Do You Really Want to Be Liked?

in #life6 years ago (edited)


"What does being liked really mean? To me, like means similar. Being liked is about being accepted. By fitting in to what a person or a group or a culture, what a society believes is their acceptable conditions, their expectations. It's fitting in to a certain identity, or norm. When, you know, truly at our soul, we're never meant to fit in. The soul does not fit in to a box. We're not concepts either, we're beings, and being liked is essentially fitting in to the concept of playing the role that you're supposed to play to be liked. So, with us a lot growing up as kids, but still to a degree sometimes we'll do things unconsciously just to seek approval - to be liked by someone. I think of being liked as like, looking for facebook likes for what you do.... Why would you settle for being liked? Why don't you be loved? And why don't you be loved by being love? And being love everywhere you go? And you know, you're always gonna be loved because you are love. That's really the essence of what you're made from anyway. So you might as well just be it. You know, some people just might not like you because you won't fit into their expectations because you're love and love cannot fit into a box.

Rumi has a famous verse in a poem that says, "A pen when scribbling along, when it tried to write 'love', it broke." So, it can't fit into a concept. You can't be a concept either when you're love. You're just so rich that it's like all conditioning is irrelevant. And besides, when we love people, we see them for the true essence that they are. And when we are loved, they see us for the true essence of who we are. We truly see them, we're truly seen by them, we experience each other as a soul, not as a concept."

I just love what Adam Siddiq said in his podcast. There's no power in being liked. To try to fit in and to seek the approval of others has no power. You lose your power and water yourself down.

What would it be like if you were to shine your true soul's expression fearlessly and without regard to what other people think about you? What if it became more important to you to be love and to shine your true essence out into this world?

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Yes definitely

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Like me, like me! Oh pleeeease like me! 😂

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