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RE: Snout

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I've done my share of smoking. Started with my girlfriend in college when I was 21. She broke my heart :( I hate her, no I don't. The habit lasted longer than her, all the way to my 28th birthday.

I only managed to stop because I was thinking about doing it for a year or two and then I hit gold:

Ridiculously dumb book but it works. Well it did for me, not for my parents.

If you or anyone else needs help I have a pdf or you may download it from pirate bay where it may or may not be available. I don't know, I never downloaded it that way.

On the other hand, I did buy the translation for my parents.

But it went sooooo well with beer :( I wish this stuff doesn't kill. I wonder how pricey would it be then :/


I have actually read this. On eof my early attempts to give up was fuelled quite successfully by this book. I have gone for years at a time without. My devil may care do things for fun approach is what lets me down. You know the voice that always says, oooh this would be a cool time to have a smoke

I listen then think, what the heck I havent smoked in a year, one wont hurt. Boom! NExt minute a pack aday.

I am determined this time to not smoke when I drink. I have instructed all my friends to deny me if I go wild and demand one :O)

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