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RE: Youtube Trying To Be a Mainstream Cable Competitor and Failing

in #life6 years ago

From what I've noticed, it's very difficult to start off on Steemit. However, once you build a base of followers here, it isn't hard to get some income. However, I still say, for those who have no prior following, starting off on steemit is VERY difficult.


Thank you for the reply. Yes, it has been difficult, but then again it could just be my content is boring :-)

The best part about being new is that you have time to experiment with different forms of delivery. Also, sometimes it's about the MARKETING. Trust me, I've written posts for hours that haven't gotten the views that I wanted. However, once I found decent channels to get those posts exposure, I got the votes I needed to get me on the hot page. I'm still experimenting, but for the most part I'm making more than when I started. Still no where near being a whale.

My approach is out of Gary Vaynerchuk's videos. "Put your head down and work for a couple of years, the audience will come". I feel like everytime I complain about the audience, my motivation to continue goes down. Just put in the work, and they'll be there! Good luck!!

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