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RE: Why I am the way I am?

in #life7 years ago

I am a real quitter, some may say.

I quit my corporate employment the moment I qualified.

I quit my first job after nine months when I found out it was a dead end for making real progress there.

I quit my next job when my supervisor became bossy in a way that told me this hierarchy isn't one that I could fit into.

And from then on I was self employed, so I could quit no more - not that I ever wanted to!

I never got rich this way, not with pots of money, but one thing is for sure - I am a wealthy man today..wealthy in friends and in experience, in freedom of mind and I am wealthy with happiness for having investigated life in my own independent way, without ever having had to trample anyone else in achieving what I wanted to.

To crown it all, I now have ownership a kind of wealth that I can hand out to anyone in need of it, without losing any doing so.

May your passion win you lots of wealth @usmanalisha!

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