Country FolkssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago

Me, posing with my fish necklace.

Country folks are a mysterious breed to many people. City dwellers don't understand how we have fun without bright lights and busy urban activity.

Please allow me to demystify this perplexing group of people for you. If you read this post in its entirety, you will become educated on the lifestyles of the "small-towners" and country folks living in my area of the Upper Midwest. I will keep your limited amount of time in mind as I provide a photo documentary of this strange lifestyle. Please do enjoy.

What We Do For Entertainment.

We enjoy spending a weekend uncivilized -- meaning drinking beer and camping by a pond in the woods.

We like to fish (while drinking a beer).

We like to pose our prized hunting dogs with our favorite 30 pack of beer.

(These dogs are actually trained to open a cooler, sniff out and retrieve a can of Busch out of all other brands of beer, then deliver it to their owner!)

We keep pet catfish in our ponds.

And in our homes.

We hunt for morel mushrooms.

Then pose them beside our can of beer for a size scale.

We blaze through creek beds with ATVs.

And Jeeps.

On Fourth of July weekend, we float all day in a pond, drinking beer and staying cool.

We even keep a 30 pack floating on the surface for easy access. When we run out of ice, we tie our beer to a boat anchor and sink it to the frigid bottom of the pond, where we can retrieve it by a rope when we need a new one.

We make emergency survival cooking stoves from beer cans.

We spend entire weekends on river canoe trips.

Or disappear for a whole week in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area, with no outside contact whatsoever.

We take a school bus and convert it to an RV with a deck on top.

When we are camping in the Boundary Waters and realize we forgot a spoon, we improvise with tree bark.

Did I mention that we like to catch fish?

In fall, we like hay rides in the country.

When a friend gets married, we have bachelor parties in the country that involve guns, fireworks, ATVs, and a vast quantity of beer.

Heck, we even build functioning wood stoves from retired mailboxes to heat our campers!

Have I mentioned yet that we like to fish?

We build our own blinds to hunt out of.

And cover our walls with dead animals.

We ice skate on ponds.

We pick up snakes (and sometimes get bitten).

Notice the laceration on my finger from this aggressive Bull Snake.

We enjoy having a cold beer and watching a river flow by.

We enjoy harvesting fresh fruits and vegetables from our own yard.

We like playing with large machines and doing fun jobs.

Like digging our own ponds.

Have I mentioned fishing yet?


In Conclusion

I hope I have clarified the enormous question that has been keeping you awake at night and distracting your mind during the day: How do country folks entertain themselves?

It is important to note that many of these photos were taken during my younger years, before I was a father. These were the days before I knew the Lord, and my life was misguided. Not that these activities are bad, but the excessive drinking is not an accurate representation of who I am today. I am just a good ol' boy who loves the Lord and the family He has given me. And it is fun to look back on some of the good times of my past.


I appreciate the resteem! You are most generous.

Awesome post, but you forgot to mention NASCAR for the bus deck photo. :-) That thing is just screaming race track infield.

Haha yes, it would be perfect. We discussed taking it to Kansas Speedway because that is the closest track, but it never happened.

Love the spoon improv

Haha thanks! It worked pretty darn good.

Awesome pictures of a country lifestyle.... I grew up the same way and have a ton of country bumpkins for family. This whole post kept me shaking my head at each pic and saying...yep that's about right! lol

I'm glad it brings back some good memories! Country bumpkins sure know how to have fun!

Stop, you are making me miss Mississippi and I can't go back :(

I don't know your situation, but if you feel a longing to go back, you can make it happen.

I could indeed, who knows. If it happens, I would want to be on the coast but right now that is a dream for the future.

Looks like you'er enjoying the area where you live and that it's been good to you in return.

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

You bet! I'm sure people can find good times no matter where they live. I just happen to call this area my home. Thank you!

You are having a good country time there, for sure! I like seeing all the fishing and mushroom hunting -- good foraging! And those apricots look so, so delicious! Happy New Year! I hope this is your best year yet, @countryinspired!

Thank you, I appreciate that! We have some amazing apple and apricot trees here at our house. We bought the place in winter when the trees were dormant, so we had no idea that we got a small "orchard" with the house until the following spring. And Happy New Year to you, too!

I"m surprised the sellers of your house didn't feature the orchard as a selling point. Here in the Pacific Northwest, folks keep trying to find apricots that work with our cold, wet springs. I get a few every year, but not like where I grew up in Kansas. Tree-ripened apricots are a whole different fruit than from a store, for sure. You can tell I'm jealous of your apricots, lol. ; )

They are the best apricots I've ever had! The person we bought the house from was a hairstylist in her twenties. She only lived in the house for five years, and I don't think she gave a rip about fruit trees. But the owners before her lived here for 59 years. They planted all the trees on the property, and took great pride in gardening and maintaining their little orchard.

They are the best apricots I've ever had! The person we bought the house from was a hairstylist in her twenties. She only lived in the house for five years, and I don't think she gave a rip about fruit trees. But the owners before her lived here for 59 years. They planted all the trees on the property, and took great pride in gardening and maintaining their little orchard.

I see it was fun) Cool post!

Fun indeed! Thank you.

this post is country AF! lol

Just curious... what is AF? That happens to be my initials.

I go to school in Boston, but I live in upstate NY, and I can tell you that I miss the wide open fields and the dense forests a TON after a while of staying in the city. Great post!

By the way, Busch Lattes are my favorite too ;)

The love of the country goes with us wherever we go! Now following you. Thanks for the response!

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