5 steps towards leading a healthy, positive lifestyle

in #life7 years ago

Today, I want to share 5 habits that I have adapted in my daily life that have helped me stay healthy, positive, and motivated.

1. Exercise

This has been one of the primary reasons behind my self-confidence. Before I started exercising, I kept to myself most of the time. I sought approval from others to determine how my day was going to be. With consistent training and proper nutrition, I started noticing changes quickly. The endorphins floating around in my body not only made me feel good physically but I started seeing changes in my mood as well. I was happier. My self-esteem rose. The more I started lifting and eating right, the more I started noticing gainz 😉 which made me work harder at the gym and eat healthier in the kitchen. The cycle never stopped.

2. Practice expressing gratitude

I can’t stress this enough. Even for the tiniest things in life, show that you are thankful. This is one of the key ways to train your mind into thinking that you are joyful. The universe has an interesting way of giving us more if you show that you appreciate what you’re getting. This might be anything from having a comfortable bed to sleep on to being able to support your family. You can say it out loud to yourself or jot it down in your journal (more on this in tip #5!)

3. Surround yourself with positive people

It's very important to surround yourself with people that complain less and DO more. Don’t get stuck with people that complain about trivial things in life. There’s already stress in your own life so hearing more negativity will only affect your mood, your thoughts, and ultimately your everyday life. Having positive people around you will lead to you hearing encouraging words, thinking positively, and ultimately saying positive things. Instead of hearing your friend talk about their horrible day at work every single day, you get to hear about something small but interesting that happened. Instead of telling your friends how you woke up with a migraine and you already knew the day was ruined, you start telling people how when you went to get coffee, you had the most cheerful barista greet you which just made your day!

4. Eat right

This is soooooo important. There’s plenty of research behind how the right nutrient affects your mood. Eating a healthy nutritious breakfast is bound to fuel you up the right way to start you day. Instead of having something that causes insulin spikes in your blood, instead eat food rich in protein and good fat to avoid that “crashing” feeling. Instead of drinking soda, drink coffee (in moderation) or some tea to keep you alert.

5. Write down your thoughts, goals, and problems

This could be in your journal, on your blog, or on your vision board. Writing down your problems, in a way, frees up space in your head for other more important things. Writing down your goals and actually seeing them makes your subconscious mind aware of what it is that you want to achieve. Instead of just thinking, you will be seeing your goals and what all you can do to achieve them. Writing down your thoughts helps you keep track of all the random ideas you come up with. It’s also fun to go back and see what all you thought of later on. 😉

So there you go, these are top 5 techniques that have worked for me personally to live a physically and mentally healthy lifestyle. Please comment your thoughts and also add some of the ways that have helped YOU grow!

Here are some good articles that discuss in detail, some of the things I mentioned above:
Positive thoughts and people:

Proper Nutrition:

Writing things down:

Robin Sharma has some excellent videos about self-discipline, steps towards reaching your goal, building confidence, and many more!


Damn, you sure that QT in that picture is you?

And I definitely do not do enough of these xD

Haha it's only been a week since you saw me last sir 😅

And I definitely do not do enough of these xD

Maybe you should start then after this inspiring post ;)

Haha it's only been a week since you saw me last sir

A week too long

Ugh, but that is soooooo much work. haha

Been doing random workouts at work to try to keep the blood pumping.

Forgot my soup for lunch :[

facepalm 😐

you are a creep, dude... and this comes from somebody who is trying to Mainstream the word bukkake! OMG!

Hmmmmm, can a BF creep on his GF? I am sure it is possible.

But I would imagine as her BF, I am the only one that really can creep on her. ;]

Not sure about that BF and no, a BF is the last one to do so if he really respects her. I think you're going to lose her soon enough. Sorry for that, she seems to be quite a sunshine.

Ok I think I should end this conversation here. To be clear, yes, he's my BF. We're perfectly happy. Now, let's please focus on the content on my post instead of getting off-topic.

Blissful ignorance. So shall it be.

Great post - Love that picture where your hair is shaping those little hearts :)
I had a great feeling when I saw your intro - That's why I gladly supported it via @welcoming - So far, you have overcome my expectations by far! Keep it up Cab :)

Thank you @theaustrianguy! :D really appreciate your support! :)

The little hearts took some time to make for sure. I did some of those myself while laying down using a mirror. Got help on a few though

Look everyday into STEEM will sure help as well!!

Yess! :) I'm doing tip #5 using steem at times :D

While I knew most of it already it helps reading it again. It reminds me to heed that advice!
Again great post, I am happy to have followed you from the start :)

Thank you @bypaul for the kind words! Glad I could help refresh your memory! :)

Yep... I follow All of these points in my daily life...
I started focusing on self-improvement after I joined Quora.
Steemit is great and you're doing quite well here. I suggest you to join the Quora community too. It'll change your life in unexpected ways for sure.
It doesn't reward you with anything except knowledge but the amount of quality information and help you can find there is unmatched.
Great work @cabernet :)

Thanks @creatovert! :) I used Quora for a bit years ago and then I just kinda drifted apart. I was on reddit for the longest time and now I spend majority of my online time on Steemit :P

good sound advice :) thanks

Glad you liked it!!

All very good steps! These are things we should work on until they become habits.

Glad you thought they were helpful! :)

A well written post...keep them coming; positive and upbeat.

Who put the hair in the heart shape or did you do that yourself in an hour long painful procedure?^^ Anyway, very bukkake as always, I like it a lot;-)

Still weird...... Still can't find bukkake meaning anything else.

It does have some roots in a Japanese word, bukkakeru, which means, "to flood."

But that still doesn't make sense.

Anyway, very bukkake [flooded] as always, I like it a lot

??? While I did plan not to comment, this seems extremely creepy. Like a way to try to be a pervert but simply writing it off as, it means something else, when someone asks you about it.

However, words are just words. ;]

I am trying to meme the word and incept it into the Mainstream with a positive meaning of sprinkly, sparkly, bubbly and generally positive as a compliment.

...and FYI: I just had a major breakthrough in my efforts!!!


I will give you an upvote and follow you - for now.

Why did you have to pick a word that has such a degrading meaning behind it to describe women on steemit? I looked through your comment history and you've used that word in contexts where it has nothing to do with sparkly or bubbly. You've said this in one of your comments: "looks like a lot of Monday bukkake that you have there.." How does bubbly or sparkly work in that sentence? I've also noticed that you ONLY use that word when you're commenting on a female user's post. If you are genuinely trying to use that word to spread "positive" meaning, why not do it for both males AND females? That is VERY inappropriate and I'm quite offended by it. Please don't write that on my posts from now on. Looking at replies from other female users whose posts you've commented on using "bukkake", they don't seem all that pleased seeing that. Please STOP!

Here's a meme for you:


I did with some help towards the end! Thanks! BTW, why do you use the word "bukkake" so often? I don't think it means what you think it means..

Was it him, who helped you? tss...

And why does that matter?

You've asked me to ignore your relationship issues. That is why I won't detail the reasons why it matters.

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