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RE: GREAT IDEA! - I have accepted the 30 Day Positivity Challenge, Can You Take it?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I understand what you guys want to say, but must say I completely disagree with this approach. This reminds me on New Agers that put colorful glasses and pretend that everything is great on this planet. Trying to be positive is not right way in my opinion because it trying on force to be positive. What we should do is to create world where negative thing woudn't happen and then we will not have need to try to be postivite. That would be our natural state and we woudn't call it positive any more. In this world today, staying positive means ignoring negative, just you said in your post. That woudn't change anything.


On the contrary. After the many recent quantum physics findings, many of those scientists came forward to explain that our perception of reality is false in many aspects. You might have heard about "the law of attraction". Well, on a quantum level perspective, everything is formed out of energy. Your energy will attract similar energies, so that you will resonate with them. It's a bit complicated to explain without using more complex terms, but the main idea is that every single thought you have (consciously or subconsciously) is actively changing your reality one way or another. This is true whether we believe it or not. Many people claim it's false after "trying" to use it because they are actually just trying to fool themselves that they've changed, when their subconscious mind actually keeps the same old beliefs/patterns/thoughts/etc. Therefore, not only should everyone start thinking positive, they should also actually mean it, because old thought patterns and belief systems aren't easily shaken - it requires time and a strong motivation/desire to change one's life for the better. There are many online courses explaining all about this in-depth (especially on Udemy) - and the authors are well known physicists/psychologists/etc.

If you devote yourself 100% to negative things in your life, all you see is negative things at the exclusion of not noticing the positive elements.

Sometimes it's time to take a break.

The challenge is only for 30 days. Meaning, the remaining 335 days of the year we can focus on negative if we want to...

If you look at it in this context, it is a really good idea.

Sometimes same words have different meaning to someone else. For example staying only positive to me means ignoring reality of situation on this planet. But for someone that phrase can mean something else. I like phase 'taking break from everything' because it shows what it is.

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