LOVE ! You got your life together and THEN BAM .. your dream Lover enters your life !

in #life6 years ago (edited)



You are on the cusp of fitting all the missing pieces together! And you might just BLOW IT!
It might shock you to know that it could be a spiritual test! Be wise and allow it to help make you and the other person grow to become stronger. We know you do not want to hear that, but if you pay attention to this you might have a relationship that lasts vs fades along with the chemical reactions in your brain when you think it is " True Love " from the start. Be honest. True Love takes time.

First of all are you evenly yoked? Do you have shared beliefs and religion? Be honest with yourself. Yes, it DOES matter. Those things that draw you together may be the very things that separate you later because humans have a tendency to want to change each other when they begin to " settle down to be exclusive. " However, you might learn the hard way to appreciate this advice.


Example of spiritual tests.
Here is a frequent one!

So you think you got it all figured out, but then Satan comes along and gives you a gift just when you are discovering the reality of the returned Messiah ...Coincidence? Is that" gift" is about to make you fall? Do you feel yourself falling? Of course not. You are too intoxicated to realize it! But you have to be wise and examine what is taking place. Take it slow and easy, get to know each other for about 6 months at least before making proclamations that this is " True Love." You then have a chance to see if it was only attraction vs commonalities and the same vision.


Yes, we are talking about the gift of a love that comes in the form of a romantic Love, of lustful form. Yes, Satan can disguise tests as gifts. Can it eventually be real? That depends on what you learn, your will/actions and the other person in the same manner. It will be those actions put forth to build something real or temporary. Decide what you both want and choose wisely.
If it is not the same will as God and each other you are going to have a long hard experience ending in frustration and resentments. Before you know it you will realize your life is also off-kilter because you are worshipping a person and act upon the sake of experiencing that " feel good" high everyone gets in the preliminary stages of most relationships. You find yourself wanting to experience replications of movies scenes, fantasies etc with a person you honestly barely know. Yes, you are under the influence of a chemical love cocktail! When it wears off you got a BIG headache!


True Love endures and is sooo much more than the " honeymoon" phase! If you are responsible and level-headed about it then your partner will respect you more. So take the time to discuss it!

So the question is ... Are you too high from the chemical that makes you think you are "in Love? " to see this truth?
You can be easily blinded and here is why!

Adequate brain levels of testosterone seem important for both human male and female sexual behavior. Norepinephrine and serotonin have a less significant, contributing role through their neuromodulatory effects upon dopamine and oxytocin release in certain pathways.

The only catch is that it is not TRUE Love. It is chemicals.


Then One Thing Leads to Another Thing and the Romeo and Juliet You Once Thought Could NEVER turn on you DOES! That is because reality and real life also require work, applications, focus, individual responsibilities, and so much more than a replicated romantic movie scene. You must be independent, rely on yourself, be responsible, be secure emotionally, physically, financially and more! It is is a huge responsibility if you want it to last~ The key is BOTH. Some people get stuck in the mindset that the other person owes them in some way. That is all wrong. Love is not possession or ownership. If you are not happy with your mate then look inward first. Are you being fair? Are you being loving? Are you judgemental? Do you build each other up? Do you appreciate them, tell them, and express it? Think about all the elements of a lasting relationship. Your looks and skill set in bed may not be enough after 6 months, so do not get too comfortable. There must be a chemistry that works between two people and what keeps that going is the same vision. Be a team! So what do you have in common?

Risk Factors and Examples of Bad OutComes from JUMPING in Too Soon with the Wrong One!
Think again and know when you are being tested. Do not rush, stay focused! It saves you from making very big mistakes. Give it 6 months before proclaiming Love and all that. You really need to put it to the test before saying they are the " one."

Love takes time. It is strong. It is not jealous. It endures. It does not possess. It wants for the other person's happiness and well being as well as your own. Love does not abuse verbally, physically, mentally in any way and it won't demand. Love does not betray, cheat, and deceive. True love is Honest, Open, and Forthright. It is so much more than what we are taught and made to believe yet they do not teach it in school!

Well actually there is something worth viewing and reading here

1 Corinthians 13
13 If I speak in the tongues[a] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast,[b] but do not have love, I gain nothing.

4 Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

8 Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. 11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

13 And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.


Your partner should be your BEST FRIEND!

Read Up on Things Like This and Encourage your Desired Partner to do the Same! At worst you will each learn something valuable.


But above all nothing exists without God. This is why we thank him for the tests, experiences that we are allowed to have so that we may prepare to become stronger people for what and whom we are destined.

If we fail to see GOD and his Son first in all that we do then we are more than likely experiencing some form of inner spiritual turmoil and revealing what is weak within our own armor. Weakness for any kind of relations does not equal love. It just might mean that you are lonely or co-dependent, filling the void of a past trauma or hurt. That is not good for any relationship that you wish to make last long term. You must work on these things to strengthen yourself before considering a long-term relationship. Keep developing your relationship with God and his son first and always, but base it on the TRUTH. The rest then falls into place. There are many false religions out there and some may be 95% on par, but that is still not 100% real truth. Yes, even that 5% can cause you to fall, so think twice before you fall for a comfortable lie of any kind!


More Truth Here

In Service to Lord RayEL, The Returned Messiah who was once known as Yeshua. He teaches what True Love Is!

Sources and Credits
God and his Holy Son
The Messiah Lord RayEl
The Imperial Regent of the Lord Angelus Domini
The Holy Bible
Christ Has Returned YouTube
I do not claim ownership of any pictures, videos or story links.
This is all purely educational and blog
Coincidence such thing!

I did learn my lessons late in life but finally found true Love these past few years..maybe even decades !



I'm glad I was blessed enough to meet someone several years back that has remained as a goal to save and make happy which has kept me away from looking for any kind of relation or intimacy with other people...especially with it being so easy to get a night lady around these parts lol

This is a great article and shows people the truth. I was very lucky that my wife found me when I was not looking. I was actually with someone else that treated me very badly. We have been together for 4 years and still going strong so I know mine is true love because we have been through hell and back again.

For others though, this article shines a light on touchy subjects that must be said if we want the best for someone else. The whole part about the chemicals firing in the brain is very real and does often blind someone. Patience is needed to find out if that person is truly the one vs the chemicals in your brain telling you.

Thank you for this amazing article.

I am very thankful for Mikey, he, unlike my ex, love it when I put GOD and His Son first.

Love is very dynamic for certain! It is not just a feel good feeling. Putting God and His Son first are truely key!

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There is a lot to be learned from this article

All true, The focus needs to be on the returned Christ, LordRayEl and His mission right now!

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