Matt Drudge Calls Facebook - a Internet Ghetto - I just figured it out too !

in #life7 years ago

In a rare interview I heard with Matt Drudge he said, Facebook is nothing more than a Internet Ghetto After just 2 weeks on steemit, I now understand him !
Druge report.jpg
If you haven't heard of the Drudge Repot , its is by far, the most visited news site in the World
all he does is link to what he feels is important news. just like some folks here :-) LOL

But that's not the point I want to make right now.
Most of my Family & friends are on Facebook and from time to time meaningful communication takes place ( but its very rare indeed)
When your close with someone, you basically know what their doing on a day to day basis. And few things ever happen that are note worthy. You don't need to know every time, their having a moment LOL.
And I hate to admit it, but at times I'm the worst :-(, I call them Philosophical Tantrums ( always while drinking pretty much )
I never get relpies to these, after all no one gives a shit and even if they do ? why escalate it LOL Ok Nuff said ...

Steemit comes into my life, And I can pound away at the keyboard and no one is going to take it personal, and I just might find a person or 100, that want to chat about my issue de Jour, the rest just move on....
Point being, every day I do my thing here - sorry no tantrums ( yet ), I've been pissed a few times, and pass on turning the comp on. Respect and or ? stops me, no idea ?
But I have through my blogs got replies from all sorts of wonderful people on my stories so far :-)
I also ( try ) to take a hour at night to peruse the #introduceyourself blogs, and look for interesting ones, to offer my personal welcome to : have remembered how into reiki I was before, helper/healer Hypnotherapist and so many other topics, that I now get a daily feed of and growing.
I find myself communicating deeper with strangers than I ever have with Friends/Family on Facebook.
About Chickens, homesteading, mental health etc etc etc.... It really satisfies my ADD personality LOL

The last 2 weeks have been a personal Carnival ride for me here, A minnow if you will, swimming back and forth here and there at lightning speeds, wanting to everything at the same time.
Due to a potential ( big fight with my wife ) I took off walking, had a great day meeting friends and going drinking ( Imagine ) LOL, but everything I saw was a story, idea, picture that I wanted to share right here, Whew....I'm gonna drive my friends nuts :-) but learning that I can take my time, and do a much better job in the end ( with patients ).

Ok I think I'm done ( or am I ? ) proof read ? not the last part Arrrr

Just to it ! click post !

first add sig..

My Signature Post ---> Potential Followers Please Click HERE to get started

If you got this far, Thanks so much for reading & replying ?

Adios :-)


Very sincere post. I liked how you talk about yourself and are honest about who you are as a person. I agree with you that Steemit is far better than Facebook because here you can interact with different people and really express your thoughts. On facebook everyone is always afraid of what other peoply (friends/family) might think but here people take real interest. Thank you for sharing this. Upvoted...

I meet the best people, just being myself. Friends/Family on Facebook - they tolerate me ( cuz I'm harmless & lovable ) in person :-), plus I will shut up if asked ( maybe )hehe.
Other will say in person only, I read everyone of your posts and enjoy them, but don't respond ( because others are watching ).
I Love that !

Yeah, it feels so... fresh. No ads, intelligent conversation. Feels like 10 years ago!!! In a good way!

I love Drudge, but I can tell you first hand, he's targeted a lot.

One of my stories last August was made the headline story on Drudge. Millions read the story and tens of thousands clicked on the video (though I think in reality it got hundreds of thousands of clicks, but that's another story). Ever since I was featured on Drudge Report and Infowars I've been attacked and censored from all angles. It's been hell to live through because I make my living via my media and they cut 90% of my pay.

Anyone that's featured on Drudge gets censored and demonetized.

Instant limelight ! I know.
Little old me with no following ( on Facebook ) had threatening phone calls, because of Philosophical tantrums I posted. Had Visa's denied for my Panamanian wife etc...
But you know what ? There are Many Many Angels that look at the same information on their screens, and I feel like royalty when passing through their check points :-)
That itself makes it all worth while my friend....

Steem on Brother ! you may feel some heat from your posts here - But you will never be censored ! So Never surrender !

Love Always


Love this post... Thanks

Matt's under the gun for his site, the powers that be want to make it illegal for him to link to others material !
effectively shutting him down.

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