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RE: The Pursuit of Happiness | Better than Happiness

in #life6 years ago

The agendas that I want to have are:

  1. The prevention of suffering
  2. The reduction of suffering
  3. The elimination of suffering

I think as a group, these are the wisest agendas to have (personally & collectively). @yawnguy I only realized this recently and have been trying to center my mind and life around it since.


The way I see it is there is positive stuff; neutral/null; negative stuff. If you only work on the negative stuff, the best outcome possible is no suffering, a neutral state. What about all the positive not getting any attention? It's also a depressing environment for the alleviator, the caregiver, because he/she is continually immersed in misery. One has to be a saint to not be affected negatively by that.

I think a caregiver and person in general would only suffer if they neglected their own suffering for the sake of helping others.

If we focus on the prevention, reduction and long-term elimination of suffering (including our own), we are ensuring that the happiness we enjoy is not causing misery for ourselves or others.

P.S. I edited the post again to describe my current perspective. Thank you for discussing this with me @yawnguy I am learning a lot through writing, reflecting and discussing.

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