should pray more... it works on the grumpy" - but that would be a bit shameless of me, but only kind of ... :)

I'll try to hit you up on Discord soon... the last couple of days have been really busy trying to help celebrate a 50th Anniversay for my folks with my dad in his "lymphoma state" - bittersweet, but good.

Peace my friend

I came to the conclusion a quarter century ago that taxation is theft, and had an epic battle with the leadership of the church I attended at the time. A church where I was a founding member, but had no "official" capacity. Long story, as you might imagine. The leadership ultimately used threats and coercion to keep me in line, but (thank God) I ultimately found an alternate "church home."

I really need to get my Steemit Library revision and maintenance completed. I've written a lot about my understanding of church v state, and state v individual.

I really wasn't "grumpy" against my friend at all, just against the state. She understands that.

Sorry to hear of your dad's affliction. Glad they made 50 years...
Are you aware of ?

"...a system that is perhaps even more "sin-soaked" than most individuals..."

The systems we observe (aka the state) are irretrievably broken. I have become convinced that human government is in all truth the beast of John's revelation, and the church at large (speaking in an all too general sense) is its false prophet. I've written about this, probably most directly in this article:

"Human Governments Are Satanic"

I appreciate your comments, my friend. Thank you. ;)

I thought that this only happened in my country Argentina, here it happens the same, always find an excuse to tow your car, when you go to the garage of the company to pick up your car you leave with a large account that you have to pay for towing your automobile, plus the road ticket.
the echos are so shameful in my country that they made a peleicula about it, it's called wild tales with Ricardo Darin.
You're right dear friend @creatr with your expression, they're stealing us.
I wish you a great day

Thanks, @jlufer.

I fear that almost all governments are like this, and do not have peaceful solutions. They think they can just take things.

Thanks for your comments. I should try to find a copy of that movie! :D



one more reason I'm glad I live in a free country.

Hi, Trevor,

As I'm unaware of any countries that can honestly be described as "a free country," I would dearly love to hear why you describe yours thusly? ;)



Its actually more insidious than that.

You gave them the car.
It is what registration means.

You gave them the car, and they gave you the sole right to use it.
Of course, they have failed on their end of the deal, but that doesn't stop them from making it the way everyone thinks its done.

You can go to a car dealership and buy aloidial title. Which means, you own the car. If you don't specifically ask for this, then they will give the car to the govern-cement and stick you with the payments.

So, I've heard rumors of that "title" v "certificate of title" stuff... but never actually seen it.

Do you hold "allodial title" to a car? If you do, do they leave you alone?

No, the police officers stole my car before I learned of this.
And no, most police officers do not know the real rules, but I have heard of people filing suit against them for stealing their car, and getting their car back post haste.

The way to do it seems to get plates made by a group that sells to allodial car owners. I also need to look into it.

If you learn more, especially practical details, I'd love to know about this.

Please notify me if you ever write an article about this? I'd love to read it. ;)

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