Turmoil on African Soil.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

As we all know South Africa is a country of vast cultural diversity, boasting with eleven official languages and the title "The Rainbow Nation", so you can understand that this might add even more friction to the already controversial question on the lips of almost every South-African touched by the current Land Expropriation Without Compensation issue:

Who's The Rightful Heir To South-African Land Being Expropriated?

Currently the South African government is calling for land expropriation without compensation, and this implies taking land currently owned by white farmers without any compensation by force if necessary. The government claims that this would be done with the sole purpose of redistribution the land to previously disadvantaged black people, who claims that the land belongs to them.

Let me start off by giving you a little bit of South African history background on this matter. South Africa was home to the San, Koi and Khoisan people, these were the only indigenous tribes of Southern Africa, they too were a "black" race, they were beautiful people who lived hand in hand with nature, people who were richly saturated with culture and traditions. Sadly these people were brutally murdered tortured and banished from their own land by other invasive black colonist tribes flooding into Southern Africa. These black tribes were the predecessors of the people who are currently insisting on doing exactly the same to the white farmers of this country, whilst claiming that the land belongs to them.

A great deal of land has already been taken back by the South African Government over the past few years, and despite the fact that the farmers who has lost their land were remunerated by government, the sale was still forced upon them. The majority of land that has been taken already can be found barren and fruitless now, no longer holding any commercial or agricultural value, implementation sold, orchards stripped for fire wood and crop fields deserted. This does not give a great deal of inspiration nor hope as to the future of the farms that are in line to be taken next, nor does it leave current farmers with a lot of future options at hand seeing that their will be no remuneration received in order for them to seek out alternate residence.

But certainly that is not the only arising concern regarding this matter, especially if we look at the example set by the neighboring country of Zimbabwe who endured the same process which led to the complete economic collapse of the country while leaving it people famished and in need of world aid with food rations in order to survive. Land expropriation outcomes were a dismal failure for Zimbabwe, as well as for the land that has already been taken from farmers in South Africa.

And this is not even touching the subject of the current farm tortures, rapes and murders occurring daily, forcing the surviving white farmers off their land without being able to sell so that they can cover incurring costs or living expenses.

No Good Can Come of This! Where Is The Rainbow Nation That the Government Claims to Be Striving for While it Encourages Such Racist Acts?


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this is a false rerolled story from the early 80s supporting apartheid.
AP and all the papers and mainstream media covered it then.

it is now not real and been brought out to stir up the republican base to distract from what is happening in the courts.

because AP. Wallstreet Journal, BBC nEWS and New York Times would at least mention it and have commentary in Op-Ed sections.

But they don't. Why? its the same BS as Ted Cruz's Dad meeting Oswald just before the assasination!

Pure trash...

maybe you should check your facts or come say that to survivors of brutal farm tortures or their family members - I have lost so many friends and neighbors in this area in the recent past and have supported many victims - this is a first hand account - so troll all you like, but at least base it on facts and not over-smeared propaganda overlooking the truth due to government and political interests!

It is NOT a false story and you can find at least two South African farmers who are two eye witnesses to what is going on right here on Steemit.
I suggest you read the heart wrenching and personal posts of @breezin & @buckaroo.
There is also plenty of video and other documentary evidence available. I'm happy to direct you to it.

It's obvious you don't live in SA and don't know what you're talking about.
Quick question how could the Op-Ed sections of the AP, Wallstreet Journal, BBC News and NY times report about events that are happening when they don't even speak the language of the people they are allegedly reporting on? How many international journalists can speak Zulu, Xhosa, Sotho, Venda, Twana, Venda, Ndebele etc fluently?

howdy from Texas breezin..I've learned about the crimes against farmers in South Africa from you fellow countrymen @buckaroo and @cryptoandcoffee. It is so disgusting and alarming but thank you for joining in and spreading this important news. resteeming.

