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RE: Have you ever had to Start Over?

in #life6 years ago

Yeah man it is a lot to think about and can be stressful for sure to just figure things out. At least this will give you some time to sort of figure a few things out. I'm pretty blown away with how much you are saying your friends are making being a teacher. My parents used to be teachers and then they switched careers and then ended up going back to teaching for a little bit and the pay wasn't that great at all. Even though they had a little bit of teaching years racked up. Also here in Arizona it isn't very good and last school years the teachers went on strike for a week or two.

When it comes down to the insurance stuff it can get ridiculous. Most of the Obamacare approved plans will cost you a ridiculous amount. One year I paid $2,000 in premiums just to have some shit ball plan that had a $5,500 deductible so good luck with that one. Probably if you worked 10 hours a week you probably wouldn't be offered health insurance. You would probably have to work at least 35 hours per week at least per week.


Yeah the teacher pay thing is so crazy from place to place and I'm sure in my area it's well above average. My cousins teach in the western suburbs which is a more affluent area and pays teachers really well. A few years ago they both got their masters paid for by the school, I believe their school even had the professors come to the school so they didn't even have to leave just stayed an extra hour or two after school each day and for doing that got a huge pay bump. That's a whole different issue to discuss, I believe I've heard that there's almost no increase in effectiveness of teachers or performance of students because of that so in a sense seems like a waste of money to spend god knows how much money to pay for a gym teacher to get their masters degree and then give them a pay bump after you've paid for them to do it, seems kinda dumb to me but that's the system here. The district they teach in is in a city that was voted #1 place to live a couple years back so definitely not typical.

I remember my mom was subbing down in Charleston SC when she was living there and she was making $7.50, minimum wage is $7.25, thats crazy. I realize its just a sub but here in my area I think they make minimum $100 a day I think $150 in some districts, my dad was doing it a little bit this past year, but yeah definitely goes to show the difference between teaching in some states. Chicago public schools offer a program where anyone with a bachelors degree can go through a bootcamp type program for a month during summer, then be mentored by a teacher for a year or two and have a teacher oversee the work your doing and a bunch of tests and you can become a teacher without going through the whole traditional student teaching thing. They start you off at something like 48k which isn't terrible and good benefits but seems like a lot of hoops to jump through. I know some other states however that have teacher shortages, florida and some others come to mind will literally take anyone with a bachelors adegree and many will even pay a downpayment on your house or a year of rent if your your having to relacate, not sure if those programs are still in place but something I was looking into years ago.

As far as insurance yeah seems like not a lot of options. I'll have to look into the plans. In some senses even if its a ripoff, if at some point it covers major issues it may be worth the piecec of mind knowing if I get hit by a car I'm not fucked for life financially but if the plans are that bad it may be worth it just to bank that money and pay out of pocket if necessary. I thought the 10 hours a week was pretty optimistic but I do know a guy who owns a bagel shop and works at jewel I think about 15 hours per week just for the insurance although he has been there forever, not sure how keen they are to hire people these days who just want to work the minimum to collect insurance.

Anyhow, hopefully I should have an agreement about this deal tomororw and then just finalizing the paperwork and having lawyers handle the rest and then a few weeks of winding down and then off to the races. I'll definitely make some content about everything here when my schedule clears up a bit.

I've been a bit distracted and not as engaged in steemit lately but hopefully in the comming weeks as my schedule clears up a bit I can kinda reconnect with you and everyone on here

Yeah that is crazy. One thing I was going to do a long time ago was go through the paperwork to be a substitute teacher here in Arizona but I never actually did it and at various times I wished I would have.

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