DRUGS for KIDS -- If Your Child Has a Condition Know as "BEING A CHILD" the Answer is DRUGS (Parody)

in #life7 years ago

This video is a Parody about ADHD Drugs and how we are drugging children for simply being children.

Help this video go viral. After a year, it still has only 9,695 views, but I think that every parent and grandparent should see it.

Thank-you Magnet Video Lab for making this awesome video!

Excerpts from the Video ...

"Having a child who is a child can be a real challenge."

"But now, we know we have options, DRUGS! My doctor recommended, DRUGS."

"If your child has trouble focusing on things that are boring ... Drugs may provide relief."


      PLEASE, PLEASE Watch This 2-Minute Video

Posted to youtube on 2016-04-03.

So should we prescribe Psychiatric Drugs for little children?

... or let children play more often?

I hope that is not a difficult question for you to answer.

Let's put it another way -- turn your child into a Drug Addict ... or Let them PLAY a lot more often?

Children who can't sit still in a BORING, irrelevant school class do not have a Drug Deficiency! They should not be given Ritalin or another version of Psychiatric ADDICTIVE Drugs!

Do our children need fixed or are our schools a lot of the problem?

The video mentions the systemic problems with the school system. This is spot on!

Children are not meant to sit for hour and hours in a boring class, not get physical activity, and then have to do hours of homework on top of that!

Children are meant to be curious and explorers. They are meant to play!

For more on our failing school system, see my last post on How Schools FAIL So Many Children -- The "Animal School" Analogy

Now I know that there can be real causes of children being overly hyper. But let's not address these issues with drugs but dig down to find the root cause and a more natural solution.

As the video says,

Giving your child drugs may also distract you from the root causes of your child's focusing issues:

including over-exposure to electronic media, poor diet, lack of exercise, and systemic problems with our educational system.

Top 10 Reactions to ADHD Drugs/Stimulants

image credit

ADHD drugs come with a LONG LIST of side-affects. They are DANGEROUS! They can even kill!

The Video also mentions one more side-affect of DRUGS for KIDS ..

Billions in Revenues for Pharmaceutical Companies ...

ADHD Drugs image source


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This is such BS if ADHD were real I would say every human has it to some degree , it is just another way for big pharma to make more money create a fake problem then sell a solution. I try not to go to the doctor , I do not trust them , they are all trained by the same people who make this BS up. I have found most problems can be solved with diet and exercise, and some added supplements. upvoted and followed

Yes, pharmaceutical companies want to sell more drugs ... and teachers/school want compliant students. So the two work together to shut down the outspoken, active and thinking children.
It's such a shame to do this to our future generation.

My oldest son's teacher diagnosed him with ADHD! I went to the school and asked her what qualifications she had to make medical diagnoses? She was about 22 and didn't look bright enough to teach kindergarten! She called security. I was told that if I didn't put my son on medication, he couldn't come back to school... I pulled all my kids out and homeschooled!!!

I may have been inclined to call their bluff. Are you in Canada or the US, where you go to jail if your kids aren't in their approved cubicle between 7:40-7:44? My 12 yr old would have been all about playing that game. Unfortunately, we just couldn't work homeschooling, so all 3 of our are in the government school. Maybe in another couple years when my wife finishes college, I'll be able to try again w/ the little ones, but we're stuck for now.

Have you started your own blog to document your journey in homeschooling?

I'm in the US and it was a constant fight with CPS! I have a MA so I think that was what saved us. I also taught part time at a local community college while I was working on a book. My school was a lot more difficult than the govt approved ones... my boys were reading Plato & Aristotle at 12!

I expect it was quite a challenge. The GD CPS seems to only ruin good family's lives rather than focusing on the wack jobs murdering kids for their foster care money from the state.
Good in you though, I appreciate you sharing your experience.

Thank you... It was a rewarding experience. It also really opened up my eyes as to how the government really works. I had done my undergrad work in Political Science and it was a profound dichotomy between how govt. works in theory as opposed to in practice!

How ridiculous! Calling security on you?
Good for you for pulling him out and homeschooling!!

I pulled 3 of them out! If you question authority they perceive you as a "threat."

You are the expert on your own children.

Oh my god!!! this is awesome =) i love it

I'm glad that you enjoyed it.
I remembered watching the video about a year ago, and had to search for it for about an hour so that I could post it here on Steemit.
This world can be a pretty crazy place sometimes -- drugging children for simply being children!! Ridiculous.

It's an epidemic. When a kid can't sit still in class because, guess what, school is boring, they're prescribed something or rather. If the kid can sit there focused on a video game for an hour, he doesn't have ADD. Pure bullshit scam. And parents are glad to buy in because that means the drugs will parent their kids, not themselves.

Exactly. A child can focus on whatever the child is actually interested in -- be it a video game or other activity.
The problem isn't focusing (except for a small number of children with actual brain disorders) but rather that the school environment is not appropriate for many if not all children.

another great post. Thanks again for sharing the video and information. Always look for those who benefit from any situation in life and it may give you a different perspective on the way you see things and if I am not mistaken the pharmaceutical industry is one of the most lucrative industries in existence.

Well, the school benefits by getting compliant students who don't question authority or ask questions ... and the pharmaceutical companies make lots and lots of money.
I don't see how the child benefits by being put on such powerful and dangerous drugs.

It's difficult to see something so obvious whilst others around you remain oblivious but when mothers and fathers are allowing their children to be pumped full of chemicals and toxins without asking serious questions, something is not right. Drugs such as ritalin are known to be almost chemically identical to mdma so our corporate enforcement officers are incarcerating and profitting by way of fines those adults who partake in mdma, whilst our general practitioners are prescribing the same thing to our young children. Scary times!!

Yup! Parents are often told that they will have to take their child out of school if they don't drug them. So they reluctantly submit.
Personally I'd rather have a child with no formal education, than a drug addict child who is likely to remain a drug addict as an adult.

I tried to think of a cogent comment to add here, but I am too angry that this is happening to so many children. Maybe I need drugs. Nah.

I know ... sigh.
It is so disgusting how abused the children are, just so that the schools can have compliant non-original thinkers, and for drug company profits.

I want to spam resteem all day long on this post!

Ha ha! I wish you could too!

Such a good post that I shared it to facebook! Thanks a lot! xx

hates homework, is that all it takes these days?lol
great video

Yeah, a pretty sad state of affairs.
And if a child says "no" too often, he becomes labelled "Oppositional Defiant Disorder" (ODD).
And here I was thinking that is simply a child with a strong will who wants to think for himself. But I guess strong wills and thinking for yourself need to be medicated these days.

@canadian-coconut You should win an award!!!

Upvoted, resteemed, and shared!

blush, blush.
Thanks so much Mary.

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