Nice to see you here @janton. Supporting all us South Africans! We heard another horrific story today about two women that had unimaginable things done to them. The art and culture minister has released a statement talking about the whites being skinned and massacred "like the Jews". It is horrific and scary

or the family that was attacked the mother was raped tortured and murdered while the dad was tied down and made to watch, after that they crucified their three year old daughter to the table, and four men raped her, she did not die yet so they wrapped her in newspaper and poured gasoline over her and burnt her alive while the father was forced to watch, then they killed the father and had dinner on the same table around the dead bodies.... Fuckin Sickening

While this account is sickening, the story needs to be told. Why don't you & @buckaroo and @cryptoand coffee create posts that are just first hand accounts of what is going on.

That is a great idea - especially seeing that none of us are even in the same parts of South Africa, and that it might show just how wide spread this problem really is!

It is beyond horrific. But according to the idiot that made the propaganda comment it seems like South African whites are all in on the big conspiracy. He must live in Noddy Land with the tooth fairy and santa's elves.

Yes for sure, and I take it that the people who up-voted his comment might live there too - I also noticed he "very selflessly upvoted his own comment with 0.23c - seems like a "really nice guy" (wipes dripping sarcasm from lips)

Well I hope it didn't upset you. Because it upset me. I've been fuming all weekend. Sarcasm isn't good enough for "mr nice guy". Ek wil hom sommer donder. Of bietjie in Soweto los....

Ag sy gat man - hy het geen idee waarvan hy praat nie.

He did not even have the integrity to respond - because he knows that he is so far from the truth that he got lost in Narnia... Just another troll trying to evoke a reaction at the cost of reality, I am sure that he would be singing a different tune if he were to endure these circumstances!

That is evil. EVIL, EVIL, EVIL. Lord send the wrath and fury of Judgment down upon the heads of those that would do such a thing! And to a child nonetheless!! 🤢🤬

It is pure evil - and not at all uncommon in farm killings - I could tell you about similar events that happened until your ears bleed - however I am sure that you get the point

@breezin, I'm adding you to my follow list so I can keep up with the news.

I share the (anonymous) information with a group of friends and correspondents who are all interested in the racial oppression and gun confiscation.

Thank you so much - I am hoping to write another article soon, Thank you for the support!

oh man, this has to stop somehow but those in power are the problem and can't be replaced because they run everything. In some of those areas I guess I'd be selling off equipment if I couldn't sell the land, and then leave.

We just heard; a South African woman living in Texas (maybe your neighbour ;) is telling us that she has been interviewed by Glen Beck who wants her to interview some other South Africans for a documentary

@buckaroo - well if she needs help getting in contact with people to give their first hand accounts - I would be glad to help with that and put her in contact with people from the area

Do you have legal advice? I have the details of the Land Invasion TMPD if you need it?

Otherwise for Vanessa Gouws:
Vanessa Gouws , Texas, VSA +1(214)6750022
▪Het Me Gouws telefonies gekontak.
▪Dit is geverifieer dat sy en Mnr Glenn Beck van The Blaze wel mense soek wat Direk Geaffekteer is deur Plaasaanvalle en Ontwettige Grondbesetting.
▪Sy het genoem dat sy oorval was met WhatsApp boodskappe en op die stadium Direkte Oproepe voorkeur gee, as gevolg van die massa verifikasies wat hul Moet deur sif.

Are you on any of the WA safety groups? My husband seems to be on all of them. Plus Afriforum. Boere Legioen. Suidlanders. I just posted an update (quoted you, I hope you don't mind)

And no - I really do not mind at all!

Ek is huidiglik besig om intekyk op suidlanders - ons het ook reeds lokaale ondersteunings groepe begin, dankie vir daardie inligting - ek sal beslis navolg!

My man se in die interim is die Boere Legion meer geskik vir landelike beveiliging. Maar wanneer totale anargie uitbreek dan gaan Suidlanders ons antwoord wees

Hey there @janton, yes this is certainly something that needs to get more exposure, thank you for showing your support on this matter - it is appreciated very much!!

well howdy there breezin! yes Ma'am this ongoing and unfolding travesty needs to be exposed world-wide so all countries can put sanctions in place at least. I appreciate all you are doing.

Thank you kindly for the support - I really do appreciate it!

yes Ma'am and I admire everything you're doing in getting the word out and your fine blog also. God bless and protect you all!

Thank you so much @janton!

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The conditions of South Africa and India at every point of time seems almost identical.Right from the time of British invasion , and yeah Gandhi being a major factor . We are certainly heading towards something similar.
Hope the conditions go better in both places

I sincerely hope so too!

