A fathers rainy day

in #life7 years ago

636080847338225694-ThinkstockPhotos-578812722.jpg I like any other loving parent enjoy the time I get with my kids

Its been a year, four months and two weeks since my three children lived with me full time, when I say full time I mean wake up at thr house with me in it and go to sleep in the same house with me in it. One rainy day in April of 2016 I had a pounding on the door, and to my surprise it was my ex wife who I hadnt seen in some time, she was acting strange,... really strange she had what looked to be a scratch on her chest it was all awkward I just got up from being a wake with my daughter all night since she had an ear infection from 9pm the day before and it begun to calm down at around 9 am the next day so just waking up i was in sleep clothes. When I stepped out to question her she started yelling and loud people looked out there windows and not even 2 minutes later cops were slamming me on the ground claiming i assualted her, (hell i didnt even know what was going on yet) after the cuffs clincked i knew what happened I had been set up and I knew shr was going to take my kids and hit me with a restraining order i had heard about this happening but i didnt believe it, you see being an ex soldier I trusted the legal system to do right so when it happened I replayed the horror stories in my head and I still thought it was all crazy considering Im a firm beliver in nit hitting a woman. However it happened 20 hours later i was released from an overnight lock up and confused, upset and officially served with an ex parte order(restraining order). For two weeksi laid there on the couch lost, literally ripping my hair out crying, screaming I was so use to seeing my kids in their room playing that i had to shut all the doors to convince myself to not think about it. After that two weeks my mind wandered and thats when i stepped into court.

Disclaimer: Depending on the turn out on this post I may write the next few things. The header image is from the missouri fathers rights website. The court image is from me.


You're a super dad and I hope you know that you are a very good man for taking responsibility for your kids , because most men don't want the kids after a split . And what you ex wife did , man I hope she knows Karma is a Bit*h .

Thats really sweet of you. Thanks id reply longer but driving. Im steven. How are ya?

No worries Steven , I'm Farwa . It is a pleasure to meet you. I'm doing good , how are you doing ?

The Pleasure is all mine. Ive noticed youve replied to a lot of my post i appreciate the time your taking to read my material. Hows your pregancy going?

Of course , I like reading it that's why. And it's going , almost there just waiting until the special moment to come by the end of this month . Hope you and your kids are well !

Sorry you went through that, thats not right i have read about scenrios where this has happened.... It isnt right.

Thank you for the response, and i dont wish it on anyone.

nice post sir upvoted

i am sure you will take care of the children in the best possible manner because they mean life to you :) and you are an amazing father for sure there is no doubt about it.

Even though the uv isnt starting out super strong, you may want to write out the rest as much for therapy as for the comments or uvs.
There are people listening!!!

Take care.......and thank you for your service!!

Thank you and i will do that. Thanks a lot

Dear @carterx7
I think the God help you.
Up-voted and resteemed.

The responsibility of kids is very hard, i hope that god help you

Yes it is thanks for. Reading my post

I am very sorry for you man. Noone should lose his kids that way. Ihope evrything turns out good for both you and the kids. I'm praying for you! I a sure you are an awesome dad!

I think you one of better and loving dad in the world my dear friend @carterx7
I respect your loving post...
Your kids are very lucky...bcz...you are their father...
Nice and wonderful loving article..I think your written skill is smart...
Great post...I appreciate your post..
Resteemed with my followers...

Wow i can't imagen what it would feel like. I am a dad myself so i can't realy imagen losing my kids that way. On the other hand i am a strong believer in the system and i hope you can prove you inocence

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