What’s My Story At This Time In My Life?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I have been through a lot in my life; but as the author, three goals are the driving force of my story at this time in my life. They are:

  1. Save humanity
  2. Help every person in the world
  3. Get married and have a family

For me they are straightforward and achievable, but to some these may seem farfetched or impossible goals. In response, I always remember this quote by Michelangelo:
“The danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it. But that it’s too low and we reach it.”


Saving humanity is the binding of my book. It is the fabric that links the pages and stories together; and without it, the other two are hard to comprehend.

The first step for me was to treat every single person with respect and decency. That may sound like a small task but it takes work to engrain it as a driving force in your daily life.

Besides dying, being a human is what all seven billion living on Earth of us share. It is a commonality that should be used as a foundation of righteousness to provide all with a decent, humane life. I truly believe these values combined with love is the recipe for living a true and happy life.


With step two, I asked myself what am I going to do about it?

As a result, love was intertwined into my story. Besides music, love is one of the most universal themes understood by cultures across all parts of the globe.

I truly believe to save humanity every single human also needs to have the opportunity to love and be loved. Love is the vehicle we are using to inspire and reach all of humanity.

Step three is you.

My hope is that the feeling of love will inspire you to help us fellow humans save humanity and establish love and hope for all.

I truly believe all humans are good by nature, but some are driven to evil for different reasons.


Photo courtesy of my friend Misha Tot

Let us use the vehicle of love to inspire all humans to live the right life, not the easy one, and in doing so will set off a domino effect of love and positivity that will be the binding for all of humanity. Just imagine what seven billion humans could accomplish if we all loved and respected each other.

But what about the pages of my book, the experiences that make up the story of my life?

The key is at some point to start thinking bigger, to stop letting yourself off the hook with impotent goals, and to take what you’ve learned and who you’ve become and start charging the “big hills.”

Besides saving humanity, the other big hill I am climbing is helping every person in the world. This quest is my story, the pages that fills up the book of my life.

I started by focusing not on obtaining things, but obtaining experiences. These experiences have led me to my best friends and wisdom beyond my age.

I use these experiences as a way to teach others what to do and what not to do with the end goal of helping every person in the way they need it most.


Me with some friends about a month ago

Lastly, the dedication page of my story is my third goal, find true love and have a family.

Have true love or save the world?

I have always thought it had to be one or the other. As a result, I cut myself off from the possibility of finding true love and focused solely on saving the world.

However, recently a fellow crystal wisely suggested I try and save the world with true love.

My heart is now filled with love and hopefully the vehicle of love touches you the same way it did with me. May it motivate you to put values into action to make sure love wins every day in your life.

Hope this gives you a perspective on who I am and why I do what I do.


Thank you as always for your time and attention.




Thank you very much @chiefmappster. I read through your written thoughts last night while sitting on a container having the festival site of Ferropolis in my back but was not able to form a meaningful comment anymore. :D

The whole today your words resonated with me and I had to think about your post a lot. I love your opjectives which are showing so much humanity and the great character behind those words.

I furthermore could identify myself with some of your points while handing out masses of appreciation to my partying neighbours.

Keep rocking your way and thank you for Being my friend!


you have great ideals, help also save the animals which are tortured for months simply for a pleasurable taste in the mouth.

Awh thank you so much, I really appreciate your words.

And you are absolutely right, we need to love and save all living souls on this planet including animals and plants. They are part of the consciousness :)

what a beautiful post!!! upvoted and resteemed!

Would love to know your thoughts on mine...


Wow thank you so much for your words, I really appreciate it.

On it :)

I think it is precisely through loving well those closest to us that we "save the world." Real, deep, authentic, fighting love actually does change the world!

Thanks for your thoughts--you seem to have such a good heart. Do keep trying to love every day of your life; nothing else matters.

Thank you so much for those kinds words, I really appreciate it :)

I completely agree with you real fighting love at least gives us a chance to change this world. Faith will take it from there :)

You sound like you have a very pure soul man, thats gold right there.

I think if you go 3 then 2 then 1 should go well. Getting married first, and then together with your partner help everyone to spread the love and save the world.

I think this world needs a change of this sort, change the way we see things.

Good read @chiefmappster peace!

Thank you so much for those kinds words my friend.

That is some awesome advice, and you are absolutely right this world needs that positive change its time :)

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