Because it is little, it matters, Part II. Contributed by @Olawalium

in #life6 years ago


I love doing the seemingly little and simple things, because I know it matters to people a lot. They value it more if you are as sensitive as me when it comes to noticing peoples' reactions and studying their behaviours.

People see me all over the place, like always moving around to disturb people and make them laugh, everywhere I go. It’s on purpose. Even though I am an indoor kind of person, I decided on purpose to be doing that and the reason isn’t far-fetched. Little things matters, how?

Everyone has a battle they are facing, and when you see them, it is sometimes hard to tell. Some people don’t actually need anything you have to give them, all they need is a shoulder to lean on or a hand to hold, and they will be fine. People often wonder why I enjoy hugging people. I do that on purpose. I could hug you so tight or sometimes mildly. Most of the times, I see these people hug back so tightly and give me a smile afterward.

A few of the times, they started messaging me and told me what they were going through, without me asking. Little things matter. Someone messaged me one day saying, It’s been a long time I have been held like that. It made me feel excited, knowing someone is happy with just a seemingly little hug.


Don’t see things as little, look for the seemingly little things, follow also the promptings of your heart and do them. You have no idea how much it would mean to someone. That is all some people need.

I read a story about a man that set out to go and commit suicide. As he was going, he met another man that gave him a compliment on how good he looked. (I think the man on the suicide mission wanted to at least have a fine death, so he dressed his best, hahaha. Jokes please.). The man on the suicide mission smiled, turned back after losing the other man in sight, and went home. Roger...Mission aborted... I repeat, mission aborted!...Copy that. (Haha I play too much).

He got home, picked up his diary, and wrote something like this:
Today I set out to go and end my life because I feel I have nothing to offer or something anyone would like. But then, I met someone who complimented me, which was the first in a long while. Today is a good day.


You have no idea how much a compliment can mean to someone. It seems little, but very effective, enough to save a suicide-seeking soul. You don’t know, maybe another person is dealing with low self-esteem, or the person is feeling odd, and your compliment could be all they needed to face their fears and forge ahead. Seemingly little things do matter and they matter a whole lot.

I don’t speak idle words. I speak from my heart. I don’t say words just because I want to make you feel good, I say them because that is how I see things. I always spot what others can’t see, I always get to know and see things that people don’t even know about themselves, and when I point it out, the reality sets in. You might say, But I am not as sensitive as you, and I will tell you, there is always at least one thing on which you can compliment another person, all you need to do is to be open to it.

I do random acts of seemingly little things and I have gotten used to it. The moment I have that prompting in my mind, I spring into action.

I took a bike with this lady, I think I sat at the middle, and the moment she got to her spot, she dropped, and as she was opening her bag to pay the bike man. I tapped the bike man to leave, that I will pay. I don’t even know this lady, but her expression was priceless. It all happened in split seconds.

She stood there, maybe trying to remember where she knows me, or it has been so long she last received anything from anyone. Maybe the money she wanted to pay with was her last cash, but then, I left her with many questions and a satisfied excitement. If it means something to her, it definitely means something to me too.


Every little bit helps. E​very little thing matters.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn’t bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

Olawalium; (Love’s chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor’s order.

If you enjoyed this post, follow @Olawalium


Beautiful, strong words ..
Yes, life is exciting with its small details
Great post from you
Thanks for sharing

If their is one thing I must learn and master from you, it must be that aspect of you that is sensitive to every spoken and unspoken words. You sensed things far before they materialized.
You are part of my story, I can't imagine myself now if you fail to be you by looking inwardly and share with me your heart.
Thank you for being you, from a grateful heart

Thanks a lot brother. I enjoy reading from you also. It makes me happy. Sincerely appreciate you.
From another grateful heart 😆😆

Mr bleeding speaking pen, really nice act, its a beautiful way to act. But i wonder, where i stay is a very massive metropolitan area, its Lagos state, business capital of Nigeria.
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To be honest sometimes i use to plan to act like you, as soon as i leave my house in the morning, as im standing at the bus stop about to board a bus, a very elderly plus sized woman jams me with the door and squeeze my scrotum with the edge of the door with one leg in and the other leg out of the bus, meanwhile the bus has not stopped moving, to top it all, i was not even struggling for the bus. Please its very hard to not say God will punish you o especially after i have missed the bus.

I admire your philosophy i will try to learn from you, and how do you handle such situations?

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I understand, that's Lagos life. I don't understand Lagos and I intentionally choose not to. That city is not for me. Sorry about your pain. Either you change your timing by leaving earlier than usual.

Either you change your timing by leaving earlier than usual.

Leave too early, conductor will fight you for not having change :'(

Then you split change before morning. Hahahaha

Little things means a lot to some people and it can go extra miles. I learned lot from this post. remember NO MATTER HOW IS LITTLE JUST GIVE IT OUT daski

Some people don't realize that sometimes it's the little things that counts. The fact that you can be there for people when you're needed, no matter the capacity, will forever put you in their hearts

Exactly. When we put ourself out there for people, we have carved our names in stone in their heart. Not all people would remember, but that deed would always speak.
Thank you for your time as always.

Many people appreciate little because it's means a lot to them. When you do little things for someone it go far in mind. Give your little things and receive more. Many things to learn from this post

Hmmmm.. Little things that matter. A little act of kindness can go a long way such that it can't be forgotten for life. Doing things not expecting any favour in return is always priceless and ones reward if from God. No man can repay ones kindness

Yes, no man can. Every little bit surely help. It shifts our focus and attention to things that really matters.

This made me happy. Many things to learn from this. Good one

Thank you so much sir. Really appreciate it

Every little words from you is a lesson

I am glad you love it. Means a lot to me.

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