[New Year #2] Nurturing what's already growing

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to step 2 of "Planting Your New Year".

Yesterday we pulled out the weeds - all the stuff that doesn't serve us anymore, and which we want to leave behind in 2017.

Then we all went to celebrate New Years - wherever we were :) I hope you had a good time!

I spent last night at the beach with thousands of others and lots of fireworks.


(I only noticed the state of my "beach wear" this morning in the light...)


Happy New Year!

So today we're looking at the good stuff: all the things that are worth celebrating and doing more of in the new year.

What you give your attention to, grows...

Now is the time to stop and pat ourselves on the back. Most of us hardly ever do that. We just keep hustling on and completely miss our milestones.


So I sat down this morning to ask myself these questions, and I invite you to do the same:

  • What did I accomplish in the past year? (Don't look only at things that you did or acquired. Doing and having are only a small part of the category "accomplishments". Being is the most important part. Have you managed to become/be [more visible, strong, forgiving, trusting, loving; less judgmental, afraid, worried, etc.])?
  • What are one or two major things that stood out as particularly amazing? (Why? What did you do differently, or how were you being different in those situations? [Identify this, so you know what you want to do/be more of in the new year.])
  • What did I learn about myself? (Note here all the things you didn't know you were capable of.)
  • What are my personal values?

That last question is a really important one.

Our values are what drives us in life.

When they are not met, we become unhappy or get burned out. Look at your answers above and also look at yesterday's list again, in order to find out what your values are.

My most important value in life is freedom, for example. Every decision I take in my business and life is consciously or unconsciously based on how much freedom it will give me.

When you find out what your core values are (it may be a longer process since most of this is unconscious) you will notice why you weren't happy in a certain relationship, why you had to leave a certain job, why you are "the different one" in your family, etc. etc. A number of things will become clear to you and it will give you clarity on what to pursue from now on.

I might write a separate post on how to figure out your values. If you've read yesterday's post, where I mentioned I'm going to let a few "friends" go, it's because I realized that none of my friendship-values (honesty, stability, loyalty, reliability) were met in those friendships. So they basically are no friendships. I need to let those friends go, so I can make space for new friendships who do meet my values.

To be continued tomorrow

Okay, so now we've pulled out the weeds in Step #1, and we identified the healthy saplings we want to keep on growing in Step #2.

In Step #3 we will put it all together and create a sort of compass for this year. We all know how easy it is to forget our New Year's Resolutions by January 2. Taking this time for introspection will give us a way more solid foundation, to actually follow through on what we want to create this year.

I'm off to the next fireworks now - see you tomorrow! :)


Awesome questions asked, Nice activity and Round of self achievments during last year work outs and making goals for coming year to achieve.
'Happy New Year to You too' Hope coming year will bring more success and ahppiness in you life. Keep it up :)

I really love that it seems like there's a global shift going on, where lots more people are becoming more and more aware, and asking themselves questions like you've mentioned.

I have learnt this last year, how important it is to reflect and evaluate, tune into your intuition, and find your desires and purposes, so that you can be your best self and give your best back to the world. I do feel that we are moving towards a much better future, and it is such a beautiful feeling.

Questions I've had in mind for 2018: What do I want to see more of? What can I do more of, to feel/be my best? How can I contribute and give value, wherever it is?

I'm getting a massive buzz from all the hope and excitement lots of people around me (myself included) are feeling for 2018! I cannot wait to see what will unfold :D

Have an amazing new year! Thank you for your post <3

Yes, this year is gonna be BIG! :) And it will need the help of lots of conscious people...

Feeling very honoured to be a part of this time :)

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