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RE: The Dark Side Of Humanity - Unrecognized And Under Estimated

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hello, I can relate to this post, I have felt this way many times. However what most people don't realise is that their perception of the world is not their perception of the world, it is their schemata's perception of the world which influences how they perceive it.

I have copied the definition of Schema directly from Wikipedia to further elaborate-
"Schema Psychology- In psychology and cognitive science, a schema describes a pattern of thought or behavior that organizes categories of information and the relationships among them. It can also be described as a mental structure of preconceived ideas, a framework representing some aspect of the world, or a system of organizing and perceiving new information. Schemata influence attention and the absorption of new knowledge: people are more likely to notice things that fit into their schema, while re-interpreting contradictions to the schema as exceptions or distorting them to fit. Schemata have a tendency to remain unchanged, even in the face of contradictory information. Schemata can help in understanding the world and the rapidly changing environment. People can organize new perceptions into schemata quickly as most situations do not require complex thought when using schema, since automatic thought is all that is required"
Schema (psychology) - Wikipedia

If this is your view of the world you will seek out and identify with information which supports your concepts. This is subconscious, you can consciously alter your schema, look for the person handing a sandwich to the homeless guy, look for the local charity event in your area and go and observe how many people will give up their time and money with no return for the benefits of others, often strangers, altruistic acts are all around you. Don't focus on the negativity, it is there and it is strong, but so are we :)

All the darkness in the world cant extinguish the light from a single candle.


Yeah, that is really a great explanation to 'How our Mind works' theory. So basically the conclusion is, if we want and we choose to be strong and decide to walk on the road to positivity, then even our own darkness would not be able to stop us. If I conclude it right, that would be the meaning of this information you have provided to me.
And yeah, I am pretty sure that you are right at your perception. Humans do have extra-ordinary skills to compress our feelings and we can use that for compressing our dark emotions.
That is really a good concept, thanks a lot @caronellis for spreading some light on this matter.

I do apologise I have just realised that English may be your second language? I should have explained things a bit better for you, but yes you have understood the meaning of what I was trying to express.
There is positive and negative, or light and dark, good and evil, whatever you want to call it, all around us. We live in a duality. We each have aspects of both inside of us.

Your Schema, or preconceived thoughts and beliefs have lead you to this conclusion - "Now I believe humans are losing their humanity because now no one cares about anyone but himself". This is just not true, but this is what you believe the world is like so your brain will specifically pay attention to anything that confirms this bias, for example, a news story, or a post on social media about some horrible event that has taken place. And it will filter out things which go against your beliefs, so you might skip past any stories of good news as you brain does not draw your attention to it.

This video should help you understand.

Yeah, I watched this video and come to a conclusion that If we train our mind or keep our mind busy for some particular things, say for example the positive things like helping others, showing kindness, then our mind will never go to the negative thoughts. This video helped a lot to understand this whole schema.
But my concern was for whole humanity, most of the people don't have control on their actions and thoughts, and they are more prone to this dark side factor of humanity.
Anyways thanks a lot @caronellis . You have made things more clear.

I know what you mean, it is overwhelming sometimes to realise the state of affairs on this planet and feel so differently about things, and think differently. But shift your focus to finding projects and people who are in control of their thoughts and actions, you will realise there is light at the end of the tunnel :) Great chatting to you.

Yeah, actually I am already on the brighter side of humanity. I just wrote this article to make people aware about the whole situation so that they could at least try to learn the ill effects of having a dark side and develop their good side with more enthusiasm.
And yeah, it's great to have a chat with you too. You really have a good mindset, people should learn things from you. Wish you all the success on Steemit or whatever you're doing. Thank you @caronellis

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