Thank you for taking the time to read and support this post!

Very well posted. I love reading your post.

Farmers should salt the earth and burn down all buildings they have.

They won't have to. If this program persists, the land will be scorched anyway. Plunder is not compatible with stewardship.

Yes well they will basically be doing that themselves, some of the farms that were taken previously are already left in complete and utter ruin...

This same thing happened during the apartheid era where black south Africans were focused out of their lands into shanties. I would have said that this is justice for the black families that lost their lands and homes, but this is not an eye for an eye situation--shouldn't be. If these lands are not given to the families that owned them or put in good use then there is no need for this exercise.

During times of war the above said did happen, show me a country that did NOT endure that during war, No people were forced of land by government or otherwise during APARTHEID as the word apartheid implies, it simply meant separation between the living and cultural barriers, I am not saying that it was right, I am simply saying that it was certainly not the same circumstances, I would encourage you to read my prior post this focuses on some of the correctional actions that has been taken already in order to breach the inequalities that was formed during that era, also take into account that this land was never theirs nor ours to begin with . But yes this is not in the best interest of anyone!

Apartheid was system of government. I've had discussions and read literature on the effect of apartheid on the the black and coloured communities and the work of the ANC, communist party and other group to counter apartheid in south Africa. so I am fully aware of what it entails.

No people were forced of land by government or otherwise during APARTHEID

I do not agree with this. As there is substantial valid literature that states otherwise.

also take into account that this land was never theirs nor ours to begin with

I do not agree with this statement. The black tribes where the first settlers before the Dutch came and then the English, due to the discovery of diamonds in south Africa which led to a war. Even the Dutch who make up the Afrikaan community fought against oppression from the English.

This system of apartheid continued even after the said war which caused a lot of trouble for south Africa , until 1994, when South Africa had its fist black president, this happened when the white, colored and black communities, after seeing the great injustice of the apartheid decided to kick against it.

However, South Africa has gone past this dark age. South Africa is a divest state and most take into consideration the interest of every sect/community, white, black and colored. I do not know so much about this land issue--heard about it in the news, so I cannot say much, but what I do know is that taking lands and not putting it into any good use is simply unacceptable and will only affect the country's economy

The concluding sentence has said it ALL. Expropriating Landed resources without deploying it to egalitarian productive use sho lf be discouraged and condemned!!

Barring any unforeseen REASON, I do believe the SA Government meant WELL for all.

there is little the government can do in this situation. the people are invading and building shelters already without authorisation. this has led to the killings and rape cases she mentioned. the police should do more in this case of keeping the white minority safe, along with their property as they sort out the land issue

The black tribes were among the first settlers - Yes! And then they took the land by force from the San, Koi and Koisan people and claimed it as their own. Are you taking their suffering and loss into account in this equation? All the wrongdoing and suffering that thy endured at the hands of the black settlers? Or is your opinion just based on the wrongdoing to the black settlers that followed after these horrific events? ALL OF US WERE WRONG! Not only the white settlers - And that is why it is so important to move away from that mentality in stead of repeating history again and again -

Would you not agree that claiming something as your own that never belonged to you is blatant theft? And that doing so by force with the aid of rape murder and torture, is just a vulgar display of power in the sickest possible way?

My statement is that in times of war people were forced off their land - apartheid which directly translates to SEPARATION was a process that forced the separation of cultures and races in every field. The EFFECTSof apartheid were horrible, and as such it is something that we are trying to move away from, however what is currently happening is a lot worse than a mere mirroring of what happened in the past - this unfortunately is the sad truth -So it is also then CLEAR that South Africa has not moved passed this dark age.

You can extend your literature and discussions to include all the facts in stead of just extracting facts that is applicable to strengthening the justification of what is currently happening.

Are you taking their suffering and loss into account in this equation? All the wrongdoing and suffering that thy endured at the hands of the black settlers?

yes, that why I said black tribes. South Africa was originally inhabited by black tribes. we might not be able resolve the issue with the San and Koi people, but something can be done about the uneven distribution of lands which is the major cause of the rift between the black and white communities.

