The advent of man, super-consciousness, an epi-genetic uprising, alternate timelines, a golden age, and a new future.

in #life7 years ago

We create reality.

I mean this in a literal sense.

We actually mold and change reality with our thoughts, feeling, and intent

All matter can be broken down into various patterns of vibrational frequency. All things consist of an energy that is vibrating at a certain speed, in a certain pattern.

The best way to describe frequency is: SOUND

When I speak to you in words, I am sending out waves of vibrational patterns that send meaning to your brain.

When someone says "I love you", we can feel the energy of these words.

Words are sounds that connect us.

Everything at its core is, in reality, oscillating frequency ( sound)

In the beginning there was the word (sound) , and the word was God (spirit), and the word was with God (oneness)
~ King James bible

The problem with western civilization is that we have forgotten our roots.

We have forgotten the magic of science that the civilizations of old knew .

We have closed our eyes to truth at the beckoning of indoctrination.

The human being is a magnificent creation.

We have infinite potential.

We have the ability as the human race of earth to change the entire universe, or destroy ourselves.

We have the potential to evolve dramatically.

Scientists such as Bruce Lipton have determined that the human mind has the ability to actually change genetics.

This phenomenon is called Epi genetics.

Epi meaning above.

Meaning that we are ABOVE our genetics.

People have cured themselves of cancer through pure intention.

We control our genetics.

Stem calls have been proven to conform and adapt to their environment.

Our thoughts and feelings determine that environment.

Since reality in its purest form is vibration, naturally the vibrations that we send into the surrounding reality as thought and feeling affect the surrounding vibration - in turn changing our reality.

This is known as the law of correspondence, as well as the law of attraction.

Naturally then, instances of the human being becoming sick and developing tumors, have less to do with "unfortunate coincidences", and more to do with how they live their life.

The 9-5 grind and an obsession with work can actually shorten a life span.

This is because of circle thoughts that lead to depression and leave us caught in a vicious cycle of literally manifesting our death.

If you don't believe that we can control our genetics - rather than having our genetics control us - click here

The human being has the potential to rise in consciousness and ability beyond our current comprehension.

Within the 97% of DNA termed "junk", there hides unlocked potential.

Some people, believe that with this junk DNA there is a potential to connect more helixes together.

They believe that, somehow, the majority of human DNA has been switched "off".

This coincides with scientists who claim we only use 10 percent of our brain.

The film Lucy, demonstrates what could happen if the human being fully "turned on".

We would become super conscious.

Capable of bending physical reality at our will.

Clearly, the human being has a bright future ahead.

A multitude of potential.

Alternate timelines.

So far we have talked about how our thoughts create our reality and how we control our genetics.

This next part may seem off topic, but it will tie this all together.

Recently, I have watched three media productions that have dramatically changed my views on reality.

Those productions were, Tomorrow land, The man in the high castle, and Doctor Strange.

All three of these productions convey the message that an infinitude of alternative realities exist.

That tapping into realities is as easy as altering our vibrational frequency.

Add to this the phenomenon that is The Mandela effect,

As well as the quantum theory model of parallel universes,

And you get at the very least a plausible theory that multiple realities exist and can be tapped into.

Our very intentions change the world around us.

And according to the linked information, our vibration can align us with alternative realities.

What does this mean?

It means that we can choose our future.

It means that those of us who manifest fear will experience fear,

We will create - or align to - a reality that matches that vibration.

In this reality, perhaps we will experience terrorism, martial law, or nuclear destruction.

Yet there will be those who will not experience any of this.

They will choose to experience a different reality.

They will choose a reality of love and peace, while others will manifest the "end of the world".

Why do you think the mainstream media pours out so much fear into the airwaves?

They want desperately for you to believe that only one reality exists.

Beings that feed off of fear will try to keep you in fear.

But you don't have to be a victim.

As hue-man beings, we are magnificent aspects of the highest potential of creation.

We are so much more than we realize.

But our minds have been locked in a cage.

What we haven't yet realized is that a key is not even needed - we can disintegrate the lock by recognizing its unreality.

Our love permeates the structure of the matrix.

I used to define love as "the greatest power in the universe".

I have since retracted that definition, and replaced it with: "love is the power of the universe"

Definitions indeed matter- yet many of us don't know how to define love.

In Sanskrit, there are 96 words for love.

In English, only the one.

Love is the basic building block of the universe.

The source within all life.

Its counter part - fear - is only a created absence of this natural energy.

Thus, the creation of duality and the Lucifer experiment.

Creating a new future on the foundation of a new world.

Creating an oasis that supports life - a garden of Eden 2.0 - is not at all impossible, nor improbable.

It is simply a few decisions, and one alternate reality away.

We already have all the necessary resources to provide universal equality to planet earth: What is lacking is the proper mindset.

As human beings reclaim their divine heritage, as we open up to the truth of our power of being-ness, and embrace our position as Creators of our reality - rather than victims of it - we will naturally shift OUR world, into one of the highest potential of goodness.

Those who manifest fear will not be included in this reality.

I believe that the two worlds will split.

Becoming two alternate realities.

2012 marked the begining of a 2000 year cycle into the photon belt.

It signified the begining of a golden age potential.

A time where there is more light than dark.

But it is still up to us to implement this change.

It is up to us to take responsibility and CHOOSE our reality.

If we want to experience heaven on earth, we can.

We can experience a golden age: and it starts with expanding our individual consciousness - raising our frequency.

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Thank you for that. Keep spreading the Love & Light!

Thanks for reading :)

I really appreciate it.

Followed you....are you french?

Awesome article! Love the youtube video too.

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