Steemit Pool Meeting - Overcoming Workout Hurdles w/ @jennmcamis (Preventing Steemit Dad Bod)

in #life8 years ago

In some social circles having a dad bod is worse than having AIDS and Ebola at the same time.  Prevention is the key to success in this arena. Working out is tough for a lot of people.  Especially if you don't come from an athletic background a gym environment can be extremely intimidating.  Most people don't know what to do once they get there to reach their goals.  The health of the citizens of the United States is getting worse year by year often times as the result of four things.  

  1. Lack of Exercise
  2. Lack of Sleep
  3. Poor Diet
  4. High Stress Levels

Overcoming these hurdles is very tough.  Here is an open discussion that me and @jennmcamis had covering some of these topics. 

I just want to emphasis how hard it is for everyone to have the motivation to go to the gym and then have the other elements fall into place.  If I workout really well and eat Taco Bell and Wendy's every meal I will most likely still have a dad bod.  If I get 5 hours of sleep every night but eat well and try to workout I will eventually fall to pieces and be really cranky.  Sleep is so important and I'm fortunate enough to typically be able to get more than 10 hours a sleep a night after hard workouts.  I don't wake up to alarms unless something exciting the next day is happening.  My body will naturally wake up when it is time to wake up.  If I get sleepy during the day I will take a nap.  These extended periods of sleep help my body burn through a lot of calories but I'm also getting dehydrated.  

Have you ever thought you look better in the morning?  

You fasted all night and probably didn't drink any water but possibly peed a couple of times during the night.  You also aren't as bloated.  If I sleep 12 hours that is clearly 12 hours of not eating and I will probably get up 3 times during that period of time and pee.  I personally don't drink any water all night.  So yeah I'm going to look more ripped in the morning.  

What Drives You? 

I know it might be weird to say but I find it hard to have the motivation to lift weights unless I'm training for a sport.  I know my body very well and I know what it takes to get back to certain power levels that I have had before and that isn't easy.  It doesn't happen over night and I will be putting myself through a certain level of pain.  You have to understand that lifting weights is a few levels removed from what I'm actually trying to do.  Some of you know from my past blog posts that I have a Track & Field background.  

(Original Workout Screen Capture)

Lifting weighs was only to get strong to throw med-balls and shots far.  

(Original Workout Screen Capture) 

Throwing shots and med-balls far was only to prepare my body to throw the javelin far.  

(Original Competition Photo)  

What I'm trying to say is that standing in front of a mirror doing bicep curls doesn't motivate me.  Lifting weights was never my sport.  

Now some people can be motivated by the premise that they are starting to see results in the mirror.  For me that was just a positive side effect of the training.  

How Can You Find Your Drive?

As @jennmcamis mentioned in the pool meeting, working out in groups is a great way to become more motivated to work out and progress.  I have never been involved with Crossfit but I can see that as being a major advantage to joining a Crossfit gym.  There is a team atmosphere there that encourages people to get through the workout and do better.  

I also think that Meetup groups are a great way to get out there and do something.  There are hiking groups and mountain biking groups.  That way you aren't going out alone and you can pick the level you are willing to participate at.  Here in Arizona I see some of the hiking meetup groups consistently meeting every week to hike certain paths.  That is a great way to meet people and do something active on your skill level.  There are rock climbing groups that go to the climbing gym and even if you have never climbed before they will help you learn from the ground up.  

Ultimately getting around like minded individuals and eventually putting yourself in a competition environment is key.  Playing basketball for 3 hours for me is something I can do but running on a treadmill for 3 hours would bore me to death.  So in the competition of the basketball game I'm burning a lot of calories. That doesn't get boring to me.  

Having Realistic Expectations 

Growing up in the United States or any other part of the world we are bombarded with misleading pictures and information all the time.  The fitness industry can unfortunately be one of the scamiest industries out there.  When I was young I would watch movies like Terminator 2 and want to be like Arnold.  A lot of kids did.  He seemed super human.  The reason is because he was a chemistry experiment.  

