Poem Titled - BABYLOOOO - and A Letter Thanking Her for Giving me a Family

in #life6 years ago

As most of you are aware @lynncoyle1 is My Love, My Life, My Being. You see I was set up to me a girl on a blind date and Thank God I am not blind because I fell in love upon seeing her smile that first time. I have never stopped falling in love. It is like everyday is a new blind date. She still gives me goosebumps and when I hold her hand I feel like a King. I wrote this really short Poem just so she knows and never forgets how I feel and when I am gone how I felt every waking hour. The second letter is how I feel about becoming a Step-Dad and my Thanks to her for giving me a family.

A little history first. Upon us finding each other we discovered our love for Ravens and we talked about them forever. Did you know the mate for life and even have funerals. Its a fact.......Also we both love cherry blossom trees and to this day I stop and just love to look at them and her too. Anyway more about this at the end...........I promise......

These Picture is from our winter winery weekend

The smile to end all fears and anger and Pain

Me before the Cancer started to take its toll

This picture made me see that I do not smile much anymore because of the Cancer....Thats stops now

This picture was when I first got cancer

My Babloooo

I can't imagine any greater fear
Than waking up, without you here
All though the sun, would still shine on
My whole world, would all be gone
But not for long

If I had to run, if I had to crawl
If I had to swim a hundred rivers, or climb a thousand walls
Always know that I would find a way, to get to where you are
Because in my heart and soul, there's no place that far

Now a letter to you my love for giving me not just a goddess but a couple of boys to take my reigns when I am gone......

Lynn's boys before I met them

To Lynn

To be a Step-Dad isn't easybut I know the good out weighs the bad. I was not there to hold them as a baby but I am here now and will help and protect them until the day I die. I missed their first steps and missed those poopy diapers and hard nights you faced as a new Mom. they were lucky though as I know you were an amazing mom then as you are now. I never saw the first birthday candle or the first thirteen for that matter but I will guide them and I hope teach them to be respectful, love and care about humanity and the earth. I think I have done that by now. I was shocked as the first time we went out all together how they jumped in the car and said lets go. I said are you kidding me. You see my Father taught me to respect my Mom and all women, I said get your Butt out there and open the door for your Mom. We then talked about respect and I know its caught on by the actions and phone calls. I wish I could turn back time but I realize that no I do not need to do that as I can just be the best Step-Dad and friend they need.
But instead of looking back I will look to the future and be thankful that not only did I find you but you gave me the family I have always wanted.

I live by this moto my love


Some Pictures

Brians 15th Birthday

Patricks Graduation

My Family

One of our businesses --------A family affair

Our youngest as he looks now

Our Oldest with his Girlfriend

Now the best for last. We have been together basically 24/7 since meeting and how My love pulled this off is beyond me. You remember earlier I mentioned our love of ravens and Cherry Blossoms. Well somehow over the span of three weeks and I have no idea what day or when but look at this. My birthday present a bunch of years back

Well Babylooo..........My life is complete because of you and no one but you........I will forever try and watch over you and OUR boys. Protecting you all but from the stars kicking them in the ass to remember there purpose....

Love Forever and Beyond


Well Baby, I truly do not know what to say with this one! We've been through so much together and I know the boys think of you as their father and will never forget you and all that you've taught them. It goes without saying that I will never forget you too.

...you had to put the tattoo pic in there, didn't you? ;) We officially have no secrets anymore haha

I love you forever and always xo

I love that he did that, even though your face probably turned red when you saw it. There's still humor !! I love the pictures. Brian still amazing poetry. I love that you're leaving these little gifts.

And you're absolutely right, any man can be a father but it take a man to be a dad. I love my step-dad I am so glad that my mom found the right person. After 30 years I know he loves me more and would do more for me than my own sperm donor did or cared to. The best part is I count him as a friend too.


haha yes, I looked at him with my mouth hanging open for a few seconds for sure ;) But I do love that he is "leaving these little gifts" all over the place. Check out this little 'surprise' he set up for me! It's a post by someone we met only very recently here!

I know my boys see Brian as a dad and a friend...you obviously understand that all completely!

Aww. I think it's great @edprivat is so willing to this, his music is so peaceful. I guess it's tone :) <3 to you guys and tell Brian to stop tripping on the land sharks. I know they're wiley little suckers.

His music is wonderful...yes, I love the tone of his voice!

hahaha I'll pass that on to Brian :)

This letter will live on forever . It shows heart and character of a loving Man for his family . What a great family . Anyone can be a father , to be a Dad and husband ; you did it buddy :)

Thanks for the Tat picture . I will use that way down the line for some purpose 😈 . It you need an excuse for putting it in the post hit me up I got a ton of them :)

So much love here... I can feel it.
Nice post

This is nothing short of heart wrenching, pleasantly that is. And as always,i can't read this, i can't read of your story as i have thus far known of it, without blinking away.

How do you even live and smile your way through, and love and plan still knowing your situation?

Its amazing. Very. None of my words is enough, but just know i see in your storyline a new perspective to living as opposed to just life!

Like i said in one of my earlier conversations, i think in Lynn's blog, you are putting life into your days rather than the other way around! It is something many do well to remember.

Live on, love on. Let they who now share know it was worth it.

Your love story is such a beauty! I have said this many times to Lynn and I thank you for not being afraid to show the world the love you have for her! If only everyone could share their hearts the way you two do! Much love!

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