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RE: What do you do when your friend posts a suicide note on facebook?

in #life7 years ago

@stillgideon my deepest condolences for the loss of your friend. It was very sad. I think you made the effort to reach out to him but sometimes people are so empty inside and no matter what you say and do, the only one who could have saved him was himself. Life is very hard and can come at you relentlessly. When everything does hit you at once, it is sometimes too much to take and when you see no future after all that loss, it goes to a deep despair.

Despair is so bad that when someone reaches that level, it is hard to find that one element of light to give you that hope. The pain he must have felt was a deep emptiness within such that it probably was hard for him to want to live.

You did what you had to do and that was to reach out, but it was up to him to reach back. You shouldn't feel any guilt at all. You did what you could. I have a feeling that anything you could have done, wouldn't have been enough.

You must go on and live your life fully . Learn from your friend's situation. Hopefully, none of us will ever get to that level of despair. I hope tomorrow will be a better day. Please take care!


Thanks so much, cabbage. He didn't go through with it. He wrote this:

I'm ok. Just going through a very difficult transition period. Sorry to anyone who was worried last night, and thank you everyone for the kind words. It helped x

And then this:

Life is amazing. You never know what's going to happen.

A happy ending, I hope, and a new beginning.

I am so happy for your friend. I was so sad about this situation because many people have it so hard. You really don't know what to say but things work out for the best. Sometimes you have to reach rock bottom before hitting an "aha" moment. Maybe he will find the happiness that he is looking for and deserves. My thoughts also go you to you. You must have gone through so much.

Please take care and truly embrace this wonderful moment of joy and relief! Thank-you so much for your reply and the excellent news! Have a better day today!!!!! ..... Cabbagepatch :D

Yes, I'm also happy for him that he managed to pull himself out of it and decide to live instead. Yes, sometimes it takes a conscious decision to go on living and really to grasp the gift of life.

I didn’t go through so much as he's not such a close friend - but reconnected through facebook in the last couple of years. .. you know how it is I'm sure .. it did effect me, that period when nobody knew where he was or what he may or may not have done ...

It was the third time in the past several months that friends on Facebook have posted what appear to be suicide notes, which is what caused me to write about it. In all three cases, good friends answered the cry for help and nobody died.

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