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RE: What Makes Life Meaningful??

in #life6 years ago

I feel like, in today's world, the bottom 3 tiers of Maslow's pyramid which includes:

• Physiological needs – food, oxygen, water, sex
• Safety – shelter, health, avoidance of predators/aggressors
• Love/belonging – community, friends, family, partner

like you've mentioned, are somewhat easily achievable by a lot of people. At least in developed countries. People don't need to go hunt their foods or collect water from wells in America. Sex is literally everywhere and looks and/or money can get you laid in no time. Gyms are becoming more trendy and people are investing on their health more and more. Friends, partners, and a community, despite fake or real, are prioritized more and more from personal lives to professional lives.

Despite all this though,

• Esteem – self acceptance, self-worth, confidence

this is still missing. It's very rare for people to love themselves. Media and societal expectations have hurt us so much that body acceptance and self-worth has gone out the window. Suicide rates are going up daily. Young kids, especially young girls have expectations to look like they're 20 at age 13. There's very little motivation for these youngsters to be capable of doing something, bringing about a change, and making a name.

Luckily, there's more and more acceptance movement all over social media now which is the bread and butter of tons of people it seems like.

Excited to see what you have to say about Self-Actualization! :)


You are correct about Esteem and think it will be the next evolution for the modern day world. You bring up some great points there about the media and youth. We are becoming more aware of this and thus why I think it will start to improve sooner than later.

Just posted my Self-Actualization blog and curious what you have to say on that one. Thanks so much for this top notch comment @cabernet!

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