Would you not agree that claiming something as your own that never belonged to you is blatant theft? And that doing so by force with the aid of rape murder and torture, is just a vulgar display of power in the sickest possible way

I agree totally and I do not support this, none of my comments have stated otherwise.

South Africa has a history of hostility and conflict amongst its tribes and until the fundamental issues are resolved this madness will continue.

You can extend your literature and discussions to include all the facts in stead of just extracting facts that is applicable to strengthening the justification of what is currently happening.

I totally refute this statement totally because it implies that I am in support of the horrid things happening in South Africa. I still stand by I said that I will prefer a scenario where there is a equable distribution of South Africa's land and resource. I never said it's okay for white South Africans to be killed all in the name of revenge. That is primitive and I do not subscribe to that, ever!

In your previous reply you said that no one was forced out of their lands, and I felt you were trying to water down the effect of apartheid in South Africa, those where the issues I was addressing, along with the land issue, and I have stated my view already on that issue.

I am merely stating that the black tribes who want to claim the land as their own, are not the same black tribes that the land initially belongs to - they are settlers just like the whites, who invaded this country and forced indigenous tribes off their land.

Thank you for taking the time to comment, wishing you a very blessed day!!

Land Appropriation has been very Controversial as it will continue to be !!

Why?? Land, actually can't be said to belong to Anybody or Group. It is endowed by NATURE for ALL. Thus historical excursions to butress who owns which Land would not be Legally and socially be conclusive.

It behoves the contemporary Government to appropriate Land , Equitably to harbingPEACE among Communities and Development for ALL.

Quite an idealistic viewpoint you have there - sadly natures soil is drenched with blood, and current land expropriation without compensation is not planned with any true peace or community development in mind -


The SA land issue is a hot subject, no wonder it had drawn the opinions of even US President, Donald Trump.

I am going feature this post in the next Xposed Curator's Rebound #55. You may find details about it Xposed Curator's Rebound

My hope is to bring your quality work here the exposure it deserves, and with it, hopefully some additional rewards.

Best wishes, @mirrors

This was recommended by @buckaroo.

Thank you so much @mirrors & @buckaroo!

I really appreciate the fact that you re willing to help this matter get some more exposure!

I’ve been following the story about the removal of white farmers from South Africa and the from other African countries famine and war will follow. I hope everyone can get out safely because I do not see this conflict ending peacefully. I heard Russia is taking in the farmers who are willing to leave.

Hey there, it has been a while since hearing from you, thank you for stopping in and commenting. Yes well this is first hand account, as a white farmer in SA I can tell you that things are certainly not peachy, it is nothing short of a slow genocidal life of fear. Yes Russia is willing to do that at 1.2mil per family - needless to say property markets are not allowing for the sale of farm really - I mean honestly, who will buy now if the government is planning to take it for free? So that leaves very few people with the needed funds to migrate.
Thank you again for the support - appreciated!

FINALLY!! Some more South African Steemit news. This is exceptionally written @breezin. @c-squared and @informationwar may find value in your post. I really hope so. Can you help @lynncoyle1? As a South African farmer it is both heartbreaking and scary watching the rapidly unfolding events. And yet the little international coverage is very warped. Are you also South African or a voice on our behalf?

hey there @buckaroo, I am a farmer in Limpopo South Africa. I have been asked about writing posts about this for a while now, and finally decided to after our farm had been Gazetted by the government (before the clearance of the new act even), but land expropriation is not the only way that they gain land - as stated in this post and the previous post, the perpetual farm tortures and murders also force farmers off of their land without compensation and migrating to start afresh somewhere else is a luxury that only a selected few can afford

@breezin that's terrible! I hear that a big farm has had a restraining order issued against the state. It's heading for court but this madmen don't play by the rules. I have also been asked about writing posts but only recently started. Every one asks why we don't leave. But as you say, that's a luxury few of us can afford.

Such a sad cold reality, and it saddens me that people are so blind towards the truth - masking it with extracts from history to justify their actions!

As if the history - distorted as it is - even begins to justify. It sickens me that so many have that "got what you deserve" mentality. You can dig dark skeletons out of everyone's ancestry if you try. Sorry that you are in the thick of it, and having to contend with inconsiderate and ignorant idiots

Very well put!

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