(A Roided Up Arnold Schwarzenegger)

Arnold admitted to using steroids but there are a lot of people who are on steroids or other performance enhancing drugs that don't come out and admit it and younger kids get sucked into looking up to them.  To me it is really sad because when you do find out that athletes or someone like Arnold is a product of steroids it is really sole crushing.  

Look at all the people who looked up to Lance Armstrong.  I had a Livestrong bracelet and thought he was the real deal.  When it finally came out he indeed was a drug cheat I just threw that shit away.  Eventually it almost seemed like I couldn't look up to anyone anymore.  

The most aggravating thing to me is that a lot of these body builders on YouTube have huge followings and pretend to be motivational and inspirational and it is very clear that they are on performance enhancing drugs.  Bradley Martyn is suddenly everywhere on YouTube and to be honest it does upset me because of the young kids trying to be like him.  

(Bradley Martyn On Drugs But Won't Admit To It So He Doesn't Lose His Sponsorships)

Often times they can't admit to it because they are getting money from supplement companies or other endorsements.  It is like the industries dirty little secret.  

Bradley's size and physique aren't achievable without the use of drugs.  

Also just because a person isn't "huge" doesn't mean they aren't on drugs.  Look at Lance Armstrong.  The drugs are just making your body recover faster and perform better than you normally would be able to.  So it is amplifying your training and performance for whatever you are training for.  

The same situation of unrealistic expectations happens with women as well.  

(Heavily Modified Female On Magazine Cover)

The level of modification that is done to models who are on the cover of magazines is unbelievable.  It almost gets to the point where the girl doesn't even look real.  Like they are a barbie doll or something.  

Before they take the pictures they have a makeup sprayer that is like a paint gun but it blows makeup.  This gets rid of a lot of blemishes and wrinkles.  After they take the pictures they are heavily Photoshoped.  All blemishes are removed and they oftentimes play with the dimensions of things like the waste or the legs.  


No one really wants an American Dad Bod or an American Mom Bod but it isn't easy to escape for anyone.  It is easier to sit around and watch NetFlix all day.  Our society is kind of set up for you to be soft.  Sitting in a cubicle all day for 8 to 10 hours is a death spiral.  Then you feel too tired to really workout when you get home.  At that point it is just easier to get fast food instead of preparing something.  

I'm not denying that it is tough! 

  1. You have to find a physical activity that excites and interest you.
  2. Working out in groups can be a clearer path to success.
  3. Don't have unrealistic expectations based on people on drugs or who are heavily photoshoped.  
  4. Don't expect amazing results overnight.  Body changes happen slowly and are hard work.  

Thanks for viewing my post!  Follow Jenn @jennmcamis 


Pool meeting, brilliant! Nice work Brian and Jenn. Make me want to hit the gym!

Thanks so much for attending the Pool Meeting! I might hit the the gym as well!

Thanks! The pool meeting concept seems to be popular!

I like the woman next to you, she is very pretty :D

I have full blown accountant-bod. I talk about how it is embarrassing and people can find out where I spend my money at lunch because Steem and Bitcoin are not anonymous.

Oh Shit Steve! Accountant bod is like having Zika, West Nile, Ebola, and AIDS at the same time. But guess what. Since we live in the same city we can go hiking tomorrow!

Really nice writeup and another great steemit pool meeting. I'm glad you have discipline to maintain regular exercise!

Thanks! Sometimes it is tough to keep up with it

when you spend most of your spare time being active on steemit, it's hard to be active anywhere else..

Yeah I was running into that too. To craft these long posts It takes a lot of time. And then you have to pimp the post in the chat room....etc. Time can get away.

I miss squats.

Squats can be rough. I feel that if I don't squats for a month I'm back to square one.

Keeping fit is hard... maybe we should start a Steemit fitness blog? Daily motivational talks from someone like @jennmcamis .

That would be cool!

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