A fathers sorrow, walking your son into school for the first time

in #life7 years ago

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Walking your child into class for the first time and leaving is hard parents.... Really hard

To those of you that take the time to watch this, i have to apologize now because i am a bit emotional so i sound a littld strange when im talking. If your a parent you understand.. And for those of you all that are future parents youll understand in time.

To other parents i listen to every type of music, this song may not be your prefence but to me it explains my feelings for my son...

Disclaimer the image on my post is from elizabethmcdonnellphotography i am not the creator of this image.
The youtube video is of my own creation, and the song is from The artist The Game Like father, Like Son. Thanks to all all of you who take the time to review this post.


This got me really sad.. and I can literally feel your emotions .. always remember that these battles are making you a lot stronger to face life and to raise ur son the right way , if you can fight these battles , you can fight any battle against anyone . People think that emotions bring people down but a man with emotion , is a man with everything , that's a true soldier

Well said Farwa. I just miss him he made me cry in the gym i stayed for 30 minutes the principle was like Mr. Carter you got to and when i turned around and she saw my eyes her and a teacher and janitor all asked to hug me that part was wierd, his mother made me seem mean and cruel apparently then they met me anf was like ohhhhh shittttt this tattooed fighter guy is crying. Cute? I guess but more so it showed them the truth a man that worships the ground his son walks on. Om sure i made an impression. As for crying for any man to say crying isnt normal... They need a reality check because crying by my understanding doesnt determine your personality, your morals, your ethics, or your penis size (hahaha) so with that said dudes that arebto TOUGH to cry need a reality check ya know what i mean??

Exactly people talk, but when they see reality in front of them , it's always different and God Bless you for that !!

The thought of you being sad makes me even sadder? So lets agree to be happy. Youve always got me in your corner. I promise. Hell call me when you go into labor ill talk you through it or send my twin brother up to hold your hand it wont be me but he looks like me hes in the bronx and greenwich a lot.

That's really sweet of you , and know that I'll be there for you as well . Man it's always hard to find good people but this was like meant to be . And hehe wow , a twin !!

Man I don't even no you and u got me kind-of crying either your really secure guy or I'm just soft my little girl Kayla still has a year until school but I'm dreding it I now see that it's normal I'm thankful for this video thnkz for sharing

Im the prince of Sarrow today my apologizes i didnt mean for you to be upset. As for the secure comment i am indeed a very secure man. Heres the trick you live once, if something comez at you you can stand strong and take it or run but the day comes when a man is forced to either run or stand strong my friend why run? Id rather look in the mirror and know that at the end of the day im a nice person and ill protect someone weaker than me anyday and anytime but inalso know that im a force to be messed with(im not being arrogant I promise i just think a man that acts like he doesnt cry or cant show emotion is fake we all cry its called being human. Stand strong this world has wayyy too many people who will watch and not act with out the will to act your just another one of those people.. Its time for we as a people to lead to many people just watch things and dont act these communities need leaders to create real change the point im making is this if your secure you can change the world and for those of you who dont agree.. You can bloat to someone who gives a f**k. :) thank you for the support. Following ya

Whoa heavy emotions i hope your doing okay

Thank you. You creeped me out a bit at first ill be honest.. But your actually pretty cool ill always upvote you :)

Great job dude. I am happy to see people giving their children a good education and most important moral support.

@tszunami i always apprecaite you thank you for commenting. Im following you now.

Thank you, you wont find quality content tho :D

I wouldnt be so sure. In my opinion good content comes from truth. Even if its sounds rattled keep it real with yourself put it down and youll always have my vote hence the reason i always upvote people who reply.i value people by the words they speak and their actions. :) as long as your honest its good content

that is indeed a wonderfull experience i like to have aswell some day! upvoted!

Respect your emotions but be happy that you are leaving him where he can get proper education,In this world some fathers are not able to afford expenses and they just dream about their children education.

You are right about that and to anyonr who reads this i to hope that you can respect and understand @irfansarder is saying. Thanks for the reply.

oh snap! thank for sharing man - first day of school is an emotional party in my house - Ill post some pics next week...we got 5 days of summer left

Please do post ill follow and check them out thanks for your support

yea buddyyy...build world changers is worth my life #dadlife

This is gold!

i am not a parent but damn i believe being a dad is a great thing

It really is if you try. Look the way i see it is like this i may not change the world and the ways in it, but you can Bet your ass i will be the one to spark the mind of the person or people that will change it.

That feeling is a memory of lifetime :)

I appreciate our brief conversations wish they could be longer!!???!!

yeah sure why not :)

When school just began, there where soldiers, sent by the government, to force families to send kids to school. Kids were dragged by soldiers. They don't teach that in schools - the history of schools...

Well said i actually read about that.. And things about false history teaching horrible stuff the masses arent aware of thanks for the support

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